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'Hello, Central!' The Indigos are the Future! (Updated Nov. 24, 2008)

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From: NM
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 1:04 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


I am a believer in truth, nesara and casper. I have read caspers articles every day and found hope for the future and enlightment in them. But when I read the message today I was disappointed by the way the he refereed to WE THE PEOPLE as ignorant, illiterate and gutless. Does he not understand that words like this hurt nesaras cause instead of helping it? Does name calling ever bring those in opposition to one's proverbial \"side?\" Simply, no. We need to use our energy in a positive manner to attract what we want, not magnify a point of veiw which is just not true!

WE are not gutless and we will stand and conquer the horrible mess that that the liars and cheaters of our elected government have created for us! WE are not illiterate, for we learn more truth every day which will increasingly bring us closer to nesara and WE choose to share that truth with anyone who will listen! And most of all WE are not ignorant, we see the trouble that we are in and we choose something different. WE choose to live with love and light and share it with anyone who will accept it.

We are the \"indigo children\" of america, the kids of you baby boomers who finally taught us truth and we finally listened!! Some are 22 as I am, some 5, some 35 but we all share the same energy. We live to love and share love. That is our purpose. We have come back from the 5th demension (many from other highly developed planets such as pleiades, as a recently realized) to finish what we started. We have lived out dozens and dozens of lives trapped in this lower vibration, creating misery for ourselves and others, seperated from god. This time we chose to end on a high note, in fact the highest note of all. This is the life time that we heal the fabric of time and reach the pinnacle of what we had always hoped for ourselves. This time we will remember WHO WE ARE! To every \"indigo\" who feels like the world thinks them to be crazy, do not believe it! To deny this truth would drive one of us more insane than anyone would ever think of you. This knowledge is a blessing !

 to ourselves and to the world for we are the future and we have come here for that reason.

To get back to my original point; Casper, it may feel that you are living in a world of gutless, ignorant and illiterate individuals but I assure you that it is not the case. We are the new kids and we come with and energy all our own. Some of us have been awake for a long time, some are just now waking and some are still dozing, awaiting a dawn that will very soon rise. Do you baby boomers realize that YOU are the ones that have called us here? You asked for change and here we are. Do not fear for WE are the ones we have been waiting for!

 With love, respect and light,



 PS. I do not \"dare you\" to post this email. But I ask you friend to friend to post this so that maybe other indigos and baby boomers alike can receive this perspective that, I personally feel reflects the feelings that many of us have. Thank you.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  NM
DATE:  Nov. 22, 2008
Dear NM:
    Thank you for your letter.  The Indigo children are important to this time of needed change to Goodness.  Your enthusiasm, your passion and courage are needed to bring in the Light of Truth.
    I caution you not to sell short the Lightworkers of "Baby Boomer" vintage or your elders.  We have been at this for a very long time of many, many lifestreams to create the foundation upon which you can build today.  Ages 5 to 35 is not very old in our opinion in this lifestream.  Those of us, who have lived these last 90 plus years on Earth Shan have experienced the worst conditions of Darkness ever allowed on any planet in our entire Super Universe.
    You are most naive to think that the general population of mind-controlled, beer drinking "couch potatoes" are not ignorant, illiterate and gutless people, who deserve their lot.  If it were not for the brave few Lightworkers across Earth Shan holding the Light these many years, this nation and our entire world would have "crashed and burned" long ago. 
    Yes, the Indigo children are finally arriving and many of these ignorant, illiterate, gutless wonders are beginning to awaken from their stupor, but not in time to save our planet.  Do you think that you are going to suddenly, magically, make everything better?  Do you plan to create Heaven on Earth in third dimension?  How do you plan to cause seven billion people to stop their evil deeds and carefully live the Laws of God and Creation?
    Do you think that NESARA will truly save the world?  The Lightworkers have fought a good fight against Darkness, and have gone twenty-one years into overtime.  Against all odds they have created miracles that are bringing in funding, NESARA, and a Global monetary system of true value to bring abundance and peace to our world.  Casper is one of these, and from his perspective he is accurate of his assessment of We the People.  This mission must be finished at this time to declare victory over the Darkside and to bring closure in 3D.
    When you are pushing for change, few have the courage, the wisdom, the fortitude and the generosity to stand with you.  Esu Immanuel proved that in his day, as have all Truthbringers since.  You speak of using one's energy "in a positive manner to attract what we want".  So, Esu was wrong to take up a stick and drive away the lawyers, when he was teaching the people, or to drive the money changers out of the Temple in Jerusalem?
    Be careful not to fall into the trap of the New Agers "all is love and peace" syndrome.  There is a fine line between righteous anger and the anger of hate and revenge.  Confrontation has its merits, my friend.  Some people need to be shaken to awaken them to Truth.
    You say "We are the future", referring to the Indigo's.  That may be, but there seems to be a bit of ego in your epistle.  Hopefully, you can make a difference, but I remind you that we have run out of time to do much more in this 3D world.  Our planet is dying and about to dump this mess.  I just thought you should know this.  How many of these ignorant, illiterate and gutless people do you suppose will choose to board the evacuation ships?
    Oh, I didn't ask!  Maybe you do not believe in a planetary evacuation!  May you walk the Red Road of Truth, always.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: "Aj"
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:14 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

To Ann and Pat, Just wanted to thank you for your comments regarding Indigo. Most Indigo's I know do not bandstand about such trivial words. At the tender age of 22, you would think he was smart enough to realize,if it wasn\'t for the Boomers making such a difference now, we wouldn't have the info we have on this web sight.Signed.... An old "Indigo" Boomer.

----- Original Message -----
From: "G3" 
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 3:12 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
hello central...indigos are the future...

 dear nm was all a matter of tym/time line  task (agreement) \"free will /my choice\"

 ***you/me/we are no greater nor lesser than the other... 

 balance shall be upon the earth.(gaia)


----- Original Message -----
From: T
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 2:12 PM
Subject: Re; Indigos are the future!
I'm one of the Baby Boomers that are referred to by;
   ----- Original Message -----
From: NM
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 1:04 AM
I'm 58 in January, not that far away.  I'm also one of the Starseeds who have been working toward this goal at least 12,560 years now.  But that doesn't mean I have 'seniority' because I've been here so long.  You don't survive unless you learn how to 'git 'er done' quietly, an forget the ego.  The trick is not to draw attention to yourself, because when you are the center of attention, you are catching the attention of the people you don't want to see you.
The dark will do ANYTHING to achieve their goals.  That is how they think.  They don't have a conscience to worry about.  They are mostly clones that follow orders and their training.  They look enough like us to make you think they are 'human'.  There are a lot more of them out there than most understand.  
So give casper a break, it is hard to tell the good guys from the bad.  They don't wear signs on their foreheads.  Many of the people in your life are clones. Trust me on this.  I believe Bellringer said a while back that 80% of the US is clones.  So we all have clones around us to deal with.  Every single one of us knows a clone!!  Do you see that yet??  EVEN some of the so called Lightworkers.
Think about it, what better way to slow down NESARA than from inside.  That's how life here works. 
Sananda agrees with me when I say, "Sometimes you just have to kick ass."  He knows there are warrior Angels fighting to make NESARA happen.  He works with them daily!
Loving someone does not mean you are going to change them.  Unless they want to change, and make the effort to change, they will not change.  The question is, how long do we allow them to string us along?  How long do we allow the takers to steal from us?  How long are we going to let them be in charge?
Think about it.  What casper is saying is, unless we do it, it isn't going to get done.  WE need to fight for NESARA in whatever way we can, and the push is on now to get it done.  We don't have years left, we have DAYS!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: NM
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Dear Patrick,
     Again, more disappointment. I'm sorry that my words were misunderstood, by "we" I mean us, all of us. We are all in this together, aren't we? Even the beer drinking couch potatoes who you so harshly judge. My intent was not to sell short the lightworkers, after all I am a lightworker too! I simply would like to inject an alternate point of veiw, one which I continue to believe is valid. 
    So lets try this again. I come to you now from the perspective of an "indigo" someone who has come into a physical body at a later date than you have. But spirtually I am not naive to the suffering of our mother. We chose (and do not get me wrong, by "we" I refer ALL OF US including you) to incarnate at this time to attempt something truly wonderous. I feel privledged to be here now and to have the opportunity to to exchange ideas with you because I remember many past lifetimes were talk like this would usually end up in a witch hunt. You would like to assert that 5 to 35 is not very old and I agree. I give thanks for my elders, the ones who lead the way and give us this information that is helping us to ascend and remember who we truly are. We are all recalling past lives not only here on earth but on other planets as well. We are remembering the other side of the veil and communicating with loved ones who have passed as well as our space brothers telepathically. We are even remembering the future, which sounds strange but these future memories happen quite often if you let them! The future that I see (and don't get me wrong others may be seeing something different) says that yes, evacuations will happen both on to ships and into agartha. And yes many of the people who you refer to as iliterate gutless and ignorant will choose to go down with the ship. But many many many will wake up in time to to join us. 
      God gave us free will and does not judge us! Why should you judge those who are too afraid to wake up or are simply not ready to move on from this third demensional life stream? You speak of rightous anger but my question to you is who are you really angry with? My first message seems to have perturbed you as I'm sure this one will too. You think I am naive, probably immature and that may be so. But even I can see that putting people down is distasteful and does not add to the light quotient of our planet. Come on dude, you really think that those who chose to remain in 3d "deserve their lot" implying that they deserve to die when it comes time for mother earth to cleanse herself?? If they choose to deny truth and continue their trials then so be it. But every single person on this planet DESERVES to come into love, find that connection with god and remember who they are! This "us against them" mentality is exactly why we are in this mess in the first place.
      What I intended for my original message was that maybe one of us indigos might see that yes, there are others like you who have similar feelings and that yes, it is normal and ok to feel that way! It is so hard to wake up in a world where spirtuality is uncool and people can be so incredibly judgmental. Although difficult, we are so lucky to know what we know by choosing to listen to our intuition. Realize that that inner voice is our direct lifeline to god and our spiritual advisors. These memories we are having are not hallucinations and we are not weird as we sometimes tend to feel. Remembering our true selves is a blessing that we chose to bestow upon ourselves even if it feels like a burden for the time being. Just know that we will be able to use our abilities of manifestation more fully in the future, so don't let your self get too frustrated by feelings of powerlessness. These feelings come from the fact that most of us have come directly from planets of the galactic federation where we were already in the 5th demension. Manifestation could happen there in a blink of an eye so the slow paced manifestation of earth feels like watching grass grow to us. You may be sensing this eerie feeling that we are on the brink of something giant and that is because indeed we are. Continue holding the light as our parents have taught us. 
     Many of us are feeling a deep loss for the family on our home planets that we left behind, but please realize that we are not lost to them. In fact you can speak telepathically any time you want to. The way you know that you are receiving a message telepatically is what i think of as a little static interruption in your mind followed by a voice that is not your own. It may sound crazy but it is something we will all learn about in what I believe to be the near future. 
     In closing, although it may sound cliche, it is so true that WE are the change that We have been waiting for. And yes that We includes you too patrick. You say that, "the Indigo children are finally arriving and many of these ignorant, illiterate, gutless wonders are beginning to awaken from their stupor, but not in time to save our planet." Why such malice? You may see yourself as intellectually supirior and who knows, maybe you are. But your negativity is extremely unappealing and and I have a sneaking suspision that I'm not the only one who would agree. To put it bluntly, you decided to take a big fat sh*t on my prior message and you'll probably sh*t all over this one too. But the truth is you are only sh*tting on yourself. I sincerely hope that you do not really beleive that there is not time to save the planet. We have been assured through channelings and seen with our own "future memories" that we will be safe and our mother will be healed. SO BE IT!
Respectfully yours,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  NM
DATE:  Nov. 23, 2008
Nori Maricle:
    There is no point in taking the time to respond to your ignorance and vulgar nonsense.  Your true colors are showing, and they certainly are not "Indigo!"
----- Original Message -----
From: V W
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 1:52 AM
Dear Patrick,

Hello, I hope you are well.

I would like to make a note of the Common Ground between the Lightworkers

of the Babyboomer generation and the growing presence being labeled

currently as grown up Indigo Children.

Many of the people who identify as grown up Indigo Children have been

awake for some time (many over ten years) and are currently quietly

working with their soul to construct the foundations that will support

their future path, which they of course know is still some time away.

At school, these were most often the quiet, reliable children who enjoyed

helping out. Many would have described us as living a 'sheltered life' in

our earliest years. We generally got As, not because of a fear of

punishment at home (popular misconception), but for no more reason than we

were expected to try hard and be intelligent, and we cannot stand to

disappoint. Integrity and strength of character were taught to us as the

highest ideals.

If you ask them, many grown up Indigo Children will describe a delightful

early childhood filled with purposeful life learning experiences. Even if

things became unstable in later years, Indigo Children learned from seeing

their early childhood in hindsight that they are among the 'luckiest' in

the world for having parents who 'planned' for them. The parents of many

of the hardest working grown up Indigo Children were themselves quiet

Babyboomer Lightworkers who were answering their soul's wish to bring

special children into the new world. In the beginning, we thought you were

all just being standard nice good parents, and everyone else's parents

were doing the same. In our adulthood, we now realize very intensely, that

open and loving families are not the normal occurrence for everyone who is

born here, and the incredible efforts our parents went to to ensure that

we grow up to become good people following the guidance of our own soul,

cannot and will not be wasted. This we can promise you.

It's true, we can be rambunctious when we first awaken, but I would like

to assure you that many if not all Indigo Children grow to become

hardworking people who value integrity, not unlike the character portrayed

by Jodi Foster in 'Contact'. I would also like to assure you that for many

grown up Indigo Children, making their parents proud of the personal

sacrifices they made for their children early on, by growing up to become

a good reliable person who will be able to contribute to making the world

a better place, is one of our strongest motivations.

I hope this helps to show you what those little people who did things like

bring the grown ups plates of treats with toothpicks for the beginning of

the party and pretending to fall asleep on your lap while listening to the

adult-talk for the end of the party, turned out to become.

I truly hope that this helps remind us all about the common ground between

Babyboomer Lightworkers and Grown Up Indigo Children.

Kind thanks to both you and Anne for still continuing on as hardworking

Babyboomer Lightworkers. It is true that for many of us, our Lightworker

parent's passing was the trigger for our awakening, and so now, in later

life we find ourselves looking to people like you to remind us why we are

here. Thanks again,

In Love and Light,