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'Hello, Central! Are Mentally Ill People Capable of Attaining 5D? (Updated Nov. 30, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: LVM
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 3:59 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Hello Central!

  Five years ago I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  The doctor ordered me to go on meds with the threat of being hospitalized if I did not take them.  It has wrecked havoc in my job, spiritual quest, and personal life.  However, I have a strong creative drive, high sensitivity, and inward way of thinking and pondering.  I have read some of the Phoenix Journals, but do not know where it says anything about mental illness.  I am in so much emotional pain that I sometimes tend to say or do things without thinking.  Is that my spirits\' reaction to past trauma combined with mind control?

    I do not know how to take away emotional pain, and I don\'t trust the therapists that have been offered to me, as I am afraid I will be locked away for showing my true beliefs.  I would like to change my diet, but lack the finances to fix my chemical imbalance.

    Your site has helped me immensely and I look forward with a cautious sense of optimism.  Are mentally ill people capable of attaining 5D?  Will this issue be resolved in our lifetime?

   Thank you for your patience and understanding.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  LVN
DATE:  Nov. 27, 2008
Dear LVN:
    Bipolar disorder/mental disease has to do with the functioning of the brain, a physical organ for data storage and analytical thinking, but not the mind which is spiritual in its functioning.
    I do not know of any specific discussion of mental illness in the Phoenix Journals, but Hatonn/Aton has said that we have the creative power within to correct any health problem we may have, and that there is a cure for every illness, contrary to the advice of the medical profession.
    Bipolar disorder apparently is due in part to the imbalance of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, two key neurotransmitters.  Is the cause of the imbalance due to nutrition or to organ malfunctioning?  It the latter, what is the reason for that?  Dr. Hulda Clark claims that parasites of some kind in our body are the root cause of all diseases.  You may wish to consider the Naturopathic or holistic approach to your problem. 
    To answer your specific question, I know of no reason why a physical disease or handicap of any kind would hinder your spiritual growth and the raising of your frequencies.  In fact, such issues may provide lessons that would enhance your soul growth a great deal.  Your health issues may be a part of your soul contract with Creator God, that you agreed to experience for your lessons, but that is not for me to know.
    Go within and ask for answers to your questions, and know that nothing is impossible.  Graduation into 5D is a matter of spiritual growth, and not that of physical body functioning.  Please know that when you enter 5D your physical body will be made whole!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: Di
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2008 11:00 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Dear Patrick, I just read the heartbreaking letter from someone with bipolar. I am a hypnotherapist and can give the person hope. I have found one person who was possessed, but was diagnosed bipolar. The answer is in the subconscious for each of us. Once the cause is found, the problem can be addressed. There are \'cosmic contract\' issues. One thing we can hang hope on is that it won\'t be long now when everything will be known. Go within is good advice.


----- Original Message -----
From: D
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2008 8:59 PM
Subject: The Mentally Ill
Dear Patrick,
I wish to add some insights to the issue of mental illness and ascension. Actually many starseeds suffer from a variety of psychiatric issues due to the difficulty in dealing with 3D energies. I have, for example, OCD, anxiety-panic disorders. I treat myself holistically when appropriate, but do take Ativan as needed. I recognize the addictive potential of such treatment, so I'm very careful when using it.
People with mental illness should see themselves as transformers of 3D energies and the illness part comes from our difficulties dealing with such energies. They are somewhat foreign to our starseed vibrations. Higher densities still await our return and send their blessings to us. We have taken great suffering upon ourselves in order to help this planet and its people.
Good luck with your bipolar disorder and in your quest to find a more natural and safer approach to this disorder of earth energies.
All the Best,