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'Hello, Central! How Do I Distinquish When It is the Spirit Voice I Am Hearing? (Updated Dec. 20, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: AM
To: 'Bellringer'
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 5:12 PM

Many thanks Patrick for your reply about NESARA.

Beside this ,in your response to JV asking “Why has God Never Spoken to Humanity Directly” ,you say that

“every souled human being has been given a direct connection to Creator God through their God Spirit within. 

We have a "Red Telephone", and all we need to do is to pick it up and use it”.

I’m fully convinced that this is true but when I ask a question ,it is difficult for me to discern whether it is my spirit’s voice or my mind that answers.

In your great wisdom, can you please tell me how to distinguish when it is the spirit voice answering ?

Many thanks.

In peace and love




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Angelo Mazzocchi
DATE:  Dec. 19, 2008
Dear Angelo Mazzocchi:
    Thank you for your question.  Creator God talks to us in different ways.  He says, when we meditate, His thoughts become our thoughts and our thoughts become His thoughts.  Some people hear an actual voice speaking to them in their meditations.  Apparently, this is your situation. 
    If you have cleared your space of all Dark energies and entities and ordered them gone completely and permanently through the power of your God Spirit and your Mighty I AM PRESENCE, the voice you are hearing can be only from the Higher Dimensions.  Regardless of how you communicate with the Realms of Light, the answers you receive will reflect in your inner being, in your heart strings, giving you a feeling of warmth, of rightness, of correctness, of confidence.
    Many times your "gut feelings" and intuition will guide you , when something is right or good, or definitely wrong and to beware.  For example, yesterday I was in a grocery store with my wife, Anne, and we were considering buying a ham for Christmas dinner with our children.  A young man dressed in jeans and a worn hooded sweatshirt on this cold day was looking at the hams in the cooler.  He picked one up and examined it and laid it down.  He did this again. 
    As I stood by him, I felt the urge to help him.  I just knew that he had a family, was barely surviving on his budget and was not sure, if he should buy a ham for his family for Christmas.  I quietly took a twenty dollar bill from my billfold, and turning to him I said, "I want you to have this", placing the bill in his hand.
    Startled, he said, "What for?"  Tears came to my eyes and I could hardly speak.  All I could say was "Merry Christmas!" as I wheeled my shopping cart away.  I did see the young man pick up the ham he had wanted, and head for the checkout.  Sometimes you just "know' what your Angel Guides are telling you to do.
    I leave you with a note of caution.  The Darkside has access to the world of spirit of the fourth dimension, and therefore, has limited spiritual capabilities.  Dark entities can cause you to hear their voices and thoughts, if you allow your frequencies to drop to their frequency level.  That is why you need to always clear the Darkness from your space and keep yourself in the Light, the higher range of frequencies.
    How do you learn to effectively communicate with the Realms of Light?  Practice!  The best method for you will emerge and you will know it is right for you.  You can also use your body energy through muscle tension (testing), or the use of the pendulum to communicate with your Higher Self.  At the end of the article, "Phone Home, E.T.' are instructions on the use of the pendulum.  However it is that God speaks to you, you will "know"
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: RC
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 In responce to: In your great wisdom, can you please tell me how to distinguish when it is the spirit voice answering ?

 Many thanks.

 In peace and love

  If this will help the reader/s  I have been a student of the great works for some time & will attempt to explain my experiences briefly but to the point.  When I hear or read something that is a \"great Truth\" my whole body tingles up & down like a wave of energy tingling every nerve in my temple.

 As for God/Spirit talking to me directly, I do have one experience that I cannot deny as anything but just that. "the voice" I did hear in my head, "Not" out side myself but just as clear as day.  I had gone to bed the nite befor & was doing a disapline called: "The List". Some of you reading this know Exactly what I'm speaking of, The list is an I-AM mantra you use to create your reality in the sub-concious mind & is used primarily at bed time.  Anyway, I had fallen off to sleep with : I-AM fabulously Weathy, I Need Nothing. So, & this is the good part, as I was opening my eyes the next morning, gazing out our bedroom window, came this voice! Clear, Calm, Deep & ever so soothing: YOUR FABULOUSE WEALTH WILL NOT COME FROM WORLDLY THINGS,... IT WILL COME FROM ALCHEMEY. end.  Believe Me! I sat straight up in bed & said: WHAT !!!  Alchemey is the purification of anything into it\'s purest form, Kinda what God is asking all of us to do at this time I expect. Your "intent!" has much to do with this I believe, as Patrick is telling us to rid yourself of all that is dark. Is your intent for the greater good? or is it a sefish thing. We are One "mind" creating the reality we experience, God has the only DELETE Button!  & he uses it Thank God!