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'Hello, Central! Calendars !

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: LG

To: "Bellringer" <>

Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 3:10 PM

Subject: Concerning the Cosmic Calendar

Dear Patrick Bellringer,

Thank you for your message, it makes sense indeed.

Now about something else I've been pondering upon... Do you know if there is any channeled message of Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn or Esu Immanuel Sananda concerning the importance of the Dreamspell calendar, created by José Argüelles / Valum Votan? I'm asking this because I've read in this article...

... that the Harmonic Convergence marked, in your (or Hatonn's?) point of view, the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one, and even in all Phoenix Journals all days are counted by considering

August 17th to be the first day of every year. And as you may know, it was Tony Shearer (a close friend of José Argüelles) who first prophecied the "Return of Quetzalcoatl" on August 16/17, 1987, which was what Argüelles termed the "Harmonic Convergence".

However, I also thought another thing. Since in the Dreamspell the New Year's Day always falls on July 26th (which doesn't "fit" in your  system), could it be possible that there is a "secret" 13-moon calendar beginning precisely in the Harmonic Convergence, and always having August 17th as it's first day?

If this were true, than we would now be on the 111th day of the year (funny!), which would be the 27th day of the fourth month/moon. Right?

Please tell me what you think about this. Also, sorry for the weird english, as it isn't my native language. :P

All the best,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  LG

DATE:  Dec. 5, 2008


Dear LG:

    Again, thank you for your important question concerning calendars.

    The Dreamspell Calendar is incorrect.  The Calendar to which you refer  that is used in dating the chapters in the Phoenix Journals is the Cosmic  Calendar.  This calendar is based upon the Great Cycle, the time it takes  for the Milky Way Galaxy, also known as the Orvonton Super Universe, to make  one revolution of 206 million years around the Greatest Central Sun.  Our  solar system with our sun revolves around Alcyone, the Central Sun of  Pleiades every 26,000 years.

    On August 17, 1987 both the Great Cycle and our Pleiadian Cycle returned  to zero point.  This began the new Cosmic Calendar with August 17, 1987  being New Year's Day.  The Phoenix Journals follow the Cosmic Calendar but  adjusted to our Gregorian Calendar's length of year.  The true Cosmic  Calendar consists of 13 months in the year with 28 days in each month, for a  total of 364 days in a year.  This is also known as the Lunar Calendar,  because it follow the revolution of our moon.

    This causes each day of the week to fall on the same number each month.  It may be of interest to know that the mammalian menstrual cycle also  follows the Cosmic or Lunar Calendar, as do all true cycles of nature.  Your  calculations of the days and months in the Lunar Calendar are off, I  believe, by one day.  August 17 is day one.  August has 14 days remaining,  Sept. 30, Oct. 31, November 30, and December 5 (today's date), for a total  of 110 days, making this the 26th day of the fourth lunar month since the  year began on August 17.

    There is nothing secret about the Cosmic Calendar, only that it has been  hidden from us for eons of time.  I am not aware of any discussion of the  Dreamspell Calendar by Hatonn.  Quetzalcoatl, also known as Esu Immanuel  Sananda, did not return to Earth Shan, as prophesied by Tony Shearer, on  August 17, 1987.  He had already returned aboard the Phoenix to Earth Shan  in the year 1954.

    Please know, my friend, that your English is just fine.  You would not  believe my Portuguese!

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer