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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHICH IS BETTER? (Updated Feb. 20, 2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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  ----- Original Message -----
From: KT
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:19 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Which is better?

1) To have knowledge such as that spread in the PJ\'s and to understand the laws of Creation but have difficulty in following those laws and espousing nothing but love and compassion.


2) To be ignorant of the laws of Creation and God Aton, continuing to participate in activities that are harmful to self and others (i.e. drinking alcohol, doing drugs, eating unhealthy foods, materialism) but being very open and loving to the people around you.

This is the reason I ask. I consider myself a good person. Not perfect by any means but I do my best to help others in need, to stay positive, and express love, compassion, and forgiveness when appropriate. I meditate daily, asking for guidance. I keep healthy with yoga and a good diet. And I try to be a positive role model to people around me by living the laws of Creation and Creator Aton. But I often find myself frustrated and upset that people not only refuse to even investigate the information I give them, but they often ridicule me, including my family which calls me \"radical\". I offer knowledge about the dark cabal; about the poisons in our food, water, and air; how to live a healthier, disease-free life; the lies from our government and media; the corruption occuring all over our society; and the disinformation spread by various religions.

However, sometimes I wish I didn\'t know everything that I have learned over the last few years and at times even doubt myself and begin to wonder if I am truly in need of psychiatric help for believing some of the things I read on sites like fourwinds and rense.

I\'ve seen what blind faith can do just by looking at other people who are devoutly religious or those that have followed alternative spiritual paths in history and sacrificed their lives for it. I am doing my best to trust my intuition and to use discernment but this is not easy. We are bombarded daily from so many directions that it is hard to discern truth from lie. I almost envy the ignorance of others who are able to continue living their lives without a care while I struggle daily to find balance between this false matrix we call reality and spiritual enlightenment.

I want to believe the Pheonix Journals. I want to believe in Casper and that we have white knights working against the Illuminati. I want to believe that the Galactic Federation is surrounding Earth Shan to evacuate those of the light. I want to have hope and to live with nothing but love in my heart even in the face of so much anger, pain, hate, war, and death. I want to understand what my purpose is here on Earth Shan at this time and have asked for this information countless times in meditation and prayer. But wanting something is not always enough to manifest it and make it so and maybe I am simply missing the signs being given to me. I don\'t really know who I am, where I am supposed to be, what I am supposed to do, how I am supposed to provide for myself and my family, or how to play a role in fighting the darkside or supporting the light. So it feels like all this knowledge I have about what is truly going on in the world is for naught; I feel like I am all theory and!

  no practice.

I hope and pray that my purpose will be revealed to me soon and that I will receive some kind of validation that not only my efforts, but the effort of all lightworkers, will come to fruition. As always, thank you for all the hard work you and Anne put forth toward the site. Without fourwinds, this journey would be much more difficult.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  KT
DATE:  February 19, 2009
Dear KT:
    Thank you for your letter and willingness to share your feelings and frustrations from your perspective of a Lightworker and Truthbringer.  You speak for all of us, for we have or are presently traveling that same road, bouncing along between belief and doubt, than going full throttle with discernment and knowing, until we hit another bump.
    Which is better?
    Our very basic purpose in life is to learn and follow the Laws of God and Creation.  We agreed to come into this 3D lifestream and accept the challenge of living God's Laws in this Darkest of all worlds, and bring Truth to our fellow travelers.  Creator God asked us, if we could stand against the Darkness and bring the Light and defeat it.   We said, "Yes, we could!"
    Now, how are we to find our way without our map, our guidelines of the Laws of God and Creation?  The highest command of the Law of Creation is to "achieve the wisdom of knowledge".  We must have our tools to do our job.
    Your second choice (Number 2) is not even an option.  To do things that harm you is not loving yourself.  You cannot love others until you first learn to love yourself., and you cannot love yourself without following the Laws of God and Creation.  Without learning this lessons, you will return in another 3D lifestream to learn them.
    Our journey involves many lessons that never end.  We each have different lessons to learn in soul growth, but the outcome is the same, advancement to the next level, to the next grade until graduation occurs.  I am not your priest and do not take confessions, so I cannot tell you the choices you should make.
    You must follow your "Inner Guidance System", your intuition, your discernment, your gut feelings, your God Spirit within that sends vibrations to you through your "heart strings".  Gradually,  you gain wisdom and a knowing, that nothing can shake, a belief system that you know is absolutely true and correct.
    Many scoff and ridicule me, but I have an inner knowing that the Phoenix Journals were given to us in this time by Creator God Aton of Light, and that they contain the Truth we need to guide us through the chaos of these "End Times".  Having that as my standard for Truth, I can now measure all else against that standard.  For example, that which measures up to the Laws of God and of The Creation (Phoenix Journal #27) I can accept as Truth, and the rest I throw aside.
    The Lie becomes clearer each time I am challenged and measure against the Truth.  The whole Christian Cult becomes crystal clear, when I "know" the Lie, and the Truth that Esu Immanuel did not die, and that he cannot "save" anyone by his blood.  This "bloody Christian Cult" originated from this attempt by the evil Pharisees/Zionist Jews, when they tried to murder this Truthbringer and stop his message of Truth to the people
    No one can persuade me from my knowing that Creator God Aton of Light has a  plan for our time, and that NESARA and the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claim funding are a part of that plan.  Having developed a guidance system makes life so much easier.  The trash that people dump on us and the chaos that we must pass through, even on a daily basis, can be easily sorted out.
    Our mission is in our journey, in the lessons learned and in our service to others along the way, not in some great revelation that is to suddenly appear to us.  Too often Life is what happens to us, while we are making other plans.  We miss the little clues, the opportunities that would generate our mission, if we were paying attention.
    Regardless, everyone needs an anchor, that inner Spirit that knows Truth, that directs our journey.  Then each day becomes a validation that we are, indeed, traveling the Red Road of Truth.
    Thank you for your kind words, and may you find that beacon to guide you home.  It is far better to have Number 1 (knowledge) and shorten your journey in third dimension.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 11:28 PM
That is so true, what you said Patrick!!! Thank you again for your clear thinking and guidance!!!

There are times when we all get down, it is the nature of where we are living. I had doubts about myself this last week, but my husband set me right, fast. He would not let me put myself down, and he actually snapped at me. Now you have to know a bit about him before I go on. He NEVER snaps at me, so I knew something was bothering him as well. He is always the strong, gentle one that I lean on. My hormones were acting up, and the doubts set in once more. We all have them!!! Every single one of us, that is nothing new.

So when he heard me, and snapped (in his gentle way) I stopped and found out what was bothering him. (That is, by the way, the best way to forget your own problems!) He told me he had been checking out the fire disaster in Australia, and was extremely upset. They have already started cleaning up in places. It really tore at his heart to see the devastation and deaths, of people and animals. And what upset him most was the fact that NESARA should have gotten done long ago, and if it had, this devastation wouldn't have had to happen. They could have stepped in, the Federation, and stopped the fires. So much could have been done to help.

So he was upset the those in charge are not getting it done. There are times when he doesn't understand how I can stay focused on the goal so well. How can I not get more upset, when I see all that is going on, rather up close and personal. I do get upset!! I'm sure we all do!!! I just try to channel it into good. Sometimes it doesn't work.

Sometimes we all get to the point where we need help from somebody. I lean on him entirely too much, but that is what SoulMates are for. He helps me, and I help him. It is a two way deal. That is how we work so well together.

We are going to see this through to the end. Together. That is what love is all about.