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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JM
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 5:11 PM
Subject: Hello :) question: Twin flames
Hey Patrick, I've written to you before, and thanks for your encouragement :) I've been emerging a lot and feel more and more myself as we move along this journey.. I have questions all the time, some of the questions are too abstract to ask, some are answered for me in the mysterious ways, or the answer finds me on the occasion.

Something I've been wondering, and many others I know as well: If our soul has a male and female counterpart (not meaning physically male/female) here in the physical, do most of us have soul-mates (twin flames) in this plane? Or specifically, on Earth at this time? I have heard of someone saying that our twin-flames can sometimes be 'on the other side', in the higher forms of consciousness from which we came, or on distant planets or stars which we came from.

In order to complete the 'Ascension' does one have to find their twin flame? I think it is probable that it wouldn't matter if you were even conscious of your twin flame, because we are always together it is just that we are experiencing the illusion of a separation.. So with all that said, curiousity lingers and I'd love to hear your perspective on this matter.

I am very much looking forward to that time when I finally recall my true identity. I feel that more and more of it is being revealed as I try my best to BE THE LIGHT that I AM in this world and to share the flame.

It's just the most natural feeling, of 'Re-Mergence' and communion. Slowly and almost unnoticable.

I suppose on a personal note, a reason this question lingers so for me, is that in the last couple years I've experienced somewhat confusing feelings in the matter of relationships -- a lot of the time I can almost bring myself to completely be in love with someone, whether they are male/female, when I feel a surge of a 'soul-connection'. Even in some instances someone I just met. I don't know how to describe my approach to relationships because I feel that I am in Love with everyone! and I want to be in love with everyone! haha... it's interesting.

Another thing, is that I've had dreams in the past where I think I meet my 'twin flame' or a counterpart of my soul, like a long-lost friend or a long-awaited reunion, and when I wake up I'd feel homesick, or sometimes energized and loving yet still a bit homesick.. interesting :)

Thank you for reading this, I know you must be really busy. Sending you Love-Light & grounding energies!

Joshua Orazio

P.s. I HIGHLY suggest you read Ken Carey's books if you haven't already, The Starseed Transmissions & Return of the Bird Tribe were a blessing, I am currently going to read The Third Millenium: Living in the Posthistoric World and eventually his other works.. :) They are a wonderful and revitalizing books.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JM
DATE:  March 5, 2009
Dear JM:
    Thank you for writing.  I apologize for the lateness of my response.  Our soul mates are not the same as twin flames.  We returned to this 3D experience usually as a group of souls, such as our family, or friends.  Should these souls awaken to Truth, they become our soul mates.  A twin flame is a soul you have been with in past lifestreams, as husband and wife as one soul essence.  Twin flames come from a single soul that Creator Source divided into two souls.    Your twin flame may have returned with you to your present 3D experience or have gone elsewhere on another mission.  At some point you will find each other again.  No, you do not have to find your twin flame to graduate to a higher dimension.
    Each souled being has a aura or electrical magnetic force field that surrounds one, created by our electric body.  The energy of the aura manifests in frequencies based on our negative or positive energies.  We are repelled by people with auras that do not match our frequencies and attracted by those that more closely match our frequencies.  You may be misinterpreting this attraction, as a physical love sensation.  At a soul level we are all one, and we are attracted to those, who like us, have achieved a similar level of soul growth.  Use discernment to know wisdom in all your relationships.  We have many lessons to learn, and we are to love everyone, but not necessarily what they do.
    In our soul essence the male/female energies are balanced, but we choose which expression we wish to experience before returning to the physical 3D world.  During our sleep state we go aboard ship, travel, meet our Star Friends and do much study and work.  Awakening from our sleep/dream state we may recall bits and pieces of these experiences in the Higher Dimensions.  Because our life here in 3D is really a "holodeck" experience, and reality is the Higher Dimensions, where is our home in the stars, we may feel lonely and have a "tug" of our heart strings of wanting to go home.
    See you aboard ship----soon!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer