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'Hello, Central!' Why are the Dark Forces Not Concerned with the Planet's Destruction?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: KJ
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 9:20 AM
Subject: Why are the dark forces not concerned with the planet's destruction?
Dear Anne & Patrick:
What do the dark forces know that we don't know.?  They don't seem to be at all concerned or the least bit contrite about their actions in the face of almost certain doom, the loss of their lives and the consequences that go with that?  If anything they are in an all out assualt and are employing the most drastic methods known in the history of man. Have they no fear or concern of what that most certainly will bring upon them?   I simply do no understand how humans could function like that, unless, of course,  they simply don't believe in the hereafter...
These are quite trying times which we all knew were coming as the Hegemic Dialectic (cause the problems, then come in as Saviors to fix it)  have been put in full force and I can tell you that I am ever so grateful for your direction,  advise and steadfastness as a point of light in our dark world!
Thank you.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  KJ
DATE:  Jan. 14, 2009
Dear KJ:
    Thank you for your letter and kind words. 
    The Dark Forces have no soul, therefore they have no values, morals or ethics.  They have no God-connection, so they have no concept of an after-life, know no guilt or remorse or compassion, and are quite willing to destroy Earth Shan to follow Satan's orders.
    Satan and his minions destroyed many planets, among them Venus and Mars, before being sentenced by Creator God to live on Earth Shan, as their jail planet.  Why would they be concerned about the life of our planet or of her people, when their focus is to destroy all that is good?
    They are going "full steam ahead" to win, as much as possible for the Darkside.  It is like soldiers rushing into battle, who slaughter as many as they can before they are killed.  The Darkside knows that God wins in the end, but their goal is to take as many people as possible with them into the Darkness, before they are defeated by the Light.
    They are gleeful over their present seeming success.  That shall be short-lived, my friend, as Creator God has "had it" with all the negativity on Earth Shan.  The Darkside's control of our planet is over.  Watch as the miracles play out around you.  We are living in very exciting "End Times", as Truth is winning on all fronts.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer