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Patrick H. Bellringer

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-From: PW
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 12:08 AM
Dear Patrick,
I never thought you'd stoop to promoting Dark Cabal disinformation on your website.. I give you the benefit of the doubt in your use of discretion as to what you post, however.
The planetary "evacuation" likelihood that you espouse recedes further into the distance every day it doesn't happen, and it has been promised for at least 6 years now. Why do you think that is? Because it becomes less and less likely in the ever-changing scenario of growing collective consciousness in our present day illusion of life as it is in our 3D reality. If it was going to happen that way, as you persist in telling us, it would most likely have happened some time ago when evil reigned to a greater degree on Earth Shan, negativity ruled the planet, and the consciousness of humanity was at a relatively low degree. The darkside are going where they deserve to go on their continuing soul journeys to enlightenment, now, just as would have applied years ago. Nothing has changed in that regard.
Yes, Patrick, I use discernment at all times, calling on my Higher Self for guidance, and whilst Obama APPEARS to act as just another Illuminati stooge politician, our Galactic Friends (whom you acknowledge do exist as you tell us to look at their twinkly, multi colored, space vehicles by night) are working behind the scenes with him to get NESARA announced, the dark removed, and Earth and its occupants - those who so choose, at least, to ascend into 5D, and in the physical. This is the first time this has been tried on a grand scale, so we are lead to understand by our off-world friends.
After NESARA's announcement and the demise of the darkside, the GF will make contact with us and educate us to restore the planet to its pristine condition, and put those of us left who chose to do so, on a fast learning curve towards 5D ascension. NOTHING about the future is set in stone, it is an ever changing panoply depending on the rise and/or fall in consciousness raising of the population, so previous mass evacuation situations that might have occurred and been appropriate on other planets, do not necessarily apply today. The only ones "evacuated" will be the darkside and their minions who will be unable to exist in the higher vibrations prevailing and will go to another 3D, low vibration, duality existence elsewhere.
May you find the truth you seek, Patrick, like the rest of us. We are ALL on a learning curve as the future unfolds, and NOBODY has a monopoly on the truth, most especially those claiming to have one.
"You just don't get it, do you", you will say, but I think I do, Patrick. My discernment over many years is telling me the "truths" that may have applied in the past have been superseded as events have revealed themselves over the last few years, in particular the unprecedentedly rapid rise in spiritual consciousness and truth awareness of the populace at large over the last 8 years. Surprisingly,we have George Bush and his band of Illuminati villains to thank to a great degree for this development, as people have been alerted by the 9/11 inside job, the Iraq invasion based on false WMD information, Gitmo torture, the fake war on terror, the banking debacle and consequent economic meltdown, etc, to wake up from their slumber and see things as they truly are.
This rise in awareness of the truth and spiritual enlightenment has meant that the drastic "full evacuation" Phoenix Journal program of 20 years ago has been replaced by the more gentle means towards ascension as outlined by Matthew Ward, Mark Huber, Sheldan Nidle and Mike Quinsey to name some. Whilst they may not be 100% correct in their messages (they are human in the true sense of that word, after all) they resonate with the truth for more and more of us at this time, the more so since Candace, Fulford, Story, Casper and Poof, to name some, appear to have come under darkside influence in their communications of late.
Love and Light
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PW
DATE:  Feb. 17, 2009
Dear PW:
    Your opinions are acknowledged.  We are not here to convince you of anything, but only to present the Truth presented to us for these "End Times" by Creator God Aton of Light.  What you do with it is your choice.  If you choose to go with the flow of the Sirian/Mormon mind-set, that, too, is your choice.
    Just know that Aton does not lie to His Creation.  May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 3:49 PM
To: PW

Wow, the Illuminati brainwashing sure took well with you!!!

Let me explain a few things to you.

Do you understand what 'point of no return' means? In Planetary Science, it means that once you hit that specific vibratory rate, and go over it, there is no more chance to set it right. You've had your chance to fix the planet, and now it is too late. That happened in 1983. Yes, clear back then. People had been warned, that they needed to stop polluting, needed to stop raping the planet, needed to stop all wars, needed to stop all the massive negativity going on then. They needed to clean up the air, soil, the water, and stop killing all the animals that live here too. They needed to clean up the corrupt government and set things right.


That didn't happen, not even close! It still hasn't happened!!! So if you think there is not going to be a shift, you are sadly mistaken. This planet will DIE unless she does the pole shift, which is also called The Purification, and the Cleansing, for very good reason.

EVERYONE needs to be evacuated off this planet; everyone inside the planet, everyone on the planet and everyone around the planet. Everyone will be evacuated, and sorted out later, this will be a complete cleansing of the planet, to put her back to her pristine self. But at the same time, she will be ascending. When the shift is over, no one will be allowed back here until she is ready to have inhabitants again, and only those that know how to care for a planet properly will be allowed back on the planet. She has more than earned her rest.

NOT ONE of the things that needed to get done before 1983 has been accomplished.

* The government is more corrupt than it has ever been, and we have a president who wasn't even born in this country, according to his own family. Our very corrupt government allowed that to happen.

* Our country is financially bankrupt and going down the tubes fast. Everyone in the world sees that but us!!!

* Pollution is at an all time high! Water, air and soil are all polluted badly.

* Animals and plants are being killed off rampantly, it hasn't even slowed down.

* None of the wars have stopped, and the government insists on making more and more illegal invasions.

* Instead of forgetting oil and looking for new energy sources, wars are still being fought over oil production.

* The negativity on the planet just keeps getting worse, as people loose their jobs, their homes, their families are thrown in prison for no reason other than they want to live free. Our guns are being taken away from us, so we cannot protect ourselves against out extremely corrupt government. Concentration camps are being built all over the land. People are being tortured because they are racially targeted. Our banks are insolvent, and dying at an alarming rate. Our families are being drugged legally, killing us off. When there are CURES for every disease, parasite, bacteria, and problem to our health. The government won't let us use the cures, because they don't make any money on cures. Drugs are pushed at us daily on TV, brainwashing us to think we can't live without them. Pharmaceuticals have gone nuts.

Need I say more? Things are not OK, not in any way, shape or form. The fact that you believes that it is, literally astounds me. Are you blind???? Deaf??? Brain dead??? Look around you!!! You are a prime example of how thorough the brainwashing is!!!

No matter what you choose to believe, the pole shift/Cleansing, Purification will happen. Your skewed belief system does not change that. Nothing can change that once the planet crosses the point of no return. And that happened a long time ago. 1983. Clear back then, things were supposed to have been changed. And they weren't.

The planet is showing the signs all over the place, you only have to look with better eyes. There are literally millions of starships out there, watching this planet, ready to assist when the call is given. I'm an Earthean Eagle, one of the millions of the Starseed crew incarnate to assist in this evacuation process. I know what I'm talking about. Had the evacuation been called off, we would have been retrieved from the planet and left. I'm still here! It hasn't been called off.

The millions of ships are here for a reason. This planet is about to shift. They want to be here for the show. Once the shift happens, they know she will live. And they will be able to help her to survive. We will not let this planet die.


#2.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JM
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8:51 PM
Subject: Reply from T to PW, Illuminati Disinformation
Dear Patrick and Anne --

Regarding the Illuminati Disinformation lecture from T to PW via Fourwinds. . . . All I can say is WOW. It is plain that T knows whereof he speaks. I cannot imagine anyone laying it down better than that. I'm wondering where T got the year 1983. Is that year mentioned in one of the PJ's ? Or was there a particular event that year? Haven't heard it mentioned. Here's an idea that just hit me . . . . how about several of us chip in and buy PW a T-shirt (pun not intended) that reads "Not Too Bright" front and back? We will pray that PW sees the light soon. Love and Light to all.


 #3. (Reply)
----- Original Message ----
-From: T
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:36 PM
Subject: Disinformation;

( QUOTE:   ----- Original Message -----
From: JM
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8:51 PM
Subject: Reply from T to PW, Illuminati Disinformation


Dear Patrick and Anne --
Regarding the Illuminati Disinformation lecture from T to PW via Fourwinds. . . . All I can say is WOW. It is plain that T knows whereof he speaks. I cannot imagine anyone laying it down better than that. I'm wondering where T got the year 1983. Is that year mentioned in one of the PJ's ? Or was there a particular event that year? Haven't heard it mentioned. Here's an idea that just hit me . . . . how about several of us chip in and buy PW a T-shirt (pun not intended) that reads "Not Too Bright" front and back? We will pray that PW sees the light soon. Love and Light to all.
JM  (End of QUOTE)
We didn't have a set date when these things were to get done. It is like watching a frequency gauge. The Federation were watching it, and when it hit a certain point on the gauge and then went past it, they knew it was too late for anymore warnings to be offered. People didn't listen at first, and definitely didn't move fast enough to make the changes.


point of no return ^

They talked directly to the government at that time and were ignored. So then they went to the people, and after a while they listened. The procedure for contact is; through dreams, then when awake, and then actual physical contact. Some listened, many didn't. And the ones who listened and told the public, the government worked overtime to discredit and humiliate them, to make them shut up about what they saw. When they couldn't get them to shut up, they shut them up by killing them. This is a common practice with our beloved government, and they are still doing it. If you don't shut up, you just suddenly disappear.

Kennedy and Marilyn did not kill themselves. Trust me.

Land of the free? Not!

Anyhow, once the planet hits the point of no return, that is it. She has to have the shift to set things right. Nothing has changed on that score. It is just procedure. Once the planet hits that point, there is no more time to fix anything. So those people who are buying the story line that things are getting better all the time, well... they are listening to the wrong people. I'm not a doom and gloom person, I'm just telling you the facts. This is how it works. And you need to know.

I don't see it as doom and gloom, because when the planet does her thing to set things right and Heal herself, everyone will be evacuated and off the planet. Those that have a low bodily vibration, the evacuation will kill them. Their bodies won't be able to handle it, because they don't have love to protect them. THAT is why Sananda/Jesus, told us to learn how to love. Because it is important!!!

YOU decide what happens to you. If you don't know how to love, your frequency won't be right to protect you. Love protects your body during evacuation. There is no such thing as faking it.

We can SEE YOUR AURA, and we know who has love, and who doesn't. During a normal evacuation, we take the people with love in their aura, because we know they will survive. Anyone that doesn't have love gets left. So the sorting is done by you, and your choices. We can't make you learn how to love. It is not something that can be forced.

There would have been some landings, in normal circumstances, for some people who can't use the beam for evacuation. But people would have to know ahead of time they needed to be picked up. Not much time in a rush to make landings. I've heard that if Yellowstone blows, there will not be time for landings. They'll push the button, and the beams will activate. Yellowstone will affect the whole planet. It would be far too dangerous to land.

So... we wait and watch. We don't have long to wait.


#4.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: MR
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 7:51 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hi I am writing re: Illuminati Disinformation.

 I believe the planet has already begun the increase in Her vibration, as this happens us beings living on the planet will have to change our lives to feel comfortable living here, I see this happening a lot here in London where I live. As more and more people change with the increased vibration, the 100 monkey syndrome, (Rupert Sheldrake\'s proven science) will kick in rendering a massive change to humanity. Whether this will be a pole shift or an ascension I really don\'t know, but that is what I believe will happen. Thank you, MR

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  MR
DATE:  Feb. 19, 2009
Dear MR:
    I commend you for your level of enlightenment and the ability to sense our planet's vibrations.  You are quite right, and many people of low vibration are quite physically ill and are leaving the planet.  Those with high vibrations are increasing the positive energies, but Earth Shan has moved beyond the point of us stopping her pole shift.  At evacuation time ascension will occur for those ready to move into the frequencies of 5D.
    We shall meet aboard the ships!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer