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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: AM
To: 'Bellringer'
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 7:43 AM

Dear Patrick ;

I used to consider ( and most people as well ) that reality would never reach science fiction but when I discovered your wonderful web site some months ago

and I started to learn the real Truth, I realized that reality has by far surpassed science fiction.

I believe that almost all people on earth literally DON?T in what kind of world they are living !!

If one is only listening the mainstream media, it doesn’t have the slightest idea of what is really going on on our planet and especially

how the Darkside is leading our world and the entire humanity into control and slavery.


One example is what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Tv and newspapers here in Italy are telling us that the Pope has blamed the attacks. But when you know  the truth and you know that the Pope and the Vatican are members of the Illuminati andhe is blaming the attacks because he MUST do it !!

When you know that  the Darkside sponsored Rockefeller’s crooks gang  is practically controlling the U.S. of A. finance and most part of the world’s banks,

that they are behind the wars in Iraq and Afganistan, and the list would be endless, that makes me disgusted and angry !

If the Darkside has helped these criminals to reach this point, I wonder why our Brothers of Light don’t take more powerful actions to once and for all

destroy these crooks.

I know that in the end the light will win but it pains me deeply to see that meantime they are destroying our planet, our freedom and thousands of people

are dying and millions are starving or just surviving.

Why our Brothers of Light and their Star Seeds on earth are waiting so long ???  

Is there any hope that the Brotherhood of Light  can stop them at short ?


Many thanks.

In peace and love




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  AM
DATE:  Jan. 5, 2009
Dear AM:
    Often I have asked the same question.  Why questions are hard to answer.  We live in a 3D world and are here for our lessons in soul growth, yet God has a plan to ultimately bring victory over the Darkness.
    Why all the evil?  Karma is being played out, lessons are being learned by all of us, and sorting out those of good and evil intent continues to the very end of these "Last Days".  As Satan's "jail planet" Earth Shan became the Darkest Planet ever to exist in the entire Cosmos.
    As Great Masters in our own right, we Lightworkers agreed to come to Earth Shan and help her in her transition into 5D.  We knew it would be "tough", the greatest challenge we would ever face, but we agreed to come anyway, and of course, without memory of who we were.
    Gradually, many Lightworkers have awakened to their mission, and are holding high the Light of Truth.  They are learning of their power within and how to use it.  Why don't our Brothers and Sisters of Light help us?  Believe me when I say, they are helping us big time.
    Had they not intervened Earth Shan would have been destroyed years ago in a nuclear holocaust, as was Mars and Venus.  We could have been "wiped out" by biological warfare and by man-controlled weather, had we not had Divine Intervention.  We think that conditions could not possibly be worse than they are now.  Oh, yes, they could have been much worse.  Only by the Grace of God are the Lightworkers still here in this "Hell Hole".
    The hatred between the KZB (Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks) and the Arabs goes back many centuries, and there is much Karma being released in the Middle East at this time.  Though approximately seventy-five percent of these people are human clones with no soul, they are still here for our lessons.  When Creator God said you shall not murder your fellowman, He meant it.  Therefore, the souled humans are faced with choices.  They can choose to watch or they can take action to stop this madness.
    Lightworkers are sending in the Light and Love of Creator Source to neutralize the negativity.  Some are serving as doctors, aid workers and helpers of all kinds.  Others are protesting in the streets, writing or calling people of authority, demanding a stop to this carnage.  Yes, we feel helpless, but it never was the intent of our Brothers and Sisters of Light to come and clean up our mess.  They are restrained by the Cosmic Law of Non-intervention in the affairs of humans on a 3D freewill planet.  They can only give us limited help, and then only when we request their services.
    Only when Darkness threatens to extinguish the life of a planet, or extinguish the human life on that planet, or to destroy the very soul essence of the souled humans (as with nuclear), does Creator God intervene on a freewill planet.
    We are very close to such Divine Intervention.  Earth Shan has served well for four and one-half billion years in 3D, and has been granted her wish to raise her frequencies and transition into 5D, where no evil exists.  To cleanse herself of everything 3D and all evil of 4D Earth Shan shall roll over and allow the oceans and the earth changes to do the clean-up.
    I sincerely believe the time is very short before our planetary evacuation occurs.  In the mean time we carry on with our mission of doing what we can to right the wrong.  What is happening in Gaza is so sick.  I weep for these people and demand intervention and send Love and Light.  Only Creator God has the answer to your "why" question, the question all Lightworkers are asking.  "How long, oh Lord, how long?"
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
1.  (Reply)
Original Message -----
From: PG
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 7:53 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Dear Patrick,

 I am totally dismayed with the latest appointment by the Obama that Leon Panetta, a white house chief of Staff,under now CIA director.Obama\'s administration team is mostly made up of Clintonites. According to Casper,Obama was blackmailed by Hillary and her henchmen in order to stack the white house with their cronies. Corruption and bribery is a matter of course with the advent of 251M per senator and the congress has been paid off as well. What in the name of God\'s green earth is going on? Is there nobody of consequence available of stature to stand up to these travesties?

 I usually log on to Starship Capricorn site.......Helena the Commander of Capricorn recently stated that there is to be a return to constitutional law for America....the current election will not be observed. The changes will include a new currency backed by precious metals....the currency is now in the hands of leading banks....a new election will be declared after the return to constitutional law.

 Could you give me your take on these proceedings? I believe that most of the American...if not the world\'s population has any idea in what is coming down the pipe. I would presume that NESERA is still in the ball game and hopefully our Star Brethern will appear in our skies to finally shake some realization....that we are not alone...and that we are indubadably going to progress to a Golden future....hopefully in the near future!

 As usual thank you for your insights....and many blessings on you and Anne and Casper for your truth endeavors.

 In love and light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  PG
DATE:  Jan. 6, 2008
Dear PG:
    Thank you for your letter.  There is much talk by the Mormon group "Starship Capricorn" and others about having a Golden Age on Earth in 3D.  That has never been Creator God's Plan for these "End Times". 
    As you well know, negativity has only gotten worse across Earth Shan in these months and days, as the Darkness marches forward.  We may see some balance brought with deliveries and NESARA for a very brief time, but given the condition of our planet, she is very close to great cleansing via earth changes, and moving into the higher frequencies of 5D.  Thus, planetary evacuation appears to be very soon.
    Evil never quits, as evidenced by Obama and his acceptance of the Clinton/Rockefeller/Illuminati mantle.  The Light always wins, but to think that we can stop the evil in 3D on our planet without Cosmic intervention is being naive.  Our Star Brethren will only appear at evacuation time, as that is their mission.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer