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Patrick H. Bellitner

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From: AM
To: 'Bellringer'
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 2:30 PM

Dear Patrick;

when I was a child, being raised in a catholic country, I was told that God was some incredible powerful entity up there in the heaven which laws had to be obeyed otherwise, we would have been severely punished, , someone to be worship but also be feared and that one day He would have judged  all humans and that the “good” people would go forever to heaven while “bad ones”, would burn forever in the flames of hell. Not to mention the hundreds other nonsense and lies that the catholic church especially here in Italy was and is telling.

Thanks to the Phoenix Journals, I finally discovered the real truth.

Reading them I realize that God is like a friend ( sometimes tough, but truth is very often tough ),to whom you can talk and ask for advice and the most incredible thing is that He answers you with the right thing for you ! I discovered that Sananda has come back to once again bring us the truth to help us to graduate for the forthcoming transition. Not to forget all the other ascended masters with their teachings.

Today, I don’t see God or Jesus anymore like somebody unaccessible but as my elder brothers being here to help me and I really feel their Love for all the humans.

I know that I have nothing to fear and that I  have to do my best to grow and live according to the laws of Creation and the Laws of Gog but especially that everything is my responsibility!

Therefore Patrick, I wanted to express you my deep gratitude for the inestimable gift you have given to me and hopefully to all readers through Fourwinds and his journals and articles.

In love and Light.




FROM:  Patrick H Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  Feb. 26, 2009
Dear AM:
    The mission of Fourwinds has been to bring the Phoenix Journals to the attention of not only the people of the United States of America, but of the whole world.  That has been possible only because of the Internet.  We are truly happy that you and many others have found the Truth presented by Creator God Aton of Light, the Ascended Masters and Esu Immanuel Sananda through these Journals.  They are truly "The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms", as Hatonn calls them.
    Anne and I are truly blessed that our work has not been in vain.  We honor you, as together with many others, we walk the Red Road of Truth this one last lifetime in 3D on Earth Shan.  May your journey be most joyous.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 7:38 AM
Subject: RE: Hello Patrick and Anne
Hello Patrick, and I agree with your assessment for this was a well thought out plan that was in stages way beyond my birth. I read the Global Family Proclamation for him to cease with the wars, but what does he do, set up troops for wars in Afghanistan, and also lingers soldiers in Iraq, far from his campaign when seeking the position that he has acquired. Not to mention the fact that he is a continuing of Bush left off, so where is the change. I have to look at that this is a 3-D reality and we must ascend on, however, I think about those that do not see what is actually happening, and with this engineered chaos of the economic system to go the NOW with their socialist agenda, most think of this as a welcome. They are left with the situation of allowing a governing body of people to take of their needs, and to think for them because they are tired. Also, you have those that will say this has be prophesized (they are adherent to the Bible), and this is what they expect, and are waiting for this to pass , and of course adamant with their rapture. I read the Journals, and that is all that I can do, I try to get my family members and friends to read it, but they are so locked into the bible, it is debate to get these guys to see otherwise. It is tough, but I will continue on my on understanding, because that is all that I can do. I wish to thank Anne and Patrick for fourwinds, and allowing me access to ‘The Phoenix Journals’. In Love and Light, thank you. 
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  KE
DATE:  Feb. 28, 2009
Dear KE:
    Thank you for your kind words.  The Phoenix Journals were given to us by Creator God to guide us through the Valley of Darkness during these "End Times".  We need only to follow our compass, our God Spirit within to find our way.
    Bush, Jr. signed an agreement with Global Family, December 15, 2006 to immediately end all war, to provide abundance to the people of the U.S., and to take care of the environment.  This he did not do.  In January, 2009, Obama was given the same instructions by Global Family.  He promptly turned and has done the opposite.
    When one defies Creator God's orders, you go down in ignominious defeat.  That is where our evil Illuminati government is headed.  Be wise, keep your Light burning brightly and watch how things are sorted out in favor of Goodness.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer