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'Hello, Central!' The Bible: Truth or Fiction?(Updated Nov. 23, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: DM
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2008 7:15 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



 The truth (in a nutshell) is that you are very, very wrong.

 Christ did die on the cross for your sins.

 I shudder when I read what you have written where you call Jehovah God, \"satan\".

 The Bible was inspired by God and has survived centuries of satanic people trying to destroy it.  It contains the truth!

 Your journals are nothing more than present day blasphemy which was channeled from demons.

 You are treading on extremely dangerous ground just by doing this, but by influencing others to buy into this nonsense is too much.

 I have sat by in silence for too long without saying anything.

 You are very wrong about God, he is a God of love.

 I am praying for you and your wife that you see the truth.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DM
DATE:  Nov. 21, 2008
Dear DM:
    You have struck at the very heart of Truth and the foundation of Fourwinds, so I must respond.  I have written much in explanation of what Creator God Aton of Light has told us, as recorded in the Phoenix Journals, but you now give me one more opportunity to explain Truth to the entire world.  Thank you for that!
    You are quite wrong in your thinking.  Why is it that so-called Christians the world over automatically close their eyes and turn off their brains, whenever someone raises a question about their "Bible"?  You are totally brain-washed from a very early age to believe only what you are told and to never question anything.  This only produces stupidity based on ignorance, due to lack of knowledge.  Your blind leaders lead you blind people around by the nose and right into the Satanic trap, the Big Lie that "Christ died on the cross for your sins".  You parrot this phrase without thinking or questioning it, and you throw it at me as your defense for your bloody cult!
    I have always said that Creator God Aton of Light was a God of Love, the God of the Gospels of your New Testament, but you twist my words to say the opposite.  I said your God Jehovah of your Old Testament was not a God of Love, but of wrath, vengeance and violence.  Your Old Testament proves it so.  The Israelites were ordered by Jehovah to kill their enemies, men, women and children; to rape, loot and steal, and to destroy their neighbors property and take their land.
    Does that sound like the orders from a God of Love?  How do you reconcile that with the Commandments, you shall not murder, steal, covet, etc?  Your Bible is full of lies because it is  God Jehovah Satan's warbook, so skillfully compiled with both Truth and lie as to confuse and fool you.
    So, is the New Testament total Truth, as you claim?  Absolutely, not!  You were lied to big time by Paul, the writer of the Pauline Epistles, who lied to you about the very name of the one he tried to kill under his true name, Saul.  Saul/Paul and his fellow Pharisees (Khazars, Bolsheviks, Zionists today) made the claim that Esu Immanuel (Sananda) was Divine, the Son of God, so they could accuse him of blasphemy and have him tried and condemned to death under their Rabbinical Law.  They called Esu, Jesus the Christ, meaning Divine or Son of God.  That lie has been perpetrated to this very day.
    Esu Immanuel (meaning God with us) was a Truthbringer, come to present the Truth of the Laws of God and Creation to the people of that day.  The Pharisees were threatened by Esu's teachings of Truth and feared they would lose their positions of religious authority, so they twisted his teachings to fool the people and plotted to kill Esu.  So, what else is new?  Has it ever been different?
    The Pharisees including Sau/Paul twisted the words of Esu Immanuel at his last supper with his twelve faithful disciples, and turned it into a bloody cult ceremony.  So, Christians sit around and pretend to eat the flesh and to drink the blood of this Truthbringer (human, man) using fake flesh (bread) and fake blood (wine/grape juice) in a "Bloody Cult ceremony called the Lord's Supper".
    The Pharisees tried to kill this man, Esu, to stop his teachings, but when he showed up later still teaching, they had to twist the Truth by saying that by being the Son of God, Esu came to die for everyone's sins, had actually died but came back to life to prove his divinity .  To this very day these lies have been perpetrated by Paul in his writings in the New Testament.  Today, Esu Immanuel Sananda says that for these past 2000 years Paul has been his worst enemy, due to the telling of lies.
    Cosmic Law is absolute!  The basic Cosmic Law of the Cosmos, which includes our universe and our solar system is Cause and Effect.  It states that there is a cause for every effect, and an effect for every cause.  To state this law in the words of Esu Immanuel, "You shall reap what you sow".  A farmer plants potatoes, and he harvests potatoes, but more than he planted.  Nature returns to you in like kind, but in greater amount.  This is the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Returns.
    This same law holds true in the spiritual realms, as well as in the physical.  The energy that you send out, either negative or positive, comes back to you  in like kind but always in greater amount.  The cause creates an effect.  There are consequences for what you do.  These consequences are also called Karma, and you are held accountable for the Karma, the consequences, the effect you have caused.
    Let us say that you break the Law of God, you shall not murder, and you murder someone; or you break the Law of God, you shall not steal, and you steal something that belongs to someone else; or you break the Law of God, you shall not lie, and you lie to your best friend; is it reasonable to think that you shall have no consequences?  Is it logical to think that someone can erase your wrong doing of breaking God's Laws, the escaping the reaping of what you have sown?
    Let us say that you are a male and that you foolishly impregnate a female, and she becomes pregnant, and conceives a child.  Do you fully expect someone to run the movie projector backwards and make everything all right, like nothing ever happened?  This is the kind of thinking you foolish so-called Christians have about your wrong
doing.  You think that somehow, magically, you can avoid Cosmic Law, that you are not held responsible for your sins, that your Karma can suddenly disappear, because you believe the Lie that this bloody attempted murder of Esu Immanuel magically exempts you of all the consequences of your wrong doing!
    You shout that Christ's blood washes away your sins, that he died as a ransom for your wrong doing.  Such nonsense!  It is you, who will shudder and weep in agony for believing such lies.   You trash the Phoenix Journals, the very words of Creator God Aton of Light, as blasphemy channeled by demons.  I can only pity you for your ignorance in rejecting Truth.
    When you stand before Creator God very soon to give an account of all that you have done, will you say, "well, someone was supposed to have erased the record, and I am not to be held accountable for my misdeeds, Sir!"  Such foolishness!
    I hereby correct your letter to read in total Truth.
    1.  "The Truth in a Nutshell" article is a concise and correct statement of Truth.
    2.  Esu Immanuel (not Christ, wrong name) did not die on any cross, and could not "save" anyone from their sins, for he was a man, a human.
    3.  Jehovah's full name is God Jehovah Satan, and I shudder to think of the consequences you shall have for your belief that Jehovah is God Aton of Light.
    4.  The Bible was inspired by God Jehovah Satan and compiled and kept intact by his religious leaders throughout time.
    5.  The Phoenix Journals, also known as "The Holy Books of the Lighted Realms", are not channeled material, but were given to us by Creator God Aton and the Ascended Master by direct radio communication to present Truth to Earth Shan's people one last time.
    6.  I, too, am a Truthbringer, commissioned by Creator God Aton to be His ambassador for Truth to you, my friend, and I tread in complete safety of the Light.
    7.  Too long you have sat in ignorant silence, not doing your homework, allowing lies to carry you to your demise.  Quite sad!
    8.  You are the one who is wrong about who is God.  Your God is too small, to evil and holds you in complete ignorance of the Light of Truth.  You need to immediately contact the God of Love, before it is too late for you to choose.
    9.  Indeed, your prayers are not answered, for you are speaking to a God that does not hear you, that has no intention of answering your prayers for goodness.
    I pray for you, dear brother, and let the record show that you were given Truth one last time in this lifestream.  May you choose wisely!  Before you discard the Phoenix Journals as Satanic, I encourage you to at least read Journal #2 in its entirety.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: WW
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 8:54 AM
Subject: personal from wild bill
Hey Patrick --
    I just read your: 

'Hello, Central!' The Bible: Truth or Fiction?

so please take a look at this one . . . something I wrote a couple of years ago . . .

Hey Guys--

          All of you guys feel very sorry for me since I have confessed to being an atheist. I can understand that, especially since I do not feel sorry for all of you folks that are god and heaven worshippers, donating ten percent right down the line. My bulb went off again last night and I wish you would think about what it told  me. Here goes . . .

          We all can agree that we have had "religions" of some kind or other for mankind ever since the beginning of time. Any kind of history you study about all of our civilizations in the past seem to center around a "religion". So that makes it possible to figure that "religions" have been being honored for at least 15,000 years, give or take a few thousand. I can't seem to remember when mankind stood up and started to THINK. But 15,000 years is close enough. The kings needed religion in order to scare the peons into not revolting, by threatening them to go to hell if they didn't behave. Just like we are threatened now.

          Now here is the point. During those 15,000 years not one of the thousands and thousands of "religions" has ever worked. Never has any of the "ten commandments" been honored or obeyed. Never has there been a time when men and women: loved their neighbor, didn't screw their neighbor's wife, or cheat and steal, or kill anyone they wished to kill, or start thousands of wars, killing people by the millions fighting over which "religion" is the "right one".

          Since my idea is so obviously true, it sorta makes one wonder if "religion" isn't really just a scam to steal your money. I wonder who the genius was that came up with the 10% rule. Now there was a great one! Doesn't seem to matter what new "religion" is invented they all agree to stick to that 10% rule.

          With so many different kinds of "religions" available to mankind, I can't help but wonder why one of them hasn't worked at some time or other during these past 15,000 years. If any of you can tell me why it hasn't, please jump in some place along here and straighten me out.  It is truly very obvious that they have not worked, not once! 

          But we keep right on inventing more "religions" all the time. Wonder why?  10%?

OK -- here's another one . . .

    Another reason I turned religion off is this:

    At about age ten or so, my grandmother died and after the funeral we were all sitting around my mother's living room. First one would cry and then another one would cry. This was going on for about fifteen minutes or so when my mother's sister's husband, who just happened to be a Baptist preacher, suddenly discovered that Little Billy had not been "saved" as yet. He decided to fix that right now. And so I asked: "what do I have to do to be 'saved' "? And he replied: "just turn around here and kneel down at the couch, hold your hands together in front of you face and say the words 'I confess christ' ". And I replied: "that's all?" And he insisted that was all I had to do. So I did that very thing, and of course, the crying got real serious then. And once again I asked: "that's all I have to do to be saved?"

    Now here is the important part - - He answered: "That is all you have to do. You are now saved for the rest of your life and any bad thing you do will be 'forgiven' forever" !!!!

    Needless to say, even for a ten year old, it didn't take long to learn the truth about that one, like you say in your . . .

'Hello, Central!' The Bible: Truth or Fiction?


----- Original Message -----
From:  CB
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 7:43 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Dear Anne and Patrick,

 Can you provide some insight with the following? It would be extremely helpful.

 Why was Satan allowed to re-write God\'s Laws and control our culture? I would think that, especially in our culture\'s early stages, God would do everything possible to not allow distractions to the Truth.

 The obvious reason so many people don\'t have faith, don\'t believe in God, and/or have turned toward the darker side of spirituality, is due to Satan\'s influence. I know we must all hold ourselves responsible for our sins.

 I hesitate sending this email as it might infer that I question God\'s \"perfectness\", which might be correct in a manner of speaking. But \"perfectness\" may be open to interpretation and not fully understood by humans in a 3D world.

 Positive vibes for the future,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  CB
DATE:  Nov. 22, 2008
Dear CB:
    Thank you for writing.  There is no harm in asking serious questions.  Creator God can take it, as that is how we learn.  Creator God Aton is not perfect nor is anyone else, only Creator Source.
    To answer your question we live in a 3D freewill world, and all that happens here is by freewill choice.  Satan is spiritual, meaning of fourth dimension, and can only effect physical activity in our 3D world via the physical bodies of 3D humans.  Therefore, there must be humans that choose to allow Satan's spirit of evil to control them and use them to do his bidding.
    Humans, like the Pharisees and Saul/Paul, are the one's who changed, twisted and re-wrote God's Laws.  Over these past 2000 years there have been many of Satan's minions, who have altered the Truth in the Bible, starting at its very inception.  How better to win the game by changing the rule book.
    The same concept holds true of Creator God.  Because we live in a freewill world, by Cosmic Law Creator God Aton of Light cannot interfere in our affairs.  He can send Truthbringers to show us the way, but we can kill the Truthbringers and destroy their message.  He can send humans, who have chosen to protect the message, and some have done so, but others have failed and the message becomes altered.
    That is precisely why the Phoenix Journals were provided for us at this time, to give us Truth in unaltered form one last time.  So, "why was Satan allowed to re-write God's Laws and control our culture? 
    We allowed it!  We humans did it!  It was our choice!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: LW
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Patrick H. Bellringer...

 i have PROOF God Almighty, Jesus Christ are totally in the dark about the Bible and the truth of the Lord in your response to the poster about the BIBLE....the BIBLE is the WAY TO HEAVEN.....

 There is only ONE GOD...the Lord Jesus Christ....when the world flips, and it will you folks who are not saved by receiving Jesus Christ into your heart will not be saved from the fire....READ ISAIAH 45:1-6.....there is ONLY ONE LORD...get it?

 i tell you the truth, i know the Lord, i am a chosen disciple by the Lord....i know much, you do not know; the Lord has given me solid proof of his existence through photographs of the unseen world......HE LIVES, you just can\'t see HIM.  He reveals HIMSELF to those HE chooses, who also hear his voice, HE is the Shepherd and HIS sheep hear his voice....\'IF YOU HAVE EARS TO HEAR, YOU WILL HEAR\' it is written and i can testify to this TRUTH.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  LW
DATE:  Nov. 22, 2008
Dear LW:
    Thank you for writing.  My first response is "you have to be kidding!"  A man of your stature who has not researched the Truth , is unacceptable!  Yes, Esu Immanuel (his name was never Jesus Christ) exists.  He returned to our planet in 1954, and his picture was taken in 1961, in Chichen Itza, Yucatan by an archaeologist.  This picture is displayed in the front of Phoenix Journal #2, but had you read these, you would have known that.
    How can you accuse me of being "totally in the dark about the Bible", when you have no other basis for Truth?  Your God Almighty Jehovah Satan and his Holy Bible Warbook shall most certainly lead you to God Jehovah Satan's "Heaven", also known as the void, because you have been totally fooled by the lies recorded in the very book you claim to guide your life.
    Be assured, sir, that I know whereof I speak.  I have studied your Bible from cover to cover under the best professors in the best schools, and I know what it says.  Your Bible contains lies with enough Truth to make you believe it as total Truth.  This is the old trick that Satan has used to his advantage for eons of time.
    How do you plan to defy Cosmic Law, which is absolute?  You shall reap what you sow!  You are held accountable for all your wrong doing, and no bloody Truthbringer, whom your people tried to murder shall be sacrificed for your evil deeds.  You shall stand before Creator God Aton of Light, and you shall judge yourself according to the Laws of God and Creation for everything you have done.
    You shall have to answer to your theft of the good people's money of Russia, which you did, as an "honorable" ambassador under orders of our evil President Ronald Reagan.  You shall have to answer for your deceit and treason, as a stooge of the Bush/Clinton Cabal, and your work of assisting to block the people's money of the U.S. and for your greed in trying to keep much of it for yourself. 
    If I am watching your wrong doing, do you not think that Creator God might be watching, also?  Your actions and intent certainly fit the image of a Bloody Christian Cult member.  How clever!  You accuse me of being of the Darkside, the very place you have proven by your actions to be.  That sounds like "the pot calling the kettle, black!"
    I pity you for your ignorance, no , for your blindness and refusal to accept the Truth, when it is offered to you.  The Phoenix Journals were given to us by Creator God Aton of Light to provide us with unaltered Truth one last time, before the end of this last 3D civilization on Earth Shan.  To ignore them is to create your own demise.
    My friend, should you choose to do so, one day you shall weep in agony over that choice.  May you choose wisely.  By the way, I have been working closely with Esu Immanuel for many decades, and his Forces of Light provide Divine Protection for Fourwinds and my family.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: N
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 9:21 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hello Patrick and Anne,

 In response to the stressed out and blinded DM, my response, if you choose to add it to the mix is

 from the Phoenix Journals #4-Ch.#10:


 "Within the time at hand many truths of newness, shall be learned. 

He must prepare himself for that which shall come unto him.  He shall be as one lost in the darkness; yet there shall be lamps of light which shall be sent unto him that he may have beacons to fol­low.  My lamps shall be lighted as they are found; lighted from the candles which I have given unto the bearers."

 Thanks very much for the gift of wisdom, light and flowers!!!

 Peace, love, light to you and your family.  :>)


----- Original Message -----
From:  LW
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10 are wrong...plain and simple...and i do have truth, the Lord gave me photographs, over 360 of the unseen world, including satan, his witches....and the Lord's angel who protects me......i have  a pure heart....if you know the "gifts" of a pure heart, then you know what i've seen.....
wake up bellringer and quit listening to satan....he has you brainwashed.