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Patrick H. Bellringer

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: DR
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 12:32 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



 How can a return to the Constitution and its implied return to sovereignty  be compatible with a global banking system that also implies a global monetary system ?

 One needs to be aware OR beware of the double-mindedness of Satan who often plays both sides of adversarial relationships.

 "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:3-14)


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DR
DATE:  Feb. 16, 2009
Dear DR:
    Thank you for your question.
    We have heard so much about the New World Order that we are unsure about a new Global banking system being in our best interests.  You need to understand what I have been telling you for some time.  There is the Satanic plan for a New World Order, but there is also Creator God's Plan that runs counter to it.
    I have written about Global Family and their new Global gold banking system, which is now ready for implementation.  This is a major part of Creator God's Plan for our time to abolish the evil Federal Reserve Banking System, and bring us back to a money system of true value, no fractional banking and no creating money out of debt.
    The United Nations was supposed to be an organization to bring peace to our world and be helpful in many ways to all sovereign nations.  The UN failed in most aspects of its mission.   A major error was the theft of Palestine and giving this stolen land to the establishment of a fake nation called Israel.  That fake nation has been the source of nearly all problems our world has faced since 1948, and the UN has had no power to deal with their "orphan child's" temper tantrums, which have caused worldwide destruction.
    Creator God, too, has a planned United Nations organization, which shall be under the authority of Global Family.  The present U.N. shall be totally revamped.  Should Earth Shan allow us the time, we shall see many changes to Goodness after the initial steps of funding and NESARA are accomplished, yet this very month of February, 2009.  The Darkside is in chaos, as they are finally realizing that they have lost the war against the Light.
    The return to the Constitution of the Republic of the U.S. of A., return to sovereignty, and the abolishing of the Corporate U.S. system are in process at this time.  Similar "winds of change" are blowing in other nations of our world in preparation for our "New World Order" of Goodness.
    Do not fear the future, and do not believe they lying media, as they desperately continue to try to cover the Truth of the Darkside's evil deeds.  Truth is breaking out all over!  People are awakening and becoming enlightened, which assures the demise of the Illuminati and their worldwide Corporate system and Zionist control
    Be in hope and peace.  Creator God's Plan is being fulfilled before our very eyes!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer