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'Hello, Central!' What Does God/Sannada Say About Baptism?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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  ----- Original Message -----
From: RT
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 12:19 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Patrick,

 You kindly answered a couple of questions last month regarding the Phoenix Journals, the Philippines, and children.

 Our baby is due in January, but I have nor found anything in the journals yet about what baptism really is/should be in the eyes of God/Sananda. Could you please point me in the right direction bearing in mind that I am a foreigner in probably the most Catholic country in the world.

 In love and light,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  RT
DATE:  Nov. 26, 2008
Dear RT:
    Thank you for your letter and question concerning baptism.  I am not aware of any basic discussion of baptism in the Phoenix Journals, but it is a manmade religious ritual meaning many things.  A brief discussion is made in Phoenix Journal #2 of baptism, in this instance, concerning the work of John the Baptist, and the baptism of Esu Immanuel. 
    Quoting from page 22:  (Esu Immanuel is speaking) "John told them it was not the ritual itself that made any difference, but only that it represented cleansing and acceptance.  It washed the darkened energies from the auric field around the body, that the positive energy field of light could establish itself".  Hatonn/Aton adds his comment in parenthesis, "Water changes electrical patterns, brethren----you must keep this uppermost in thy scientific activities."
    So, the act of baptism by immersion changes the electrical magnetic aura of the body from negative to positive.  It would seem that one could do the same by bathing or by going swimming, but as John said, "it was not the ritual itself that made any difference".  This means that neither water nor a ritual is needed to change the negative energy of one's aura to positive energy.  It is a matter of freewill choice and the intent of the heart.
    In those days the simple people to whom John spoke had difficulty understanding the meaning of his teachings, so John used the symbolism of washing or cleansing in water to not only aid their understanding but to use water as a means to help in the transfer of magnetic energy in the aura of the person.
    With the understanding that it is not the ritual itself that matters, this erases the arguments about which is better, baptism by emersion or by sprinkling of water on the person.  The act of public baptism has value again depending upon intent, as is true for a public wedding.  Public witnesses give psychological as well as physical support for one to keep the vows made.
    I believe baptism can be either a public or a private matter, for the true value lies in the intent of the heart.  Baptism does not "save" you or forgive your sins, as some believe.  You are not condemned to Hell, if you are not baptized.  Baptism is an act of both cleansing your aura of negative energy to start anew and a dedication to live a life of Goodness.  This is especially true for one, who is an adult or a young person above the age of accountability (5-7 years).
    Infant baptism becomes a dedication of the parents to properly caring for the infant and providing for its spiritual growth in Truth, as best they can.  In my years as a United Methodist Clergyman, I always felt that infant baptism was also a dedication of the extended family and friends to assisting the parents as needed to provide properly for the child.
    Much as been made about baptism, but as Creator God has said, "Truth is simple", and baptism can be a very simple act of cleansing your aura through the power of your God Spirit within and dedication to the task at hand.  Baptism should be something that we do not once, but many times in our life's journey through the vicissitudes of life.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer