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'Hello, Central!' Alone and Destitute in the Northland! (Alone in Alaska)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: R
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:36 PM
Subject: Misc. thoughts, frustrations and musings!

 Dear Anne and Patrick . . . hope your Holidays will be happy ones with your family and friends.

 I so appreciate the service and information you two provide us, and don't know what I would do w/out your site to get the 'out of the loop' news!  For that matter, I haven't read/listened to/watched the 'loop' in probably 5 years or so!  They burned me out a long time ago.  And, of course, the help of Casper and Poof are so reassuring.  I REPEAT . . . I HAVE NEVER LOST FAITH FOR OUR FUNDING AND THE BETTERMENT OF OUR WORLD, BUT IT IS SO NICE TO HAVE NEWS AND EXPLANATIONS!  Please relay my Holiday Greetings on to them both.

 This email does not need a personal reply, just possibly there are others who are experiencing great frustrations and you can make one answer!

 So many things in my head, but, guess the #1 item is that I am also R Negative!  Found out when I had my daughter at almost 36 years of age! (Am

 almost twice that now, and your info was the first I ever read/saw. Your several articles re: RH negative effects and specifics were so interesting and informative and I seem to fit so many of the items on your list.  I especially am feeling 'not myself' the last 2 to 3 weeks and wonder if I am picking up vibes or whatever because of my blood type?  Since I am not an authority on this issue, even tho have looked for more info on the web, wonder if I am on the right (or, correct) track?

 I wrote the abaove on Monday, the 15th . . . am finishing today the 16th.

I was disappointed, understatement, to say the least regarding Caspers most recent update, but will not waiver that good will, and does, overcom evil!  I also appreciate your 'battle for your mind', which I truly feel relates to what I have been feeling/going thru, possibly in connection w/ the RH neg.  Thank you for the prayers . . . some place I have the copy of the first posting of this from 4 1/2 years ago!  Think they will help me 'address' my specific problems.  I love to pray!

 I lost both parents during the Christmas holidays and still miss them teerrible, my daughter and granddaughters have moved back down to the lower 48 and I cannot afford to leave here, so am dealing w/ many things, no different than anyone else.  However, to sum it up, am destitute family, financially, emotionally, health, lonliness, . . . you name it.  I am very good at mind over matter, but sometimes we just get overwhelmed!  Have always tried to think . . . more than listen . . . and know that that sometimes separates me from most folks!

 Do not mean to dump!  Just feel I can talk to you both w/out scoldings, put downs, etc.!

 I apologize for my confusing thoughts and message . . . just really had to touch base w/ you! I am unable to talk to anyone about our funding and NESARA, so feel that has put me in outer space as much as anything elst!!!

My sincere appreciation for all you do for all of us! 

In love and light!  R

As a side note . . . know you have had lots of snow, and, even tho it's very nice to see the summer plants/flowers, et c., possibly your camera bug could come up w/ some beautiful winter scenes in your area!  Am sure you have some!


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  R
DATE:  Dec. 17, 2008
Dear R:
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings in this cold and snowy pre-Christmas Season.  Life is what it is, and we adapt to it or change it to fit our design.  Thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds, and for your prayerful support of the NESARA Mission.  It seems that Creator God's work of bringing Goodness goes forward on the backs of the little people of faith and Light.
    Casper's updates have been of great help to a great many people around the world, but they have also made the evil controllers very angry and frustrated that their plans are exposed.  Like all Lightworkers Casper is tired and at times becomes discouraged, but we honor him for staying the course.  His work and that of Poof and others has been instrumental in bringing the end of this Dark Charade.  We are there, and I do believe we shall have a most joyous Christmas.
    If we are spiritual beings returned to this 3D lifestream and having a physical experience for our lessons in soul growth and to assist in our planet's transition into 5D, what difference would our blood type make?  As I said in the "Hello, Central!" dated July 31, 2008, which dealt with this subject, what matters is the "heart type".  In your thinking, think about all the good memories and the bad ones, and the lessons learned.
    We are much wiser for these experiences, and they have made us, who we are today.  Several clichés come to mind.  "Things are never so bad but that they could be worse".  "Life is what we make it to be."    "We are never given more than we are able to endure".  "Live one day at a time."
    We may be destitute in this physical experience, but we are never abandoned by our Spiritual Guides nor left destitute of spiritual resources.  Truly, we are never alone.  May the Promise of the Ages, of "Peace on Earth" by the Christmas Angels give you hope, knowing that we are very close to the fulfillment of that promise.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer