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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' THANK YOU ! (Updated Feb. 19, 2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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-From: JN
To: patrick bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: THANK YOU!

Dear Anne  and Patrick,

Again, it is I who is most grateful for the "gift of fourwinds" to mankind. Your dedication and Faith is an example to all of us students  seeking truth.

Everyday,you manage to answer many questions that we hold as we 'New students"try to navigate and learn to go within. To "unlearn" a lifetime of lies and "beliefs" can be overwelming"

and unsettling.

Please continue to guide us "new commers" with your words of wisdom. It is neccessary, because we don't have the luxury of time to catch up years of "Zombiness"!

In 2005, I read the first series of journals and was sick and nautious and gripped with fear and yet joyous that "SANANDA never stopped talking to us for 2000 years. I re-read them again and know in my heart that they are truth.(although I don't always fully grasp , practice make better)

Thank-You for awakening me and millions others and giving us a chance to discover truth. NESARA IS HERE, God just needed to give us "sleepers"a chance to jump in!!!

Thank-you,thank-you,thank-you to all !!! and to

lightworkers and also to those who help "test" our faith daily ...for how else would we know where we stand and correct our errors??? 

I am honoured and priveledged and deeply humbled by your enormous task at hand...

Dear Anne and Patrick,

Please help pray with me for my Husband's prompt release. It has been a year of great sufferring. We are deeply sorry and have asked God for forgiveness and know that our prayers are answered...However the timing belongs to God. At this point, I'm not sure if i'm doing it correctly within, how to I ask for more patience, faith or prompt release? He is awaiting sentencing shortly...  I believe a miracle can happen...

Please forgive me for asking for you have a greater task at hand, ( even in jail, he is working hard to awaken the lost souls around him and is comforted when one awakens)

In love and light

thank-you faithfully



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JN
DATE:  Feb. 18, 2009
Dear JN:
    Be assured that our prayers are with you and your husband during these times of difficult lessons.  We are honored to be of service to you, and we thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.
    Anne and I are only the messengers delivering the message of Truth set forth in the Phoenix Journals, and some of the alternate news covered up by the lying mainstream media.  The pathway of the Lightworker is often winding, rough and steep, but there is joy in knowing that we walk the "King's Highway".  Our journey is not long.  Be in Peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JG
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 12:25 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Dear Mr. Bellringer,

God Aton as your commander!  IRemember 1996, I Retired from electric boat in Groton Conn.For 35 years,each day in those 35 years i hoped that the work i was doing there was a deterant to world war 3 with russia.Retired and went back to work,security work at New England techI am 74 and thanks to god still spry and alive,before i came here to this beloved planet i asked god to just grant me enough to live on with my Family while i am here on Gaia. He has blessed me for  i am going to be able to see and be a part of our end times like i requested,You Have no idea how i have been blessed by you and your Wife From when i bought my first Computer in 1996till now to follow lifeup untill nowwith the both of you.God Love you both for my Dream for totel Peace and love will be here shortly May everyone keep the Faith for everyone else God love you all, Love and Lite.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JG
DATE:  Feb. 18, 2009
Dear JG:
    Your many years of work with the intent to aid in preventing World War III has been noted by Heaven, my friend, and you shall receive the Lighted Realms "Medal of Honor".  There is no one greater than a "peace maker".  Few can say they have followed Fourwinds since its inception..
    We thank you for your kind words for our work, and rejoice that you have traveled with us these many years.  I truly believe these "End Times" shall pass quickly, ending in a grand finale of victory over Darkness to close out this 3D civilization on Shan.  May you be blessed.  Enjoy the ride!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #3.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: RS
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 6:51 PM
Subject: a beautiful day here in Oregon
Quick note....I was again amused.....your mention of "I Walk The King's Highwayour family moved out to a 11 acre farm in Medford, Oregon....on Kings Highway...I've walked that road many times...I walk another one today....following the leadof the "great teacher."
Then there is the family name....SHANGLE.....the first letters of which are ofour Beautiful Planet....which is much mistreated.....
In closing, know that you are well regarded from person....
I hope to be of some help to you two soon......our business finally has some brightspots in the distance....and will share with you.
We've had a tough 6-7 years, business and personal....I feel a bit like Job in the Good Book....
Has anyone ever put the Phoenix Journals in book form.....?
You two serve the Master well....
Peace and Good Health to you both.....
Speaking of good health.....there is much out there on alternatives to promote good health....H202 being one product....
I also have a copy of one of the supposed Lost Books of the Bible that deals with health.
If you would like to see a copy...will send one to you...
Truth and Love....(from your song)
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RS
DATE:  Feb. 19, 2009
Dear RS:
    "It's a small world after all!"  The names are uncanny.  The Angels have fun drawing our attention to little clues.  May your business be successful and bring you fulfillment for your efforts.
    Obviously, the 115 published Phoenix Journals were the ones put to print in paper back form.  Some of the first ones are out of print but most can be obtained from the Contact Newspaper Office in Las Vega, Nevada, USA by calling 1-800-800-5565.  The cost for them has been $6.00 per copy plus shipping.
    Using food grade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) of 35% at the rate of 10 drops a day in four ounces of water is a very inexpensive way to support your immune system.  Getting your own colloidal silver generator and drinking four plus ounces a day of 5 to 80 ppm is another very helpful aid to combat viruses and bacteria.
    Yes, I would like a copy that you have of one of the Lost Books of the Bible.  There were over forty-five important writings by the early disciples of Esu that were discarded by The First Council of Nicaea, when the Bible was canonized.  Our address is found on Fourwinds.  Look in "About Fourwinds".
    Thank you for your kind words in support of our work.  May you be blessed by the Angels of Light.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#4.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "FW" 
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:18 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



 I'm confused and have been wondering about the personnage of Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn and God /Aton of Light.  Creator God Aton is mentioned throughout the Phoenix Journals and I understand his role as our Creator. I also understand the role of Hatonn who dictated through radio waves many of the articles in the Journals. Also,sometimes Hatonn is referred to as Hatonn/Aton.  This is my point of confusion. Your lovely prayer to Aton as "my commander"  has left me wondering if Commander Hatonn is the same entity or were you just using the referral as leader such as shepherd in the 23rd Psalm of the Bible?


 Thank you for all the enligthment that you provide for us through the Hello Centrals.  You have no idea how grateful I am for your dedication to Fourwinds and preserving for us access to the Journals.  I am also grateful for my friend who sent me here.


 I hope I am not the only Dud who is confused about this.

 Very sincerely yours in Light and Love,




 I've been in the habit of invoking Aton in my prayers and meditations, as well as the Ascended Masters and the angels

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  FW
DATE:  Feb. 19, 2009
Dear FW:
    Thank you for your question about Hatonn.  These are secrets to which you discover the answers, as you continue reading the Journals.  Hatonn says he squeezed himself down into 4D and took on the responsibility of Commander of the Pleiadian Star Fleet, so He could better communicate with us in 3D.
    One clue lies in the name, Hatonn.  In the English language both the beginning letter "H" and the ending second "n" can be silent.  This leaves (H)aton(n) or Aton, which is the name of Creator God.  What I am trying to say is that Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn is the same being as Aton/Creator God.
    So, to answer your second question, "Commander" refers to Aton, Creator God or Hatonn in my rendition of the 23rd Psalm.  Thank you for your appreciation of the Phoenix Journals and Fourwinds.  We are truly grateful.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer