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'Hello, Central!' Deja Vu! (Updated Dec. 28, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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 From: GB
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2008 2:55 AM
Subject: deja vu?
Merry Christmas to you Mr Bellringer and your family.
I first off what to thank you for this website and the dedication you must put into the site. It is very informative and refreshing at times to read such uplifting articles and visions of hope in a world that appears to be devoid of it.
I have been contemplating writing to you for a while now, it seems you answer many other people’s questions about the changes we are going through, and abnormalities that they experience in recognizing the god within. 
So I’ll get right to the point.
During my life I have had instances where I am doing something, it could be something miniscule, it could be something monumental, but I have to stop because I have an overwhelming urge that I have been here, doing that very thing before. People call it deja vu, some people say “hey I have been here before” and they probably have physically been there before, or a place that looks like it. But the deja vu that I am talking about is where I have dreamt of being there, doing exactly that at that moment. I even remember on some circumstances  where in the dream I remember recognizing that I am aware that the deja vu is happening within the dream. There are other times where it is very vague. I remember the first time that this happened to me, I was 10-12 yrs old  (I am now 36), I was vacuuming in the home that my parents lived. I had the dream years earlier before we lived in that house and I remember waking up questioning why I would be vacuuming in a weird house?
All my life I have had these experiences where I remember fully or sometimes very vaguely that I had dreamt that before. Sometimes it would be so vague that it was just a feeling of familiarity into what I was doing at that time.
I have questioned why this happens to me a lot but never really searched hard for any answers until now. I was with someone, a person who I still call my soul mate, she was everything in my life. I ran into some health troubles, it could be easily fixed but it effected my personality, I guess she got scared and found someone else and left me for him. We were forced to sell our house, and my health took a turn for the worse. All throughout that time I was getting a lot of of these deja vu’s. It was then I started looking for answers. I have read in some places that these mean that something big is going to happen within 72 hours and I should be aware. Unfortunately I don’t believe this is the case with me, I wondered it if meant to say I was on the right track on my life or the wrong track and I need to change something soon.
Reason why I ask that is, because of my health, I lost my job and I am currently looking for another one, I walked into a job interview and got the overwhelming urge that I have dreamt being in that solarium before. Now if I took that job, I would be unemployed again right now, they just laid off the person who got my job because of cutbacks.
So are these deja vu’s a warning? I also just had one the other night, I was out with a friend for dinner and I had the deja vu, a strong one too, and then she started to say something that made me think of the direction my life is going and the inconsistency in that lifestyle that I have been building for myself.
Anyways, I could get into all of the possibilities about that situation, but it would span a few pages, and I’m sure you are a busy person.
So I thank you for taking the time to read this and if you know of anyone who has this or if you have it yourself and you know the answer to why this is happening it would be greatly appreciated.
Much Love and light to you both  
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  GB
DATE:  Dec. 26, 2008
Dear GB:
    Thank you for your letter.  You are not alone in your experiencing of deja vu's.  We repeat lifestream after lifestream in this 3D world and recall doing something or being somewhere before.  We are here for our lessons in soul growth and repeat them until we learn them, thus many have repeat experiences or deja vu.
    If we return to the same area in another lifestream, we may have deja vu.  The veil is becoming thinner, and we are remembering more of our past, which also causes deja vu.  Are they a warning?  That would be for you to determine.
    Even in these experiences there is reason for one to pause and consider the meaning of such a happening.  Maybe it is a sign for us to need, to slow down, take a break, and go within for our answers.  If these are repeat lessons, we need to learn them, so we can move on with our life.  If it is a warning, we surely should need it.  Go within and get correct answers, always.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: SA
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 4:35 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 ref 'Hello, Central!' Deja Vu!


 what you call as Deja Vu is your unconscious mind \'picking\' on what is going to happen within a short period of time like snapshots of  incidents, during the same or the next or the day after. It normal and it has (in my experience) nothing to do with prophecy. However,  when you 'live' / remember the snapshots they are usually charged with some  thoughts of feelings or You can see a detail that reminds you of your dream / deja vu state.

 I have felt that I create these deja vu \'snapshots\' during the period between sleep and awaken state, during which a person can interact with the astral plane.

 Also during the state of deep sleep between 4 and 6 in the morning.

 Deja vu have something to do with brain waves as well but i do not know great deal about it.

 In the movie Matrix is given another definition of the term find out for yourself if you are interested.

 We are unlimited that is for sure and when things happen under natural and normal circumstances, pat yourself on the back that you developing your abilities. Keep a journal with all these \'weird\' incidents.

 Finally search the definition yourself as you know best what suits you

 all best


2. (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

 'Hello, Central!' Deja Vu! (Updated Dec. 26, 2008)

  I ask you to contemplate this:  Time, does NOT exist.  All of your life times are going on "Simultaneously"  I say that Deja Vu is nothing more than one remembering that "we" wrote the script.  It took me a long time? to get a small grip on that ... concept.  So I guess what I'm saying is, isn't Deja Vu a "remembering" thing? Kinda makes yer head spin Olly!  Won't 5-6-7/D be fun!  Or, Contemplate being "present" several seconds ahead of yourself, for a few seconds. Ahhh !   RC

3. (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2008 7:07 AM
Subject: Message: ref 'Hello, Central!' Deja Vu!
Deja Vu usually relates to your past lives, and places you have lived before, or been to before, but not in your current life. Going into a town you've never seen in this life and knowing exactly where you are and how to get where you need to be going. Or even meeting people you have known in another life, and you know them instantly in this life. That happened with me and my husband. I knew him on sight, but it took a while for him to know me back.

This is one of those things that you know, that you know, that you know. I had no proof, when I saw him. How was I supposed to convince him? It took a while, but he remembered me, with some help from friends.

What you are doing is called precognisence, seeing the future. Clairvoyance? Knowing the future. You seem to be going into the future and checking things out. Write it out, these 'dreams', and keep a notebook, that might help you make sense of it.

Just remember, the future isn't set in stone. Change on factor and the whole thing can skew to another future.

That is probably why the bad guys have been able to delay NESARA so well, someone is messing up the details, changing the future. But we can do the same thing to them. And we are getting better at it!


4.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: A&J
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 1:54 PM
Subject: Reply to Deja Vu
From A&J
It is our understanding that we as a soul being, come back to Earth Shan for many 3-D experiences to grow our soul. We've read that as a soul being we choose our parents. We get a chance to choose which one of many lifestreams we want to experience according to the lessons of soul growth we wish to learn this time around in 3-D. After reviewing many possible lifestreams in detail we choose which one we want to live and then is when we choose our parents and are allowed to inhabit the human body to begin that lifestream. At that instant the veil is pulled again and you have no memory of the review you just had of your entire lifestream.
For most of us, we never remember a thing, but for some of us  there are bits and pieces of that review that didn't get erased and that is what we are experiencing when we have Deja Vu (to see again). When you get to that point in your life when you actually live it, you know every detail even before it happens. It's just like going to your favorite movie the second time because you are actually seeing it again.
Thank you Anne and Patrick for a wonderful website, we have learned so much and are eager to learn more!!!