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'Hello, Central!' Questions About the Article, 'The Truth in a Nutshell!' (Updated 1/ 26/2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: Sh
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 4:13 PM
Subject: several questions about the "Truth in a nutshell" article

Hey Patrick and everyone else.

After reading the "Truth in a NUTSHELL" article it caused me a great deal of confusion and several questions came up to my mind which I'm having some trouble in to accept or maybe it doesn't make sense to me but I'm a open minded person and I'm willing to understand it a bit more, is it because I'm a Christian very into Christianity or 'brainwashed by it?

Before I set my questions to you I must say I'm sorry for asking all these questions but right now my mind is in huge mess and confused. As I said I'm an open minded guy and I'm looking forward for your answers, however I'm having a hard time to finally grasp what's right and false. The only thing I knew right from beginning was "Rapture" being fake.

What I'm trying to say is that I've seen countless of videos and had countless of hours on research pointing on one side of the story but on the other hand I also found complete different sides of the story like yours here and that is what makes my mind in a state of conflict and the question that completely invades my mind is obviously "who's right and who's wrong then"...

Anyway here's my questions:

1. You mentioned the Pleiadians, and the thing that came up to my mind was 14th of October last year where several channelars (including a lady named blossom something can't remember exactly) who let the world knew that the Galactic Federation of Light under the command of Ashtar was due to appear. Being a Bible believer and a reader this Ashtar or Ashtaroth personage I soon realized that he was obviously a fallen angel as the Bible clearly points out.

2. I'm very interested in reading the Phoenix Journals and I'll certainly read them, however what strikes me and makes me wonder is where do these messages, this amount of info come from and how do you know it to be true?

3. You said "At the beginning of our last "great orbit" (206 million years ago) humans were placed on Earth-Shan. Past civilizations have had an average length of 10,000 to 12,000 years; therefore, many civilizations have existed on our Earth prior to our present one. The Truth is that "Adam and Eve" date back only 10,000 to 12,000 years."

I can't get this one, the Bible says the Earth is 6,000 years old if I'm not wrong, which leads me to my next question... Who is right, Bible or you?

4. You mention many times "starships" which makes me wonder why would celestial beings, being so powerful yet they look like us, those 5th dimension beings you mention need starships to travel around the cosmos? The Bible tells us how a angel single handedly wiped out a 185,000 army (please correct me if I'm wrong) so why would these higher beings need starships if they are powerful? 

 5. "We have been told the lie that God Aton lives in "heaven", and that He sits on His throne and rules and judges the world."

If that's true then who is overseeing and taking control of affairs both in the spiritual dimension and here?

6. "Aton" Where does this name come from and why you call God by that name?

"That [men] may know that thou, whose name alone [is] JEHOVAH,

[art] the most high over all the earth." Psalm 83:18

Or was this changed by someone? 

Thank you for your attention.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Sh
DATE:  January 24, 2009
Dear Sh:
    Thank you for your letter and questions.
    Q. 1:  The October 14, 2008 uncloaking of Ashtar's starship was all a hoax, by spiritual gurus, many who are CIA/FBI stooges, telling stories to fool the people.
    Q. 2:  The proof is in the reading of the Phoenix Journals and your own discernment of Truth.  Start with journal #2, then #3, 5, 7, 27 and 47 etc.
    Q. 3:  The Bible says many things that are totally false.  Scientists have proven that our planet is 4.5 billion years old.  This is what Creator also says in the Phoenix Journals.
    Q. 4:  The Star People do not need starships to travel, for they can move by thought, but they use them mostly for our benefit.
    Q. 5:  Your concept of God is limited by your lack of knowledge and wisdom.  Creator God lives within His Creation.  His is the energy of Light and is everywhere.  A fragment or spark of this Light lives within all souled human beings, and is known as your God Spirit.
    Q. 6.:  The Phoenix Journals were given to us by Creator God Aton of Light and Esu Immanuel Sananda and the Ascended Masters.  As Creator of our Nebadon Universe, Aton is the name He uses, thus I address Him accordingly.  Who am I to question His name?
    The names in your not-so-holy Bible for God in the Old Testament are Yahweh and Jehovah, names used to fool you.  Yahweh is nothing more than the sound of the braying of a donkey (Yah-weh), and Jehovah's full name is God Jehovah Satan, the god of vengeance and wrath and destruction and violence and sacrifice.
    It is interesting to note that in every language and society on our planet the word Aton is found and refers to Creator God.  See Nora Boyles book, The Garden of Aton for more information.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: Sh
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 1:56 PM
Subject: RE: several questions about the "Truth in a nutshell" article
Hi again.

The Bible has been mocked, burned, thousands of refutation attempts, not to mention that the theory of evolution was invented by Charles Darwin (deceived by satan which gave the principles of evolution to him) to combat the truth of the Bible without burning it and that means everything. In fact Bible is still under siege today.

And besides the majority of Christians (including myself) views the Bible as a divinely inspirated letter to mankind from God to tell us how it all began, another way for us to individually come to Him, claiming that it's false you're also claiming that God is a liar.

It's nothing personal, but deep inside of me I'm finding hard to believe your version, including the other version were some people believe that aliens made us through DNA manipulation, I rather believe what goes on my soul. Again I say nothing personal, I like your site, fourwinds10 is very informative and I'll keep visiting for news.

Thanks for your attention and reply.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Sh
DATE:  January 24, 2009
Dear Sh:
    Truth stands on its own merit, regardless of what you choose to believe.  I have no version of Truth.  Truth is!  Do your homework and figure it out.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 2.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: G
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 3:12 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Re: 'Hello, Central!' Questions About the Article, 'The Truth in a Nutshell!' (Updated 1/ 26/2009)

Patrick, I would like to offer this response for the one named "Sh" regarding his strict adherence to The Bible as "a letter from God".

Dear "Sh". You and billions of others are being misled. The Bible that you now "believe" in is simply a revision of a forgery of ancient Babylonian, Chaldean and Sumerian texts. The first five books of the Bible (aka 'the Torah') are actually Babylonian in origin. Remember, the Hebrews spent quite a bit of time captive in Babylon. Their patriarch, Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldees.

The Hebrews assigned to compile the Torah used existing information in the libraries of Mesopotamia to create their five 'Books of Moses'. Then they slyly managed to have their Torah grafted onto the beginning of the Bible, thereby setting a rotted foundation upon which the remainder of the Bible would have to be built upon.

Of those first five books, Genesis is the only one that is basically accurate regarding Cosmogony and the TWO Creations of Man. But none of the "gods" of The Old Testament are the One True Creator Source. They are LESSER creator gods with separate agendas who have been merged into one "Lord God" with the help of their human lackeys.

"The Elohim" are a group of Positive beings who created First Man (Neanderthal). Jehovah-Yahweh is a second group of Negative  responsible for the second creation of Man (Cro-Magnon). Both sets of Humans co-existed for a time. The Elohim project was extinguished after the Flood. The Elohim then chose to temporarily withdraw from this dimension and we were left with these negative creator gods Yahweh-Jehovah. The saga is more complex than this, I am giving only the basics here.

Haven't you ever wondered why Chapter One of Genesis talks about"God" (Elohim) creating Man on the Sixth Day and then Chapter Two describes "Lord God" (Yahweh-Jehovah) creating Man to work and maintain the fields of Eden??? This is a contradiction that is explained by what I have written above, but preachers, priests and reverends WILL NOT EVEN ADDRESS THIS BLATANT CONTRADICTION.

Genesis is a SYMBOLIC representation of true events that took place over billions of years. Of COURSE it had to be condensed.

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are simply the Hebrews re-working the history of the Sumerians, Chaldeans, Babylonians and deceptively trying to pass it off as their own.

They want their followers to simply "believe" and dutifully pay their tithes so that their Churchers prosper even as the Souls of their flocks are left wanting. There is a special place in Hell for these charlatans.

Haven't you ever wondered why the New Testament does not mention these lesser gods at all? Jesus refers to "The Father", not Yahweh, Jehovah, etc.

Haven't you ever wonderd why Jews are FORBIDDEN TO READ THE NEW TESTAMENT? FORBIDDEN! Do you know why? Because the man called Jesus was the sworn enemy of the false creator gods that the Pharisees (what Jews used to be called) wanted their people to "worship".

How can you have your first five books of Moses at the front of the Bible yet forbid your followers to read the rest of the Bible? This was done to deceive Christians into worshipping their wrathful, vengeful, egotistical "gods" who ordered killing sprees, slaughters of entire villages, pillaging, enslavemnent and rape.

No wonder Christians are so confused as they listen to their "shepherds" pick their way through the Bible, assiduously avoiding these horrible depictions and contradictions of "god". It\'s a sad, sick shame.

For the sake of your own Soul, stop being a "Believer". BELIEF IMPLIES DOUBT! Be a "KNOWER"!! Pray to your God-Self within and ask to be shown the Truth, the Way and the Light. Then get on the Internet and start researching where the Bible actually came from!! If you do your research correctly, it will take you all the way back to the ancient civilization of Sumer.

Google "The Atrahasis" and "The Enuma Elish". Modern\"science" and "archaeology" want you to believe that these texts are myths. They are not. They are truer and more accurate representations of what happened on this planet than anything one will find in the revised forgery known as the modern Bible (choose your "version\").

I'm sorry, my friend, but you have been lied to and are now Enslaved by that Lie. I understand where you are coming from because you have probably spent your entire life incorporating The Lie of the Bible being\"The Word of God" into the core of your very being. It is not as simple as that. There is Truth in the Bible, but it has been mixed liberally with carefully crafted Lies and Deceptions. Please, please, begin to think for yourself and just do a tiny bit of research.

Your Soul literally depends on your taking Action to discern the Truth for yourself as quickly as possible.

Take care, my friend.

All Love,

~~ G

P.S. By the way, you were correct about Darwin. He was a fraud with a purpose.