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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: KJ
To: Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 3:36 PM
Subject: Time is getting short!
Dear Anne & Patrick:

I just read Aton instructions on what to do when the world turns dark! I have a question about the innocents - the little children and animals and I have to tell you that leaving my animals outside will be the hardest part for me as they are like my children. Could you please clarify what is going to happen to them and little children?

Especially the little children, are they taken without their parents? And what of the animals because Aton says that they won't die. What is going to happen in that case?

The other thing I questioned that doesn' t seem to be as you described was after the 14 day dark/light period would the remaining people then stay on earth stay for a 7 year famine or as you indicated be taken up before the 14 days or immediately thereafter?

The reality is beginning to sink in as I told you previously that I believe we have having the Solar Winds I talked about down here. I am presently preparing for the 14 day stinct but I would hate to have to stay here another 7 years! Maybe you could direct me to the correct place to read about it myself?

Thank you for addressing this concern because I would lay bets on the fact that there are others that are concerned about their bebes of all types!

You two are the best! Thank you....


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  KJ
DATE:  January 26, 2009
Dear KJ:
    Thank you for your letter and questions.  You are asking about Chapter three of Phoenix Journal #57 that we recently posted on Fourwinds.
    Please understand that the Phoenix Journals were mostly written by Doris Ekker ("dharma"), who sat at her computer and typed the message she heard being transmitted to her by radio signal from The Phoenix, the Command Ship of the Pleiadian Star Fleet from Hatonn/Aton, Creator God of Light and Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters.  The Phoenix Journals are not channeled material.  Secondly, the Phoenix Journals are far more difficult to understand than most people realize.
    They were written to those seeking Truth.  One cannot speed read them and grasp their full meaning.  Once having read a given journal, you have obtained a given level of understanding, of knowledge and of wisdom.  To re-read a journal one is surprised that many things become more clear, and that there are things you never saw before.  It is like you never read the journal before.  This is true because you are re-reading from a higher level of enlightenment than the first time you read it.
    Now, your questions have to do with the section starting on p. 36 of journal #57, "Days of Darkness".  We note that Hatonn says this material was from Grace P. in Oklahoma and that he uses the word "QUOTE" to show that his is quoting this information.  The quoting ends on page 44 with the note "End of QUOTING".
    The next section heading is "Critique:  Discernment".  In the first paragraph of that section Hatonn says, "Well, this came through a "channel" calling herself 'Anna', the prophetess, who considers herself a messenger of God".  In paragraph two Hatonn raises the question, "So, what is different from Dharma?"  He is asking how this material just quoted on pp. 36-44 from Anna, different from the Phoenix Journals that Doris Ekker (Dharma) does?  The answer, of course, is that Dharma does not channel, but is a translator and a typist.  She records information from direct radio transmission.
    In paragraph three Hatonn tells us that the one calling himself "Lord, 'Jesus' Christ'" is fake", because "The Christ" (Esu Immanuel Sananda) would never call himself "Jesus", because that was not his name.  Therefore, this leaves this whole quoting from Anna suspect of being nonsense and a lie.
    In paragraph four Hatonn say, "This is for your own discernment.  You must look at each and every statement as to valid merit within that which are the Laws of God, the Cycles of Universal 'Natural Law' and the intelligent reason of the gift of gifts---God's allowance of choices and intelligence.  You are created with this innate 'knowing'---what says your inner guidance about this message?"
    Then on page 45 Hatonn says the part in this quote from Anna about Space Beings is "pure hog-wash".  In the very next paragraph Hatonn says, "You must look carefully with discernment, for Truth can always be found within the statements, and then 'judgment' must be made on the facts presented."  Finally, at the end of the next paragraph, Hatonn has one last thing to say about Anna's message.  "Portions are correct---the majority of the information is not, but the lessons are wondrous."
    What more can I say?  Most of Anna's writing is nonsense.  We entered the Photon Belt in 1962 and the null zone and three days of darkness are behind us, as they were blocked from our experience by the Forces of Light at that time.
    Learn to read carefully and understand what is being said.  Then use your discernment to sort out Truth from lie.  If things do not fit with the Laws of God and Creation, or with what Creator God has said in the Phoenix Journals, it is suspect.  May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer