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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' HOW TO GET THE JOB DONE! (Updated March 22, 2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: J.K.B.
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 12:09 PM
Subject: problems with your site today
Hi Patrick, there are some problems with your site today.  Any time you click on something to read about it it just gives a blank white page or says "cannot find page."  Just thought I'd let you know.
Also, I just thought I'd mention something that I was thinking about.  I have been reading your site for a long time now---since 2001.  It's been eight long years of being let down and finding out that the only ones in the universe who have free will are the darkside.  This will never get done.  I think that's fairly obvious now.  We are trying to work within a system that has been created by the darkside, for the darkside.  What we need is a paradime (not sure how to spell that!) shift.  If we could physically round up all of these miscreants and put them into the already waiting concentration camps until deciding what to do with them, we could have Nesara.  But, how would we differentiate between the darkside people and the light?  Perhaps we could use Kirlian photography to determine the light quotient in every aura and that would also help us to identify the clones.  If you are not of the light then off you go..............I wish it were that simple, and I know it isn't, but couldn't something like this be done?  The status quo will remain utterly in place, as it has for years and years, unless there are REMOVALS.  Why can this not be done?  Obviously, legal means will not do it as the darkside has created the legal system and it is designed to keep the darkside in control.
I am tired of the suffering, I am tired of watching the darkside continue to prosper and I am tired of the inadequate measures being taken.  Why is Patrick Fitzgerald just sitting on this suitcase instead of using it's contents to start REMOVALS? I will tell you why.  If he does the darkside will go after his family because that is how they work.  That is why nothing gets done because no one wants to get their family killed.  They go after the loved ones.  The darkside uses our very love for each other against us.  If Earth humans can't get the job done then why is there not divine intervention to help us get the job done?  I think we need physical, actual intervention instead of spirit guides and extraterrestials sending us messages of hope.  I am tired of the messages of hope and I would like action.  Hope has gotten us exactly nowhere.  Action is what we need and confrontation and separating out light from dark.  My soul is in danger of being permanently damaged or perhaps obliterated by the nuclear dangers here on this planet and I deeply resent that more than words can ever express. We have read over and over that God will not let that happen but we have also read over and over that Nesar is coming and, of course, it's not.  Why would God
risk our very souls?  Why can't the Galactic Federation step in and do this job?  Because they can't interfere with our free will, that's why.  I am so tired of that phrase free will I think that I could die.  It is meaningless here on this sphere to anyone but the darkside.  I will not be coming to any worlds such as this again.  Next time I will be reading the fine print on my life contract and as soon as I see the words "free will" I will run like hell.
J. K B, Ontario, Canada
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  J.K.B., Ontario, Canada
DATE:  March 14, 2009
Dear J. K. B., Ontario, Canada
    Thank you for your letter.  Zionist hackers have been a problem again this morning, but Fourwinds is back on line, thanks to our webmaster.
    You say, "The only ones in the universe, who have freewill are the darkside."  This may seem so, but this statement is not true.  Every souled being on Earth Shan has freewill to choose, no exceptions.  Just because we do not exercise our freewill, does not mean we do not have it.  Things may not be moving forward, as rapidly as we wish, but that does not mean the mission is failing.
    Like you, many feel the Darkside has boxed us in so that we cannot escape.  What we forget is that this is a spiritual battle that can only be won by the power of spirit.  The Darkside is far from stupid.  They are using Satan's demoniac forces, evil spirit and evil entities against us.  They make and program clones to do their bidding, while we shudder at the prospect of martial law and concentration camps.
    We tire of the suffering, of the Darkside prospering, and the failure of the NESARA Mission.  You say, "Why is there not Divine Intervention to help us get the job done?"  You say, "We need physical, actual intervention instead of spirit guides and extraterrestrials sending us messages of hope."     
    My friend, have you not missed the learning of the very soul lessons you came here to learn?  You have the same thought-power within, through your God Spirit and your Mighty I AM Presence to create, as does Creator God Aton of Light.  Have you ordered Divine Intervention against the Darkside?  Have you requested the Angels to help by giving wisdom and courage to the Lightworker and White Knights in charge of the NESARA Mission?  Have you ordered the Forces of Light to re-program the Darkside clones with Light?
    Those physically standing against the demise of the Federal Reserve Bank and preventing the change to a Global gold banking system are clones, Darkside clones.  Those stopping bank packet deliveries and the NESARA public announcements are clones, controlled by the Illuminati.  Who are these "puppets on a string?"  To name a few they are Bush, Sr., Bush, Jr.,  Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Bernanke, Paulson, Geithner, Holder, Greenspan, Kissinger and the Queen
    These clones have no soul and therefore, no freewill.  They are under mind-control and respond like robots.  To re-program Dark clones to Light is simply done by the Forces of Light at our request, and does not involve the Law of Non-intervention of freewill.  Is this not part of our mission to have these clones  re-programmed to the Light and to order the Darkside to stand down?
    You say, "My soul is in danger of being permanently damaged by nuclear."  How so?  You have the power to protect yourself!  Why do you not do so?  Ask for Divine Protection and order it so.  Then believe that you have it, and you do!.  Doubt, and you do not.  It is that simple.  God is not risking our souls.  We are, and we can choose to protect our soul or not.  These are our lesson in soul growth.  If we do not learn them this trip, we will be back to try again.
    You may be tired of the phrase "freewill", but without freewill you would be no different than a robotic clone with absolutely no soul growth.  I guarantee that your next contract will read "freewill-3D" unless you get with the program, now!  Everyone must learn the same lessons to graduate into 5D, again, no exceptions!
    I am not trying to be hard on you. I only wish you to understand your power and how to use it to make good things happen.  After all, you are the one you have been waiting for!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "MC" 
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 3:40 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Implementintation of delivery

 Dear Patrick and Anne

 Thank you for your web site and the information it distributes to so many.

 In contemplating my connection to the future of our Mother Earth and my responsibility toward her and my fellow man, I could see and feel the drag of discouragement that is left in the wake of non-deliverance of packets and the frustration of those who feel helpless to the inevitable desruction that is being foisted on those of us who are striving to make this a better world, yet are being grouped with those of destructive natures and having to participate as a 'whole world family' in the misery 'they' concoct, especially when it comes to the reproach of Divine Authority directed to those of this earth.

 In my contemplation, I noted that to fight against anything comes to little consequence because in doing so one gets pulled into \'their\' games since 'they' are so organized and have considered all avenues of probability, unless our defense is to withdraw any and all support from them, but that is obviously too late now since\'they\' already have all the toys etc.

 The only hope it seemed, was to have the benefit of 'Divine Intervention', and the only way that is to happen is to call on it.  Throughout the history of biblical events, groups that were organized into one mind of thinking and intent were able to call upon the ,Divine\' and have miraculous intervention.  I believe this is why the enemy of righteousness keeps the populace so distracted and disorganized with oppositions.  'They' have a great fear of organized efforts within the ranks of the righteous because they know what organization and pure intent can do for the benefit of a group of people even if they are unrighteous.  'They' are not only organized with an immutable intent, they\' enjoy their accomplishments, which gives them even greater strength of purpose while the subjects of their gleeful intent go around with miserable long faces and wring their hands in distraction, which of course weakens their purpose, and 'they' know it because they've planned it that way all along.  On the other hand, most of us have lost heart!  We\'ve lost spirit and have given and continue to give 'them' our energy!  'They' gladly take it and use it against us.

 Better organization is needed along with the focus of intent!  The Higher Beings of the Lighted Realms have promised us their help when we ask for it.  I know, we've done this before for a little while and have lost faith when it didn\'t happen within a short period of time and we become even more disillusioned.  The enemy of righteosness doesn't ever sleep!  'They' have organized themselves to the nth degree since they have been at it for so long.  And yet, most of us want to forget about our problems, let God or someone else take care of it for us and then want to be awakened when it is over while a few continue to struggle relentlessly for us or in our behalf.  The Bellringers, Casper, Poof, Story etc. to name a few, and there are countless more behind the scenes who have not given up; who refuse to allow this beautiful Mother Shan and her people to be raped and pillaged and eventually destroyed.  These brave souls need all the support we can give them even if it's just to know they are not alone in their endless struggles.

 As fragments of our Prime Creator, we actually have the seed of God planted within us but many have not recognized it or activated it. A good way to activate the God given power within is to exercise it and to expect miracles.  If we can organize even though we are far apart and don't know one another physically, we can merge intent and know one another spiritually.  As a signification of true intent, those who are willing or are healthy enough can put away a day or two and spend it in a fast.  That is to say fasting for two meals; breakfast and lunch for a Sunday and at the conclusion, while in the strength of the fast, celebrate by not only asking for a miracle but as a God-entity who has as yet unrecognized power and the right to use this power, actually command in the name of Esu, Jesus, Sananda to send the Angels of Light to safely guard our intent and allow the packets to be delivered and the NESARA announcement to be made. If one has not the ability to fast for one reason or another' the declaration of a command is greatly appreciated. The most significant part of the intent is in the KNOWING that with the power of participation and strangth of numbers who have this same KNOWING, that the subject of our intention WILL HAPPEN. This command can be sealed with "Aho, it is done, thank you".

 If there is individual waivering, just remember those who selflessly struggle day after day and year after year in your behalf, and remember, the longer the intent is carried, the stronger it becomes and the more the individual strength can be brought in to participate.  So, don\'t give up, and if not this Sunday, then the next until it is announced.  If that is not often enough, a Wednesday can be brought in.  But it can be done Sunday after Snday and Wednesday after Wednesday or both until it is accomplished, and IT WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED.  After that, there are many other things that can be worked on with  united intent.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  MC
DATE:  March 14, 2009
Dear MC:
    Thank you for your insight.  I would say that we are on the same "wave length".  I just wrote this above response to J.K.B., and you have similar thoughts.
    This is a spiritual battle, and we must use our "spiritual tools" to win.  In addition we must order Divine help when appropriate.  May many respond to this challenge.  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 2.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: MA (Philippines)
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 7:40 PM
Subject: A response to: 'HELLO, CENTRAL!' HOW TO GET THE JOB DONE!

Dear Anne and Patrick,

Greetings of  love and light. I am an awakening Lightworker, who has been aware of my “difference”, and started my search for truth since I was a young girl who looked at the stars at night and knew that there must be “someone out there” looking back at me. But I have been born under very difficult life circumstances in an Asian country which has been ruled by tyrant after tyrant, all puppets of the imperialist US.

Not surprisingly, I have spent my life working for change since my youth and have foregone what could have been a materially rewarding life because I continue to work with the poor. (I have a good education but I do not work with the Establishment)

Up to the present when I am in my early 50’s, a mother of 6 children (looks like they are all indigo), I continue my work for social change as a “development worker” focusing on peace work in my conflict ridden country.  Things have been very challenging, and the battle with the darkside has defeated my husband (temporarily I hope), who abandoned us a few years back. Still I continue my struggle.  My spirit cannot be defeated, especially when I discovered your site sometime 2004. It took a number of years, and up to now, I lack the time, can’t even print out the Phoenix Journals for lack of resources, but I strive to read them chapter by chapter, often late in the night.  So finally I have re-discovered God Aton and I know that I am coming home at last.

But the battle continues and makes me weary. My projects are good and the darkside-controlled donor agencies of course do not support these kinds of projects. My children may not be in outright physical danger from darkside attack (for now), but we have experienced going without food.

In the morning when I wake up, I open your website and watch out for every message. They give me the spiritual strength to keep on going.

I  lead a small group of peace and development workers here in my country with an increasing international network, which is operating on a shoestring budget, sometimes none at all.  I do not know how NESARA will affect me directly.Still I do join all the Lightworkers of the world in declaring that NESARA is done and we have won !

May I also ask that your readers (if you publish this) send me and my organization the light of peace and abundance so that I continue to find the strength to pray and work for peace in our lonely outpost here in this corner of the world, where darkness still reigns.

Thank you, Anne and Patrick for your inspiring work,

ML (Philippines)


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  MA
DATE:  March 14, 2009
Dear MA (Philippines)
    Thank you for your letter and kind words.  We honor you for being a mother, and for dedicating so many years of your life to helping others and efforting to bring peace to your country.  You demonstrate the four great Virtues of Wisdom, Courage, Fortitude and Generosity.
    We send to you and your group of peace and development workers the helping and healing Angels to renew your strength and to heal your bodies, minds and spirits.  We send to you the Light of Love and Peace and Abundance in over-flowing amount.  May you all be greatly blessed for your service to the least among us.
    Anne and I are humbled to know that we have been of service to you by providing access to the Phoenix Journals.  Be in hope and joy!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
3.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: K&SW (Canada)
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 7:42 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

"Hello, Central" RE: How to get the job done.

 What a great idea!  Every Sunday and Wedneaday for Breakfast and Lunch we will fast. Then we WILL ask for intervention to get NESARA done and drive the evil (darkside) out.

 We have only been on your site since August, 2008 but have learned so much and been enlightened by all the information from the few journals we have had time to read.  We are on #47 of the first ones to read.  I hope I will have more time to learn everything we need to know to get aboard the ship but are very confident.

 Thank you so much for all the questions you answer for so many.  This in itself is so very informative and understandable.

 Thank you again and we are with you all every day and especially on Sundays (starting tomorrow)and Wednesdays.

 We are from Canada and we feel lots of pain for the Americans.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  K&SW (Canada)
DATE:  March 14, 2009
Dear K&SW (Canada):
    Thank you for your letter and your support of the NESARA Mission.  We appreciate knowing that the Phoenix Journals and our work at Fourwinds have been of help to you.  May you be greatly blessed in your work as Lightworkers in your country.
    Gradually, some Americans are waking to Truth, but it has been such a long road to bring freedom again to this once great nation.  We petition Creator God Aton and the Forces of Light to assist us in establishing the Republic again.  We appreciate your petitions and positive energy for the NESARA Mission.  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 4.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: MU
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 12:07 PM
Subject: Fw: Save America
Good morning Anne and Patrick,
I just finished listening and watching the attached message about Saving America and I do not recall seeing it anywhere else before, so I wanted to share with you.

Every day I check with fourwinds for messages of encouragement and the world news which is often the opposite, but it is good to be "in the know". The message posted March 14th on

"How to Get the Job Done" I plan to join in with those in fasting on Wednesday and Sunday and asking for intervention to get NESARA done and drive the darkside out.

Your paragraph about having the thought-power within through God Spirit and the Mighty I AM Presence to create as does Creator God Aton of Light has been copied and placed at the mirror

where I see each morning as I get ready for the day. It is a reminder to request the Angels of Light to help by giving wisdom and courage to the Light worker and White Knights in charge of the NESARA Mission. What a miracle it would be to know the Darkside clones had been re-programmed to the Light by the Forces of Light! For this to happen I will join in with the rest of the world by requesting these clones to be re-programmed by the Light.

Love and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  MU
DATE:  March 15, 2009
Dear MU
    We shall re-post Thomas Payne's video, Second American Revolution.  As you know, postings on our Homepage move quickly into the archive, as new articles are posted.
    Thank you for your assistance in "Getting the Job Done"  We have the power to save America from the Darkside!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
NOTE from PHB:  The Second American Revolution  video has been re-posted on Fourwinds at: 
5.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: J4
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:59 AM
Subject: Get the job done!
Hello Patrick,
Every souled being on Earth Shan has freewill to choose, no exceptions.  Just because we do not exercise our freewill, does not mean we do not have it. <<
As you have written above, yes we all do have 'freewill' but to keep it in perspective, having something and not knowing about it is simular to NESARA and the Prosperity Programs waiting in the wings and of course the many honorable knights working tirelessly and very very few not having a clue about any of this! 
 Folks can not possibly use 'freewill' if they don't know about the power.  The Empire directors are very clever and as it seems, possess an advantage over the majority because they have the knowledge, tools and craftiness......what do we have?   The old mushroom story??  We can't even demand a level playing field because everyone believes
"This IS what it is" due to the Empires advantages.  Let me even clarify that:  The people don't even know that there is an empire!  The people believe that the we all are in this together and continually strive to go downhill into the pit as planned by the darkside.  Somehow someway, we need to be informed about the true circumstances if we are ever going to utilize our freewill and begin to stand against this evil force and begin to do the right thing.  Currently without the level playing field.....we are just the empires patsies.
Thank you for correcting us when needed and helping those that want to learn to accomplish their goals!
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  J4
DATE:  March 16, 2009
Dear J4:
    You say "we are just the empires patsies".  How so?  That is 3D thinking!  You must understand that we are spiritual beings here and now having a physical experience.  As spiritual beings, we are more than a worm or a rabbit.  We have access to the very power that created the worm, the rabbit and those, who run the Empire.
    Our problem is that we, who know of our power, do not use it.  One enlightened person can neutralize the negativity of a million people.  It does not take the whole world to awaken to stop the Empire!
    You focus on the physical world that the Empire controls.  In that sense we do not have a level playing field, but from the spiritual perspective we have the advantage by far.  Not everyone is a souled being and not every souled being will awaken to Truth this trip.  Therefore, it is the responsibility of us, who have awakened to use our power through our God Spirit and our mighty I AM Presence to defeat the Empire.  We accomplish nothing sitting around twitting our thumbs and complaining about everyone else.  We are not responsible for them, but for ourselves and our mission.  A few of us can turn the tide in this spiritual battle, if we but choose to do so.  These are our lessons, my friend.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
6.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: MC
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 11:08 PM
Subject: How to get the job done
Dear Patrick and Anne
Thank you for your help and encouragement.
The most recent report from Casper is very encouraging to say the least.  However, it seems we have been so very close to deliveries before and this seems to be familiar territory.  Everyone is beginning to get excited and this report will trigger happy thoughts of finally realizing our dreams.  Others will be wary of getting excited because they don't want to see or hear that the deliveries have been stopped by this administration or the last or their cohorts. 
Let us take just a moment and consider the great Higher Realms and the anticipation that must be going on there.  Also the anticipation and excitement that is sure to be building on the countless Star Ships that are at this moment surrounding this planet.  Do you suppose that all the friends, relatives and Beloved Beings from these Higher Dimensions are watching us very closely and are getting excited about the success of the deliveries that will open up many other possibilities to us such as First Contact?  Do you also suppose that they are waiting to celebrate with us, or maybe even party with us on their side?  The thought feels good.
Let us not lose this one; let's help push it clear over the top!!
It seems that in the beginning, before Prime Creator created us or the universe or anything else, He created without a body or hands.  How was the universe created?  We were there as intelligent aspects of Prime Creator and participated in these creations.  Everything begins with concentration of thought since nothing is created that was not thought of first.  We have all used 'thought' to create with at one time or another, but over the eons of having our slates wiped clean between lives, we have forgotten how to use thought to create, yet, most of us can remember how to intuitively use this magnificent tool.  The wonderful Beings that watch over us could take care of our problems very quickly and easily but they have promised to allow us our own free agency  so that we would be able to earn our own glory without interference.  And God can't break His own laws.
In exercising our own power at this crucial time, whether using fasting, prayer, imagery, feelings, commands or all together, please find some quiet time within the next few days, each day to exercise those basic God Given Powers within to help this delivery and announcement come to fruition.  See with your mind's eye and feel the excitement of all those concerned on the other dimensions and on this one.  Visualize those Beautiful Beings in these Realms and the Light Workers watching over and protecting all the Light Workers and White Knights who have worked so diligently in this dimension and in all dimensions.  Command, in the name of Isu, Jesus, Sananda that all will be protected from those of the Dark Side who desire to destroy the Light, the deliveries, the Constitution and the lives of us and Mother Earth.  Especially feel and see the fruition of the whole grand episode and all the wonderful things that can be done with the resultant deliveries that are to be used to help usher in a new and beautiful era of advancement for our beloved Shan.  See you all on the other side of this.
Aho, it is done, Thank you.
 7.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: J4
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 10:24 AM
Subject: Subject: Get the job done!
Subject: Get the job done!
Hello Patrick,

I have been persuing our goals with every means available both spiritually and 3D for many years.

If the souled people could only have just a smidgen of their circumstances.....I believe that we all could wrap this mess up before the weekend. To get them to see clearly in 3D would require something that I am not familiar with. It is a shame that the 3D has to pass in order to relieve ourspirits of the horrible ones. It usually builds a stronger spirit when one experiences difficulties and finally finds that little crack that they can pull thru to continue with the 3D life. I still feel that stronger more vibrant spirits later would result from acknowledging and overcoming the ones holding us back now in 3D.

Thank you so much for the previous reply and with every letter the help with our pursuits.


8.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JKB
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 3:25 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hi Patrick, I replied again to your reply to my email that you entitled "How to get the job done."

 So far you have not replied but I think that\'s because I signed my name differently.  I forgot that the first time I had signed it J K. B  (JKB) and the next time I signed it "J" which may have confused you.  I just thought I'd mention that and was wondering if you have thought out a reply because I would value your input on these questions which plag me.  Thanks, JKB

(Letter from JKB of March 16, 2009)
----- Original Message -----
From: JKB
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: problems with your site today
Hi Patrick, thank you very much for your thoughtful response to the previous email.
Part of what I meant by the freewill thing is that we are limited by money in what we can or cannot do.  For example, I'd love to travel but I don't have money.  I'd love to have new windows so I don't have drafts in my house and I can't have them because I don't have money.  I can't help my children a little bit because I don't have money.  Without money, you can't move in this world.  Sure, I can go into hawk up to my eyeballs to get an education, go to school for some torturous years, have a degree and make lots of money.  Then, of course, I won't have time to travel.  In this world you can't have money or time at the same time.  I kind of laugh at the notion of free will here on this planet because it is not what I understand free will to be at all.  We are faced with limitation in our actions because of money every day.  You say that we all have free will but I am saying that that kind of free will is basically meaningless to me.  I need another kind of freewill, one where my movements and actions are restricted by nothing.
As for praying for divine intervention against the darkside, I used to do that all of the time but there were consequences to that so I had to stop and reserve my prayers for my family and loved ones.  You see, as soon as I pray for the good of the whole world, or the light workers, or Patrick Fitzgerald or anyone working to get this done, then a torrent of darkside fury is unleashed not upon me, but upon my children and parents.  This is not my imagination.  I am fifty years old and it took until about age forty-five for me to notice a pattern that occurred whenever I prayed "the bigger prayers."  No sooner would these prayers be out of my mouth when accidents and terrifying paranormal events would happen to my beloved people and so now I don't pray in that way anymore.  Who am I to unleash that torrent upon my loved ones?  Do you see what the darkside does?   It uses our very love for each other against us.  Because I love my family, I will not pray the bigger prayers and have terrible things go on anymore. The darkside does not always go after you, it goes after your loved ones because that hurts more.  I am tired of it.  Just tired.
As for protection against nuclear mishaps, are you saying that if the darkside manages to nuclearize the entire world (as they are trying to do) that the world could blow up but anyone praying for protection would be thrown free and be miraculously unscathed?  Or, not thrown free, but still their soul miraculously unscathed? You said that God is not risking our souls, that we are.  No, it is the darkside risking our lives and we don't seem to be able to find the way to stop it. 
I guess I should stop thinking so much for a time and just trust in the process and I will try to do that.  I appreciate the way you always answer my emails and try to help me understand.  I'm just having a hard time with the un-speakable evil here on this world and I wish there was a better learning tool than suffering......... 
Thanks Patrick.
JKB :)
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  JKB
DATE:  March 18, 2009
Dear JKB:
    Thank you for your clarification.
    I do not know your life contract with Creator God Aton.  Having lack of money may be part of your lessons in soul growth.  There are limits in 3D, and not until you have learned your lessons and have earned the right to graduate into 5D will you be "free".
    You need only ask for Divine Protection once.  Then you must believe that you have it.  If you are not sincere about your request, or if you doubt that you have such protection, you do not.  You cannot order God around.  Those life contracts that your family members have may allow for negative experiences for their own soul growth lessons.  All your prayers will not change that.
    Everything happens for a reason, and many times we cannot know these reasons for another person.  We are responsible only for our own lessons.  Others must ask for their own Divine Protection, though our prayers can neutralize much negative energy for them.
    We have the power within to neutralize all the power of the Darkside, if we but use it.  Light always conquers Darkness.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
9.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: MC
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 12:14 PM
Subject: How to get the job done
How to get the job done.
Dear Patrick and Anne
The  enthusiasm for "getting the job done" has been overshadowed by comments of those having a lack of self assuredness.  The bombardment of current reports of news and reports is enough to frighten the best of character in any spirituality seeking human being.  Although these current updates of where the world is headed is extremely important to our needed education in knowing how the enemy works and what we're up against as a nation and as a child of Heavenly parents, the whole scenario is overwhelmingly deterrent in the best of those who are actively exercising their spiritual strength in the cause of a better world.
The people need to understand without a doubt that even though the strength of the enemy is overwhelming, the strength of The Creator or Creation, and the strength within them is far more powerful than anything yet conceived.  And since all issues need to be scrutinized in a positive manner, perhaps this is to allow us to recognize that there are more people needed to awaken and bring about a greater ascension process.  There are those who need to find out who they really are and how truly powerful they are as an aspect of The Creation.  The old adage is true about the best place to hide a secret is deep within the heart because people will be so busy looking outside themselves for the secret to their strength and to all other questions and answers. 
One of the problems of the moment and surely one predominant in the ''Last Days" is the fear in men's hearts and the weakness this fear leaves in its wake since we all know that we most assuredly attract that, that we most fear.  This is not a time to fear the enemy of righteousness; it is a time to understand your own majesty and what it can do for you and the world.  We are stuck in this third dimension because of our fear, among other things.  Learn what it is and have it turned into an even greater strength and understanding.  The best way is to go within and magnify and then listen to the 'Light Within'.  However if there is a need for outside strength and encouragement to show the way I would highly recommend some strengthening reading which includes the Phoenix Journals and extends to some other fun books.  "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks comes to mind as a good book.  " The Silva Method" by Jose Silva is good for learning different aspects of One's personality.  There are so many written for this benefit.  "A Cry From Tomorrow" by Marnie B.Cashe, written in novel form to express things that might otherwise attract trouble (my own).
The point being that now is not the time to focus on fear but to learn of the enemy of righteousness and also learn how to outsmart or overcome them.  We can't give up now, it's too close to the wire for vacillation.  May God give us the strength within to overcome the enemy.
Love and Light to all
----- Original Message -----
From: FM
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: "Two or More."
Hello Patrick and Anne,
While reading the updated material about "How To Get The Job Done," MC wrote "the only way it seemed was/is to have "Devine Intervention."
As I read that, what popped into my head were Sananda's words "When Two Or More Are Gathered In My Name"
in regards to receiving what is asked for.  Strength in number.
Why not everyone do just that.  Gather family, or a few friends and ask for Sananda's help in bringing forth NESARA and peace on Earth.
It can be done as often as ones can get together, or a weekly prayer. "Two or More."  That shouldn't be difficult to get together.
Surely we do need his help.  Sananda's words are as "good as gold," (as are God Aton's).
Let's do it!
In Love and Light,