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'Hello, Central!' Another False Flag Operation

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JV
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 8:50 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
To: Patrick Bellringer

 Topic: Something incredible is about to happen. 1st of all i would like to thank Patrick and Anne for such a wonderful site of knowledge and information. I have been a viewer of this wonderful site for awhile now.

 About the topic that nobody knows whats going to happen, even with Colin Powell talking about an event in January on national television of all places. i really could\'nt think of anything that the people could run from. My 1st thoughts were several Astroids that we are unaware of (meaning the public)is the only thing that could possible devistate us. I do to much research on the Universe, and something would have popped up by now, or information would have been leaked. Then it clicked: Would it be possible for another false flag operation to shut down the power grids of bombing the dams that run our power? Make sense to me since none of our troops have been pulled out of the middle east which would be a perfect time for the Evil regime to make there move on Iran and take over the oil once and for all. Remember if the power is out there\'s no communication between the public to figure out what the hell\'s going on around them. When the power goes back on, there plan would al! ready be completed. Makes Perfect sense to me. Thank you for listening and keep up the good work of informing the public. Peace, Love, and Light for all of us. Namaste


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JV
DATE:  Nov. 21, 2008
Dear JV:
    Thank you for your letter and your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.  Creator God Aton has said that any asteroids that may be a problem to Earth Shan at this time are being given course corrections to avoid striking our planet.
    Secondly, Aton has told us that many "false flag" terrorist attacks have been attempted by the Bush/Clinton Cabal over these past months, all of which have been stopped by the Forces of Light.   No such evil actions shall be allowed against this nation ever again.
    The One World Order is in total disarray, their plans lie tattered on the dirty floor, and the Illuminati and all their minions are running, frantically searching for places to hide from the Light of Truth.  Be of good cheer, my friend.  May the Light shine more brightly than ever.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer