Patrick H. Bellringer
Dear Patrick;
Many thanks for your words and your support.
Reading every day some peaces of the Journals, I find many and incredible truths.
I have 3 questions and I’m sure you will enlighten me.
1) Contrary to what I’ve always believed, I now understand that there is NOT only one God. My understanding is that there is one God of our universe
( God Aton ), then on “top” of Him, there the is a Creator God but on top of them, there is the Creation. Am I correct ?
2) I read in a Journal that the Russians have “cosmospheres” and among other things, they have destroyed one of the American shuttles
that was supposed to drop a nuke over Irak as well as they can blow some under sea bombs located along the American west coast
as well as some others located near some big dams causing earthquakes and floods.
Where can I find in the Journals more infos on the cosmospheres? ( building technology, functioning etc )
3) Are the Russians the “good guys” that can prevent the Illuminati from establishing a NWO ?
Again many thanks.
In love and Light.
....They have built levitation platforms based upon the earth's magnetic forces, that are called They have built levitation platforms based upon the earth\'s magnetic forces, that are called "Cosmosphere"......
Hello Patrick sounds as if the Cosmospheres are protective veils made on earth. Is this correct or we actually speak about spheres? could you please elaborate on this as its not quite clear what you two are talking about.
thanks SA