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'Hello, Central!' The Phoenix Journals Have Had A Great Impact On Me! (Updated Dec. 1, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: SA
To: Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2008 5:39 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Thanks Patrick.
All information has a validity for as long as an individual imposes questions to his self and the world. To have a clear perspective from the dark side point of view   and to know about how dark operates, is an invaluable piece of information.
The question is how much do we know about dark within ourselves and what scope we allow for the process of transmutation to take place, when we also search for the  Light.
I wish I was in a position to share my deepest thoughts about the impact that the Journals have had on me, then again my words fail me and it seems that i can  can say so  much (so little) when I read 'prompters' in yours and others messages.
Hope that I don't sound too abstract to you but know that my life involves around your site for the last 4 years.
Also know a secret; every time I'm in pain , you seem to post the right extract from the Journals that responds precisely to my thought process at the time.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SA
DATE:  Dec. 1, 2008
Dear SA:
    We rejoice that the Phoenix Journals and Fourwinds have been of value to you in your search for Truth.  The Angels guide the Truthseeker and the wisdom sought to connect at the teachable moment, when we are sincerely open to finding it.
    To know the Darkside's Plan both without and within is to know the secrets of the Darkness and how to both confront it and dismantle and neutralize it with Light.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.  Be in peace.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----

From: T


Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 9:10 PM

Subject: 'Hello, Central!' The Phoenix Journals Have Had A Great Impact On Me! reply!!

The same goes for me. I read as many of your articles as I can, because you keep on answering questions that I have without my even having to ask you!!!! You have such uncanny timing!!! I'll go to bed pondering things, and you have the answer for me the next day!!! This hasn't happened just a few times, either, I'm talking hundreds of times. Somehow, you and I are communicating on another level!

Perhaps you get up to the starship every night too?


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  T
DATE:  Dec. 1, 2008
Dear T:
    Thank you for your comments.
    All of Creation is connected, for all is created from the energy of Light.  On our 3D planet where mass, time and space exist, and where our thinking is so greatly influenced by our limiting environment, we have difficulty understanding our connections to a tree or a rock or the water in the stream.  As we gain knowledge, which leads to wisdom, we begin to understand the spiritual aspect of Creation.
    Then it is that we understand our Mother Earth is a sentient being and that the trees and the rocks and the water all have memory, and each has its own niche within the Creation.  We understand the Light energy connections between all things, including our own physical/spiritual being.  We understand that the connections are also a spiritual communication system between all things.
    Therefore, through this spiritual communication system your thoughts/questions are carried forth by your Guardian Angels to find those, who would respond under Divine guidance to provide the answers.  To us it seems uncanny, but in the Realm of Spirit this is simple cause and effect.  As Hatonn says, the call compels the answer, and that answer may come to us in many different ways.
    Yes, we are on board the Starships during our sleep state, for all Truthseekers are attending spiritual classes constantly for their enlightenment.  Gradually, we are getting our memory restored, that we agreed to lose when we left the higher dimensions, and we are remembering bits and pieces of our experiences in the Realms of Light aboard the Starships, on other planets or in other dimensions.
    Don't worry about returning to your bed before your alarm clock rings, for your soul (the real you) travels at the speed of thought, which is twenty-six times faster than the speed of Light.  Believe me, that's fast!
    All is connected by Light and by thought!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer