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'Hello, Central!' Who Has the Power and Authority To Deal With the Illuminati and Their Stooges?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: PVR
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 11:02 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Patrick. In response to the messages from 'Casper'

 It would seem obvious to all that those who run the worlds governments/banking systems are totally corrupt. We have read about "arrests" of bankers and their lawyers etc.

 We read of the impending "deliveries" and return to Common Law and the "Doing away with all the fraud and corruption". This would be truely wonderfull.

 However, we know that even those judges in the Supreme Court are corrupt also, so, my question simply is, \"Where from and from Whom does the power and authority

 come for all those in 'high places' to be stripped of their power and position?"

 There is no point in just stripping those who are the visible face of 'Evil\ from power.

 Those who are referred to as the Illuminati would have to also be stripped of their power, money and influence, or they will simply \'rise up\' again.

 Again I ask the obvious question. \"Who has the authority and power to bring about these absolutely essential arrests, strippings of power, trials, and appropriate judgements of all those who are fighting for the 'Dark'?"

 It would appear to myself that this authority does not exist on this planet. I would logically conclude that the real power to make the changes necessary would have to come from "Off World" i.e. members of the Galactic Federation in conjuntion with 'Angelic' (spirit beings) under the command of Archangel Michael" One can but hope !!!

 Yours truely



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  PVR
DATE:  Nov. 19, 2008
Dear PVR:
    Thank you for your letter.
    Under the U.S. Constitution the authority to remove the president and his administration from power lies with the U.S. military.  They can remove their commander-in-chief for treason.
    The Divine assistance comes from the Star People under the authority of Violinio Germain, who has authority over the US., and from Sananda, who has authority over Earth Shan.  This is a process that is moving forward, as those humans, involved make the right choices.
    When they do not make the right choices, they are given more choices, until they have proven their true intent.  They are then sorted out and another takes their place and the process continues.  Sometimes things go quickly and other times not.  Pressure can be brought to bear on various players in "The Game", for example the World Court on the U.S. Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court on the U.S. president, but the process becomes complicated when a given "player" is corrupt.
    To prevent a bloody revolution in the streets this process of bringing change is mostly kept under cover and away from public view.  At no time in history has the change in government, such as is happening in the U.S., been without chaos and bloodshed.  All is being done according to the U.S. Constitution of the Republic to remove the U.S Corporate structure from power and the positions of authority usurped by former treasonous presidents, such as Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
    We still live in a 3D world, and it is the job of humans to make proper choices and actions to bring change to goodness, of which funding and NESARA are a part.  The Cosmic Law of Non-intervention prevents Sananda, Germain and the Forces of Light from taking charge and doing it for us.  They will only assist us, when we ask for such assistance. 
    At times the process of change to goodness is frustratingly slow, but have no doubts about it happening.  The Light always wins in the end, and we are in the "End Times" of transition of Earth Shan into the Light.  The majority of the nations of our world have finally come together and are demanding change, now!  That is a very good sign.
`    Good changes are on the horizon.  Stay prayerful and hopeful for victory even yet this month.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer