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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: SK
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 9:43 AM
Subject: What is Mother Earth Shan Waiting For!!!

Hi Patrick,

Thank you for all the support and dedication in bringing the truth to all of us. It's our only hope in these last end times.Sorry to disturb you as you will be busy with your schedule. I had a question,we have passed the 25 year mark for Earth Shan to enter into the 5th dimension,around 2 years back,that is Dec 2006,then what is Earth Shan waiting for. Is she waiting for Nesara to be implemented,otherwise I don't find a logical reason why she should be waiting for the last 2 years on overtime. I believe in Nesara,but I really don't think so that it would be a possibility for the same to be implemented in 3d. We have all seen enough,the darkside will never allow it,they have blocked it,are blocking it or will continue to block,I'm not spreading a negative viewpoint here, just stating a fact. It's said that this is a freewill planet,what's true is that only a single person,that is the president of united states has something called freewill,whereas others don't. He stops Nesara, implements whatever evil zoinist laws,plunges the world into total despair and suffering. One man,one man does this all and we consider that this is a freewill planet where everybody's got his own freewill to manifest. We have casper updates everyday,stating only onething,"deliveries have againg be blocked by the president,we expect deliveries tommorrow" and this has been going on for atleast 8-9 years now. I'm not stating that casper is wrong,he is giving us facts, but where is all this leading to,nowhere. The delays have only multiplied people's suffering. If we sit and wait for the implementation of Nesara, we will just be waiting until the whole population is wiped out by the darkness. Yes that is what is happening. I don't understand why so much emphasis is layed on the implementation of nesara,the phoenix journals never state that nesara should get implemented before planetary evacuation to assist mother earth to enter 5th dimension, it's not at all a pre-requisite to be met. I'm in favour of evacuation and earth shan's decision to role over,rather than envisioning a fairy tale about uncle Obama or the darkside suddenly turning to light and allowing nesara to be implemented out of blue and thus bring balance to everything. We had enough of Nesara, now the only logical thing to be emphasised upon is to petition Shan to role over and start her cleansing, because the darkside can only stop nesara,but they cannot stop Earth Shan from doing a pole shift, and my very own perspective that's the only thing that is practical. I am not against Nesara, I'm only against the delays which is making things worse,recession has hit,many lost jobs,homes,peace of mind,it won't be long if this continues, that there will be worldwide starvation and death. We need to act before this happens,atleast our planet should act immediately. I would love to have your view on this,love and light to you and anne,many thanks!!!!

- SK

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SK
DATE:  March 12, 2009
Dear SK:
    Thank you for your letter.  I fully understand your point of view, as Anne and I have struggled with these same questions.
    We know that lessons in soul growth are still in process and that sorting out by their choice, those of the Dark and of the Light is happening, for all must choose.  There is no gray area, no middle ground.  This has been a long and difficult journey and the Lightworkers need closure.  Thus, it would be helpful to bring NESARA into play.
    The Darkside needs to know definitely that they have lost.  Funding of these programs and the implementation of NESARA would mean their total defeat.  Is Shan waiting for this closure to occur?  We believe she is not.  In retrospect we will know!
    This holodeck illusion can be stopped at any moment, as NESARA is certainly not essential for Shan's cleansing mode to being.  By raising these questions we are not against NESARA.  We are only trying to sort out how the play ends.  With our infinite minds we may fathom the Mind of Shan, of Creator God Aton to know the future, but the question remains.  Do we have the Wisdom to do so?
    There are reasons for all that happens and lessons to be learned, be it war, starvation, loss of jobs or homes.  The "why" of such is most difficult to answer.  Is this what others or we agreed to experience?  Is this the result of human error or bad choices that was not planned in the great scheme of things?  Regardless, we have our God Spirit within to guide us and to teach us and to protect us in our journey.
    Will we have funding and NESARA or will Earth Shan tip or her axis first?  I do not know!  I have great hope and excitement in these times, for I know that regardless of how this journey ends, Goodness prevails, and I know the journey is not long.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer