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'Hello, Central!' What We Think About, We Bring About! (Updated Jan. 12, 2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 9:57 PM
Subject: Your input appreciated

I have been thinking about the saying "what we think about we bring about."

I have come to the conclusion that conscience, both individual and collective, does not know negative from positive, only what we think about.

In light of that, it makes me wonder about the value of all the focus on what we don't want happening in our world and, more specifically, what we don't want interfering with what many of us readers go to Fourwinds10 to keep abreast of. Information which Casper, Poof and others write about.

I would appreciate your comments on this line of thinking.

Does focus on the undesirable only lend power to that which we do not want?

I would also be interested in knowing what others might have to add to this notion.

Kind regards,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  T
DATE:  Jan. 11, 2009
Dear T:
    Thank you for your letter and question.  There is much to be said about the power of positive thinking.  What we think about, we bring about in our individual lives, but that does not mean that by our collective positive thinking we can change our very evil world today back to goodness.
    First and foremost we are here to learn our individual lessons in soul growth by living the Laws of God and Creation.  Never has Creator God said we are here to change our neighbor or to change the whole world, and build the Kingdom of God on a 3D Earth Shan.  We cannot go against the freewill choices of others.  All of our positive thinking in the world will not change another person, unless that person chooses to change.
    You suggest that all the negative information posted on Fourwinds is not helpful in changing things for the better, that such negative energy is creating more negativity.  Much Truth today is negative, but we must know Truth, be it negative or positive, to be informed of the Darkside's plans for control over us.  Without such knowing we cannot confront the Darkness.
    Negative Truth is for our knowing, and what we do with the negative energy is our choice.  Reading negative news does not create more negative energy, unless that is our intent.  When we read negative news, we read to become informed.  Then we send Love and Light to the situation and neutralize the Dark energies.  As Lightworkers, that is our task, to change the negative into the positive, to change Darkness into Light.
    Your statement that conscience does not know negative from positive, makes no sense at all.  Every souled human at birth enters this 3D lifestream with a conscience that knows right from wrong, negative from positive, according to the Laws of God and Creation.  That is absolute Truth.  Any thinking of right and wrong comes from that source alone.
    Concerning my earlier discussion about Negative Truth, reading something negative carries no action until we give it energy.  We can enhance negativity or neutralize it by the power of our thoughts.  That is our choice.  If you want to read information that is really negative Truth, try reading the Phoenix Journals.  Is it bad to do so?  No, for as Hatonn has said, "The Truth shall set you free".  It is all matter of what you choose to do with that Truth.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JV
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 4:11 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

'Hello, Cenral!' What We Think About, We Bring About! Nice 1st post today that i would like to comment on:Yes i do believe its individual and collective. Its amazing what every individual thought does and what effect it has on others. I myself have changed for the better with the thought process as turning negative thoughts to positive and balancing the two. Do we not think that on dec..31st 2008 at 11:59.59pm we who thought about peace and love on earth going into the new year had an effect? (Of course it did) :)

 Now if these thoughts were in our daily lifes from most of the "whole", oh the difference that would have made.I feel the thoughts of the collective and the individual with the coming changes will be a result of where humanity will be in the future. Thanks Patrick :)

----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 5:07 PM
Subject: RE: Your input appreciated

I understand part of what you stated but I am still unclear about part of it, so perhaps the following simple example might help get us both on the same train of thought:

     If I keep in my thoughts that I do not want to feel tired and run down, the result is that I feel tired and

     run down. On the other hand, if I think about feeling awake and full of energy, that is how I will feel.

The example also does not appear to me to have any connection to right and wrong but does show both a negative and a positive way of thinking.

What happens when we put a great deal of attention on not wanting (negative) more of what the actions of the dark (wrong or evil) vs. putting the majority of our thinking on wanting (positive) more of the action of the light (right or good)?

Does the above change your reply in any way?

Kind regards,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  T
DATE:  Jan. 11, 2009
Dear T.:
    It is unclear to me what you are asking.  Is this what you are asking?
    If you are physically tired and keep saying to yourself, "I am tired!", you will draw that "tiredness" to you even more so than before.  If you say to yourself, "I am not tired, I can do this!", you will draw strength to you from the ethers.  The universe will reinforce whatever energy for which you ask.
    For this reason, what you think about, comes about.  All of life is connected to right and wrong, for all our thinking and all our living is either positive or negative, as determined by God's Laws.  There is a right way to think and a wrong way to think, just as there is a right way to live and a wrong way to live.
    This is not popular in our world today, and especially in the New Ager's philosophy.  So be it!  Truth is!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
 3.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JS
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 2:10 PM
Subject: 'Hello, Central!' What We Think About, We Bring About! (Updaed Jan. 11, 2009)
Dear Patrick,

I have been dealing with my negativity, by sending it into the white light immediately when I have a negative thought. I tell it to leave me and go into the white light to be destroyed and never return to my thoughts, aurora, or body.

I find when I do this my heart starts to race a little, and a calm and peaceful feeling warms my stomach area.

I then reinforce myself with a positive thought, and ask the white light to magnify it.

It is a constant battle, but I find that I am starting to live more abundantly with more of a happier disposition.

Hope this makes sense.