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'Hello, Central!' Why Does Not the President-Elect Have to Verify His Citizenship? (Updated Dec. 16, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: CF
To: Bellringer
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:48 PM
Subject: obama birth cert.

Hello Patrick,

Can someone anywhere in government office please inform we voters, citizens, taxpayers, why the pres-elect doesn't have to verify citizenship ? I have to verify mine every trip to Mexico. In order to do that a valid, authentic birth certificate was required in order to obtain a passport. If Joe schmo (and Joe the plummer for that matter) has to verify citizenship for every border crossing, it seems at the very LEAST the next president can produce a valid B-cert.

What is it that is not understood by us peons about this issue and no media will address it on TV. Not all of them are bought off. Someone in intel land please address this with facts. Yes, there are law suits filed some legit and some bogus. However, can one man defy the entire system of election process? There has got to be more we don't see about this issue. I mean in todays instant coverage of all news a whale gets beached and the entire world is alerted. Is the next office of pres. a little more important than that ?

It appears "we the people may have to BE the republic we once were and demand answers" NOW.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  CF
DATE:  Dec. 16, 2008
Dear CF:
    Thank you for your letter.
    From an early age Obama was selected and trained by the KZB (Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks) to become our next One World Order President.  His mother was a CIA operative in Chicago, got impregnated by a Kenya man in Chicago, gave birth to Obama in Kenya, later married a man from Indonesia and lived there for ten years, then moved with her husband and her (now) two sons to Hawaii.  By fraud she established Obama's birth in Hawaii, so he could fulfill his mission, as planned.
    This is all being deliberately covered up.  We are under a Corporate U.S. and not a Republic, so the U. S. Constitution has no standing.  Obama and his crowd can do what they wish, just as the Bushes and Clintons have done.
    How long do we allow this?
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:35 PM
Subject: 'Hello, Central!' Why Does Not the President-Elect Have to Verify His Citizenship?

I clearly understand your reply to CF regarding the corporate nature of what appears to be our government.

I have spent years trying to get information about that across to people. Nobody wants to listen, for the most part, let alone do more to educate themselves on such matters.

To answer the question in your reply, I believe we allow this as long as the great majority prefers ignorance on these topics over making themselves aware of the truth.

For anyone who is interested in starting to educate themselves, here is a good place to start, compliments of The Library of Congress:

Kind regards,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  T
DATE:  Dec. 16, 2008
Dear T:
    Thank you for your years of being a Truthbringer.  We honor you for that.  Along with your referral to the U.S. Library of Congress, for those seeking information on the Corporate U.S., we also have an archive of information on Fourwinds under that same title.  It is found at NEWS/Government/Corporate U.S. ( ).
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: CF
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 10:55 PM
Subject: Re: obama birth cert.
Thanks for the feedback. So, if in fact the CORP US can do as they wish and have been doing so, what compelling reason would ever bring announcements/settlements to fruition ? Since they call shots and we mean nothing as a collective force to their greedy cause why should we expect any different results then the last decades ?


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  CF
DATE:  Dec. 16, 2008
Dear CF:
    The authority to force the Corporate U.S. structure to capitulate to our demands of funding the Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims, bringing the necessary financial settlement between the world's nations, and making the public announcement of NESARA, which removes the evil Corporate U.S. Government from power and restores the U.S. Constitution of the Republic, lies with the true patriots imbedded in the U.S. Military and Special Forces, and those true patriots remaining within the U.S. Judicial System, and other aspects of government and the private sector.  The Phoenix Journals have insisted that Creator God Aton, also, has a plan (2000) for these "End times".  These people are Aton's Army of Lightworkers, Warriors, and Truthbringers that are unstoppable!
    You must also consider that other nations are assisting in bringing Creator God's Plan to fruition.  The Corporate U.S. is caught in their own financial "Bear Trap" (Dragon Trap) of their own making, all based on greed and control, and that The Republic of China holds the purse strings and is very angry at the Corporate U.S. President and his Board of Directors, and is demanding action, now---like tomorrow!
    Believe me, when I say that the "Bear Trap" (Dragon Trap) has been sprung and the prey is writhing in the bloody dirt this very moment.  You and millions of other sleepyheads will be in total shock and disbelief, when the "Fit hits the Shan" on your T.V. screens---like tomorrow!  We are given freewill to play the 3D game anyway we choose, but in the end, Creator God wins---always---like tomorrow!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer