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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: A

To: <>

Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 6:30 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



 Please explain how we can \'raise our frequencies\' so that boarding our  ships takes place safely.

 Also what is the best place to be located in todays troubled times? Would  you leave the US for any other country as a result of the concentration  camps situated here? If so where?  How do we of the light prepare  ourselves that is, do we store food for a year etc?

 Any suggestions will be welcome.

 In Light and Love,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

     TO:  A

DATE:  Feb. 12, 2009


Dear A:

    Thank you for your letter.  Raising your frequencies is a matter of increasing your enlightenment by learning Truth.  Reading leads to knowledge, which leads to wisdom and knowing Truth.  Also, meditation and communicating with your God Spirit within is a means of gaining wisdom.  Ask for your frequencies to match the evacuation beam of Light.  Then believe that they do.

    Hatonn says there is no safe place on Earth Shan, except aboard the starships.  Therefore, we are to live where we are, knowing that when things become unsafe, we shall be taken to safety.  If your Spirit "pushes" you to move to a new location, then you must decide what you will do.  There is a purpose in all that happens to us.  Things happen for our lessons in soul growth.

    We are to be responsible for our needs and that of our family.  It is always wise to have some food and water stored for emergencies.  Having a way to heat your house, say with wood, may be helpful, and having some cash on hand is always wise.

    Do not fear Martial Law and concentration camps.  The Darkside has their plans, but Hatonn has assured us that those plans are already in tatters. Evil has run its course on Earth Shan.  The news seems so negative, but the signs are evident that the Dark Forces are in fear and their ranks are crumbling.  Their time is very short.

    Ask for wisdom and for Divine Protection.  Believe that you have protection, and you do.  Doubt and you do not.  Think of Daniel, as he walked through the "Lions Den" without fear.  Life today for us is little different.  We live by faith, knowing within that by following our "Inner Guidance System", we shall be fine.

    We of the Light are the "power houses" that generate the Light, the positive energy that neutralizes the Dark Energies and stabilizes our planet and her people.  Never forget that we have the help of Heaven to remove every obstacle to our mission and all Darkness in our pathway.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer



1.  (Reply)

----- Original Message ----
-From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 9:24 AM
Patrick, while I agree that knowledge is light, and God said, "Let there be Light," the best way to raise our body's frequency is to learn to love. Loving others and yourself is the only sure fire way to raise your frequency! That is why Esu kept encouraging others to, "Love thy neighbor as thyself."

He meant that quite literally, because while you are loving others and serving others, you are also loving and serving yourself. And that is not just referring to the people that are easy to love. He meant EVERYONE. The neighborhood mailman that maces your dog, love him. Your mother in law that undermines your marriage, love her. The student who sells drugs in your school, love him. The Doctor who pushes drugs at you, love her. The man who beats his horse, love him. The bum sleeping in the street, love him. The family whose house was destroyed by fire, love them.

YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOVE WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!! You do have to love them. People who do these things need help a whole lot more than someone in your church who pays tithes, helps others, and brings you food every Thanksgiving. But you need to love them also.

Do you get my point? In an ideal world, there would be no wars, no reason to lock your doors, no hunger, no fires destroying whole swaths of countryside (as in Australia now), because we would be living in peace and living by Universal Laws. There would be no species of animals going extinct because of deforestation, killing, or cruelty. There would be no climate change because we abused our planet. There would be no corrupt government trying to control our every thought, word and deed. Everyone would have their money and not forced to live in survival mode, because we would be taking care of our family and friends like we are supposed to be doing now.

See??? If we were just loving others as we love ourselves, THAT would straighten out every single problem we are having now. So start now!!!! LOVE EVERYONE, no exceptions, and unconditionally. Isn't that how God loves you?

Remember the lesson; "You can give a man food, and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to grow a garden, fish, eat off the land, and he'll never go hungry."

Start loving now, every day.

And by knowing the truth, it shall set you free. Because you have learned how to love.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  T
DATE:  Feb. 13, 2009
Dear T:
    Thank you for your statement on Love.  I agree that Love is a major part of the equation of raising your frequencies.
    I should have elaborated on my statement of gaining knowledge in order to raise one's frequencies.  Knowledge leads to an understanding of the Laws of God and Creation, which, of course, include the concept of Love.  Esu Immanuel taught that Divine Love was the center of Creation, and when we understand that and apply it to our lives, we will keep all the Laws of God and Creation.
    The problem today is that many people interpret love to mean different things, because they lack the knowledge of the Laws of God and Creation.  Thus, we get the "New Age" concept of love or Hollywood's or the Hippies, etc.  To clarify this there are three basic concepts of love that need to be understood.
    First is "Eros" love.  This is the lowest frequency level of the three types of love, involving physical love, sexual desire and intercourse.  The second is "Philios love or friendship love, the love between friends or between wife and husband.  Third is "Agape" Love, the Love of Creator God for mankind, the Love of Esu Immanuel for the people of Earth Shan.  This is what Esu referred to as "brotherly Love".
    Agape Love is that to which you refer in your statement, Love that accepts another unconditionally, regardless of their actions.  Law Number Twelve tells us to not judge the person, but wisely judge all behavior and actions which are contrary to the Laws of Balance of God and the Creation.  We are to Love the person but not what they do that is contrary to God's Laws.  In other words we condemn the evil but not the person, for that person has merit, even as a clone, to Creator God.  "What you have done to help the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you have done it unto me". 
    It is also important to understand that until you have learned to accept Creator God's Love for you, so that you are a "forgiven" person, and, therefore, love yourself, you will be unable to Love others unconditionally.
    May we all, as Lightworkers and enlightened people, walk worthy of our calling.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 2.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 4:26 AM

Dear Patrick;

Many thanks for your words and your support.

Reading every day some peaces of the Journals, I find many and incredible truths.

I have 3 questions and I’m sure you will enlighten me.

1) Contrary to what I’ve always believed, I now understand that there is NOT only one God. My understanding is that there is one God of our universe

( God Aton ), then on “top” of Him, there the is a Creator God but on top of them, there is the Creation. Am I correct ?

2) I read in a Journal that the Russians have “cosmospheres” and among other things, they have destroyed one of the American shuttles

that was supposed to drop a nuke over Irak  as well as they can blow some under sea bombs located along the American west coast

as well as some others located near some big dams causing earthquakes and floods.

Where can I find in the Journals more infos on the cosmospheres? ( building technology, functioning etc )

3) Are the Russians the “good guys” that can prevent the Illuminati from establishing a NWO ?  

Again many thanks.

In love and Light.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  AM
DATE:  Feb. 15, 2009
Dear AM:
    Ra is just another entity presenting his notions and conjecture.  Your progress and possibilities of moving into 5D (Heaven) are determined between you and Creator God, not by some 3D proclamations or anyone else.  Keeping the Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27) to the best of your ability is key to ascension into 5D.  Tell me, how and who would determine 51% of service to others?
    No one is perfect, not even Aton, until we have completed all our lessons in soul growth and have returned to Creator Source.  We are not expected to achieve perfection in 3D, but we are to do the best we can in following God's Laws and that of Creation.
    Should we need to return to another 3D lifestream for our lessons, we will start with our lessons right where we left off in our present lifestream, but in new and different experiences.  Everyone must learn the same lessons before graduating to the next higher dimension.  Some take longer than others to learn by taking detours (skipping school) or dropping out (suicide) or neglecting their homework or are slow learner or are lazy, etc., but no one skips any lessons or any grades in our 3D schoolroom on Earth Shan.
    Those, whose frequencies are not high enough to pass safely through the evacuation beam of light, will die a physical death and go on to another 3D experience.  There may be some, who safely board the ships, but who still have lessons to learn, that will also move on into 3D again.  This is determined when you stand before Creator God Aton of Light and judge yourself according to your living the Laws of God and the Creation.  You and Aton will decide your future, whether you graduate into 5D or return to 3D.
    I remind you that many earth humans are clones.  Clones have no soul, and, therefore, no God-Connection, and will go "poof" into nothingness when Aton orders it so.  Thus, there will be far less, who board the evacuation ships, than many may think.
    May you always find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
3.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: So
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 2:39 PM
Subject: Re:

 Dear Mr. Bellringer,

 Thank you again for your gracious answer and encouragement, However   your other articles today spoke a lot about the imminent evacuation of Earth Shan's population to the spaceships. Since that is  going to happen soon , what is the point of us to continue to work hard to developed ideas and inventions for the benefit of  humankind ?

 It will be an absolute waste of our talent and hard works even if we  are fortunate enough to be included  in the evacuation ,suddenly I see my life work going down the tube. For where we going after  beaming abroad the spaceship , there is certainly not going to be any need for solar power flying car or old retired scientist.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  So
DATE:  Feb. 15, 2009
Dear So:
    I do not know what your contract is with Creator God.  We have agreed to be here and do our mission.  We keep going, holding the Light and presenting Truth for as long as we are needed.  There are lessons in patience, endurance, discernment, etc. to be learned.  I do not know your lessons.  That is for you to determine.  Neither do we know the exact timing of coming events.  We can only read the signs.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer

 4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: NN
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 8:38 PM
Subject: aton 5 dim
dear patrick  I have a little doubt 

 5º D is not  acces  if you have not  high your actual  vibration ,otherwise you will die,at beaming or earth changes  .I think we will die  any way , ones  will go for 5D ,others as  usual  4D .and  there will not be anymore  3º D no reenarnationis that correct ?NN

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  NN
DATE:  Feb. 15, 2009
Dear NN:
    Thanks for writing.  No, you are not correct in your thinking.
    There are many other planets in 3D, not just our planet.  There is no physical death for those with frequencies high enough to pass through the evacuation beam of Light.  Those, who cannot do this, and are souled beings, will experience physical death, go to 4D or the Astral Plane, where they judge themselves before God Aton, and then move on to their next lifestream in 3D to continue their lessons in soul growth.
    There will be no more 3D on our planet, Earth Shan, because she will be moving into the fifth dimension or Heaven, where no evil is allowed.
    I hope this answers your questions.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
5.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: PH
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 1:04 AM
Subject: todays questions
Hi Patrick,

I was just curious about something you had stated, could you please clarify for me?

You had mentioned that Hatonn has stated no place is safe on earth Shan. What about Telos? And hollow earth what will happen to them? Should or could we go to them? In regards to moving, wouldn’t we still be picked up there? Or was it a statement of if you don’t believe you can go anywhere you want and deal with what happens after not getting picked up. – it just seemed like careful wording I was hoping you could expound a bit.

Second question, what happens if you are anxious or unsure at the time of beaming? The journal stated only that it would be bad and you could be killed but was a bit vague on how much fear would not allow for proper beaming. it seems a bit ludicrous to think children who do not know and others who do believe but are still very unsure due to the finality of bailing on the planet will be unaffected by fear and anguish. I remember you saying that we would not be picked up until all hell had broken loose, so how does one get beamed without the human emotion of what will be happening at the time get in the way?

Also, I was hoping you could shed some light on as to who shall receive the packages once deliveries are to be made. Will they be everyone, some? How does it work? I have seen and heard much speculation from others over a long time now and I thought it would be prudent to ask? What denominations and will it be paper money?( Considering the devaluation only)or will it be like silver certificates or greenback type of funds? I understand the premise of why we should receive but the details as to who is sketchy. if you could pass on your wisdom it would be greatly appreciated.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Phil Maldonado
DATE:  Feb. 16, 2009
Dear Phil Maldonado:
    Thank you for your questions.
    Q. 1.:  It does not matter, if you are at the Inner City of Mt. Shasta or a part of the Hollow Earth civilization, when Earth Shan begins her serious cleansing via major earth changes, everyone must evacuate the planet, if they wish to be safe.  Sheldan Nidle has dispersed the nonsense that during evacuation we would be taken to our Inner Earth civilization for safety.  Inside Earth Shan will be no more safe than on her surface during her period of cleansing.
    Should you choose to change your geographical location in these coming days, that in no way changes your evacuation.  You will be picked up wherever you are, either inside or outside our planet.  Creator God made this place and He knows where you are at all times.
    Q. 2.:  Relax!  You will know telepathically in advance that you are to leave and board the ships, and you will be told what to do.  You won't have Mother Earth opening up and trying to swallow you or rocks falling on your head.  That would make for a great science fiction film!
    To reduce injury from the "tractor beam", you are to be calm and relaxed, not dancing around in fear and panic.  Believe me, you should be quite happy to leave this place for good.  Your understanding of not being picked up until "all Hell broke loose" is a big exaggerated.  Our Star Friends have done planetary evacuations many times and are old pros at knowing the proper timing and technique.  Those children under the age of accountability will automatically be put to sleep and beamed aboard the ships with no harm or hassle.
        Q. 3.  Who are to receive the bank packet deliveries?  Only those, who invested money in the Prosperity Programs or who filed a claim in the class action Farm Lawsuit against the Federal Government for fraud in the 1990's will receive a delivery packet.  More of this history can be fond on Fourwinds in the "Nesara News" section.  This money will be coming through our new gold banking system, which has the new dollar currency of gold and silver certificates.
    I hope this helps.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer