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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: BB
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 10:12 PM
Subject: Jupiter ignites into new star?

There is info. started on Candice Frieze's site saying Jupiter has been ignited into a star. We'll know for sure when Jupiter comes from in back of the sun in late March. They have been saying they were going to do it

for a year or two now but I didn't take it seriously.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  BB
DATE:  Feb. 17, 2009
Dear BB:
    Have you, too, fallen into the CIA trap of Candace Frieze and her BS about Jupiter becoming a second sun (star)?  I am very surprised!
    Has NASA always told you the Truth about our space program?  Do you know that their space pictures are always authentic?  Has the media always been Truthful in their news reporting?  Has Candace always told you the Truth?  Do you think our world's scientists would not be going wild about such an event, as Jupiter blowing up?  Do you think that such an event would not totally up-set the balance of our solar system and of our planet?  Do you think that is Creator God's Plan or some science fiction nonsense to fool you?
    You have joined the laughing stock of both the spiritual and scientific worlds.  May you find you way.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1 (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: BB
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: Jupiter ignites into new star?
I didn't say I believed it. I simply forwarded it to alert people of the possibility. There is a large thread on it on the site Above Top Secret. My gut feelings tell me they used the Galileo and Cassini missions to try to ignite Jupiter and Saturn to kill most of us while they stay safe in their underground hideaways.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  BB
DATE:  Feb. 17, 2009
Dear BB:
    If you did not believe this and your gut feeling told you it was not true, why did you spread it all over the Internet?  You say you did it to alert people of the possibility.  Say what?  Are you doubting your gut feelings?
    In your initial letter you said, and I quote: "They have been saying they were going to do it for a year or two now, but I didn't take it seriously".  So now you do take it seriously, or are you still uncertain?  Having sent this YouTube video to nineteen different Internet addresses left me with the feeling that you believed this video to be Truth.  Why else would a Lightworker dispense such information?
    I apologize, if I have misunderstood your intentions.  Regardless, this dialogue may be helpful to ohers on the Internet.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: BB
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 5:27 PM
Subject: RE: Jupiter ignites into new star?
I didn't give it much credence when they first started talking about it. I don't see how Jupiter becoming a star is important to the solar system or our spiritual development. I give it slightly more credence with the video but am still on the fence and will wait for further evidence. My gut feelings were about the Illuminati and the science missions sending plutonium into Jupiter and Saturn, which seems fool hearty and nefarious, not about Aton igniting Jupiter. Regardless of the outcome, I feel the importance and interesting nature of the topic is worth alerting people.

                                                 In Love and Light BB

#3.  (Reply)
----- Original Message ----
-From: RM
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 12:34 PM
Dear Patrick,

I too have been 'following' (with a VERY open mind!) Candace's 'stories' of Jupiter (and 'Stasis'!).

Can you enlighten me as to just WHAT the CIA has to GAIN by allowing us to fall into their 'trap'?

What exactly IS 'the trap' to which you refer.. what do 'We' lose and what do 'they' gain through a belief that we have 2 Suns?

There are surely many, many 'Binary Star' systems in this Galaxy alone.. what is so gainful to the CIA to have us believe that we are one of them?

I am NOT saying I believe Candace here.. I am simply asking you to elaborate a little for us! Is there something more we should know?

Love and Light


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  RM
DATE:  Feb. 17, 2009
Dear RM:
    Thank you for your response.  The "trap" is ignorance, believing the Lie that Jupiter has exploded into a star/sun.  Our planet is not to have two suns until she has gone through her cleansing cycle and has been positioned near Pleiades and is in fifth dimension frequencies.  One of the stars of Pleiades shall be Earth Shan's second sun.
    The U.S. Government uses various means to measure the general public's responses and abilities  Polls are used to measure effectiveness of advertising or response to political candidates, for example.  Science fiction movies are used to test people's belief systems, and their openness to Truth or their ignorance or even stupidity.
    The CIA is one agency often used for such purposes,.  They may test us by putting out garbage on the Internet to see how much they can fool us, how gullible we are, especially the "enlightened ones, who are a threat because they can discern Truth.  Our "system" has worked long at "dumbing down" Americans.  Our public school system of government schools teaches programmed and drugged zombies very little knowledge and a great deal of trash.
    Students emerge, as corporate workers, and lack in science, math, English and other academic fields.  This is done deliberately for control.  Thinkers and knowers of Truth are a threat to the "system".  The CIA tests public knowledge and awareness of Truth, or plain stupidity by use of false information, such as Jupiter blowing up.  Try looking at the movie 2010 Space Odyssey.  How well do people know true science or how well is the dumbing-down educational process working?
    Movies and videos have fooled many to believe anything they see, just as the print media and T.V. have fooled people into believing everything they hear and read.  The "system" wants people, who can not think or reason, and who do not question, but will believe and do what they are told.
    Alternative news, Truth, spiritual Truths are a major threat to the "system".  The CIA is using the Internet, the major avenue today for spreading Truth, to present untruth, to cause confusion and disbelief among the Lightworkers and enlightened people.  By this means many have been pulled off their pathway of enlightenment.  Of course, this is allowed for our lessons in discernment.  It is all part of our journey through the maze, and how easily we can be fooled by the Darkside.
    Do you really think that, if this "Jupiter Event" were factual, our scientists and astronomers would not have known of it years in advance, and would not have been in panic over the probabilities of destruction to our solar system and to our earth as well?  Under Cosmic Law balance and harmony function throughout the Cosmos.  Is it not probable that blowing up our largest planet would greatly upset the balance of our solar system and threaten life on Earth Shan?
    In the recent past our evil Illuminati have tried to blow up Jupiter, and it is quite probable that they tried it again, but covered up their evil deeds by telling us another lie.  Truth is!  May we all find it!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 #4.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "MF"
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:11 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Anyone who thinks (for those who don't think) or has gut instincts that Jupiter has been turned in to a star should go and see a doctor or shrink! How gulable and neive people can be!

 If Jupiter had been turned in to a star during the night then you wouldn't be reading this now. Do people not understand the laws of physics in third dimentional space?  If it were true then the gravity effects caused by such an event would alter the course and circluation of other planets in our system causing huge colisions and catastrophy.  It's a logical blag, whoever comes up with this crap must think we are stupid (Its lucky that some of us have common sense, hey Patrick). Anyone who believes Jupiter has turned in to a star needs to assess their understanding of truth and how they interpret disinformation and utter nonsense.  Granted, some of the things "they" come up with are very, very, detailed and integrated to such a point that even someone who has a good grasp and knowledge of the deciet they create has difficulty in coming to logical answers. It wouldn't be in "any" gods plan to do such a thing as in higher dimensions beyond our realtiy, Jupiter could be habital. Isn't one of Jupiter's moons inhabited by earth monitoring teams of the supposed Galactic Fed?

 I've watched the video, and lens flares come to mind. Simple truth is easy to find!  Personally, I think people look in to this kind of stuff too much and expect it to be real without questioning.  How ignorant and narrow minded!

 Love & light


#5.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: NT

To: "Bellringer" <>

Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 3:24 AM

Subject: Re: Phoenix Journals translation

Recently there was posted a dialog between you and a reader about the issue of Jupiter. I read your statements with great interest after all that noise about Stasis during 2008. Regarding this issue, I would like to say that we have a person - a very special person - in Greece, who says that indeed something is going on within Jupiter but the results of the transformation procedure will be seen after a long time from now. Besides, isn't there any life on that planet? Edgar Cayce had said that all planets of our system are occupied. What is going to be done with that society?It is really a very important matter but I don't know what to think about. You were very strict with your statements and I always keep on paying great attention to what you say. I.e., you have said in the past that our solar system will have two suns when its reformation will be accomplished.Any comments thankfully wellcome.

In Love and Light



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  NT

DATE:  March 12, 2009


Dear NT

    Thank you for your letter.

    Indeed, something is going on with Jupiter.  She is being re-newed along with Venus and Mars and the other planets destroyed by Lucifer/Satan and his troops, prior to being locked down on Earth Shan, as their jail planet.

    These planets are all now in 5D and all have human 5D civilizations living on them.  With our 3D limitations our scientists cannot know this. The Phoenix Journals are our guide to Truth, and what runs counter to Creator God Aton's words, we reject as non-Truth.  Shan shall have a second sun, but it is not to be Jupiter, but one of the suns of Pleiades.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer