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Patrick H. Bellringer

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  ----- Original Message -----
From: So
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 3:51 PM
Dear Mr. Bellringer,

 From all the articles that you have written and published recently about the hollow Earth , flyingsaucers , German based in south pole and similar subjects, One can only came to the following conclusions.

1) Our mother Earth are being jealously guarded by a very advance organization which ward off uninvitedaliens from landing on Earth. Thus up to the present despite the overwhelming evidences of aliens space ships , no official alien contact is possible .  This can be seen in all the videos taken by the astronauts where  other space ship attempting to enter Earth atmosphere were  warned off by blast of light energy.

2) All the space ships that people have seen were of Earth origin ,  That explained why no space ship have ever landed in front of witnesses , because there is no need to  land for the spacemen in those vehicles are human. If they were something else or from other worlds, Naturally  the first thing they would do after  traveling  billions of miles is to make contact with  whatever life form they find and not to hide .

3)After the Germans landed in the south poles in 1945 , Obviously the  inner Earth beings allow them to stay on the condition that they will never make war anymore so   despite the German  presen advance technology   in flying saucers they have kept their peace.

4)The fleets of  space ships being seen so often now are the subtle way  the south poles German way of announcing themselves  to the world government , by only showing  themselves thay did not violate the condition imposed on them by the inner Earth beings.

5) All these happenings are propelling us to a new future  , but I  guess you know more about that .

Thank you for listening .



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  So

DATE:  Feb. 11, 2009


Dear So:

    Thank you for your letter, but you are so wrong.  Try reading Phoenix  Journal #3, "Space Gate".  Creator God has told us the way things are, but  who listens?

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer


NOTE:  "Space--Gate The Veil Removed"

#1.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: So

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 7:29 AM

Subject: Re:

Dear Mr.  Bellringer,

Thank you for your reply and your sending me the  Phoenix Journal # 3 , After reading the journal # 3 today, I am even more confused , If you can spare some  time from your busy schedule to clarify some of the following points , I will be very grateful.

1) Hatonn mentioned in the early part of the Journal that the rivalry between the US and the USSR were only for show as they are the most closest of allies, Then how would this explain the Cuban crises where WWIII almost happened. Also at the later part of the Journal ,he again mentioned that the US were preparing more deep ground bases in case of a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia. What happen between the closest of allies ?

2) Hatonn mentioned that they have come in large spaceships , he also mentioned he is the representative of the creator GOD , If that is so ,what is the need for spaceship ?  I always thought that Time and Space have no effect on Immortals , That emissary of the Creator can come and go between Heaven and Earth just like in the winkling of an eye. If they must come and go in a spaceship, then they are just as human as we are , maybe a little more advance .

3) Hatonn  also mentioned the Lady of the Fatima and her predictions , the time of the fulfillment have come  and gone ,  , Mankind have not repented , yet nothing happened . he also=2

0mentioned that they have the technology for time travel , then why have not any one gone back in time to stop Hitler from coming into power to prevent millions from dying in a useless war ?

I have many other points to ask , but I do not want to be imposing too much on you , I am certain many of your readers have asked you the same questions already in the past, however can you enlighten me also?

very truly yours,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  So

DATE:  Feb. 12, 2009


Dear So:

    Thank you for your letter.

    Q. 1:  The Titans of the world may be close allies, but only when it  serves their agenda. The Cuban missile crises was an attempt by Russia to  establish a military base on the U.S. coast, just like the U.S. tried to do  in Georgia last year.  There is no honor or trust between evil controllers  trying to gain greater power.

    Q. 2.:  Hatonn/Aton, Sananda, Germain and the Star People use starships  for our benefit, so we can see them and believe in them, so we can be picked  up at evacuation time by them, etc.

    Q. 3.:  We may have the technology for time travel and can go back in  time, but by Cosmic Law we cannot change history to alter the outcome now.  That is against the Cosmic Law of Non-Intervention.  We would be acting  against the freewill choices of others.  You have been reading too much  science fiction.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#2  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: So
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 7:55 AM
Subject: Re:

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

Thank you again for being so generous with your patience and wisdom, funny that you should mentionedthat I read too many science fiction story , I used to be able to  distinguish  between facts and fictions when I was young but as I read  about your articles and other similar alternative writers like you  , I  start questioning everything written in the Bible. even my wife is beginning to doubt my  sanity. anyway , your latest  answer confused me even more. for example.

1) You said that cosmic law prevented Hatonn and his companion from  interfering in our affair and yet Hatonn himself revealed that  intervention were resorted to  several time in the past when nuclear  missiles were fired or nuclear accident were imminent . Are there  parameter set for intervention ?

2) Hatonn also mentioned that several times in the past that  his  companions were  falsely lured and subsequently murdered by the US  military , question is if they are emissaries of the Creator how can  they be killed and secondly , how can they be fooled when they can read  mind or can foresee the future.

3) You mentioned you have the technology for time travel , can time  travel go forward as well as backward ? if the answer to both is affirmative ,then what is reality ? Is reality where one is at the  moment at the time period  where the time   traveler is visiting  ? Can  you travel back in time  to the  creation or beyond the creation of the  universe ?

You see , I asked too many stupid question , but that is my nature , I  hope you can still spare me some more of your time and patience.

Sincerely yours,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  So
DATE:  Feb. 14, 2009
Dear So:
    How about a ride on your ship?
    Q. 1.:  Yes!  There are parameters set for intervention.  For example, nuclear destroys the soul essence, and the controllers are no longer allowed to destroy Earth Shan, as they (Satan and Co.) did to Mars, Venus, etc.
    Q. 2.:  Freewill is not unique to 3D.  Some starship crews were tricked by the U.S. Government into "helping" with their (U.S.) "Benevolent agenda", got shot down and used for research and reverse engineering.  Some of these Star People are little higher than we are in their enlightenment.
    Q. 3.:  I never said I have the technology for time travel.  The Russian and U.S. Governments do and have used it.  Third dimension is only an illusion.  We are living on a holodeck!  Reality is 4D and higher.  To my knowledge 3D time travel is allowed only to a certain extent, depending upon intent. 
    There is no time, space or mass in 4D and higher, where reality exists.  There you experience all in the now.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer