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'Hello, Central! I Am Sick and Tired of the Lies. Have I Done Any Good? )Updated Nov. 20, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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   ----- Original Message -----
From: D
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 10:06 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Dear Patrick and Anne,

 I read as many articles as I can, almost everyday, from your website.

 Thank you.

 The one problem I have with so many posters, is the same one I have with the govt; placing ALL the blame on us. Granted,no matter how much we\'ve done, or tried to do, we should have done more; but is anyone blameless? Those that find it necessary to pontificate about our ignorance, etc., where have they been all our lives? I know I\'m not the sharpest pencil in the box,but considering I was all alone with no slingshot or rock,and to top it off...a (singular) woman,I did all I knew how to do at the time.I have been a whistle-blower more than once,I try to educate those that will listen, on revelent issues, or at least try to get them to think out the issues from a non-partisan position, I vote, write letters, make phone calls,etc. And keep trying to learn more by reading as much as I can from websites such as yours. Has it done any good? Look around you.I have been trying, since the 60\'s to get people to think, and to pay attention. Now, I am tired, resentful, and angry.I could expound on some of the things I experienced in all these years,but of what use is it to the current crisis? I learned a long time ago that government couldn\'t be trusted,that the IRS wasn\'t a government agency, etc.If you want to know how good the word and promises of the government are,ask an American Indian. I am just sick and tired of being lied to.We have all been brain-washed all our lives.Think about that statement then consider where prejudice and hate came from. I\'m really sorry for unloading and venting some of my feelings to you, Patrick and Anne,but sometimes I feel like Mt Vesuvious is inside me and I\'ve no place to go with it.I hope you understand and will remember me in your prayers.

    With Love and Blessings,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  D
DATE:  Nov. 16, 2008
Dear D:
    Thank you for writing.  Truly, we all at sometime feel the way you do right now.  If we did not care about bringing change, we would not have righteous anger at the Darkness.  Esu Immanuel had those same feelings and reactions in his time.  Did he do any good?  Have we done any good?
    Only time can judge the results of our work.  Our task is not to change the whole world, but only to Light the little corner in which we live.  We are to learn to discern Truth from Lie, to rise above the Lie and not become emotionally involved in the Darksides' tricks.  We are to learn our lessons in soul growth, to learn wisdom, and patience, and endurance and Love.
    What happens to us personally we have allowed, and we can choose how we respond to the chaos.  We can create peace and happiness within by building a buffer of Light against the Darkness.  Never forget that we are the Bringers of the Light.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----

From: RW

To: <>

Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 6:45 PM

Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Dear Patrick,

 I can never say enough how gracious we are for your work. I\'d like to  share something I\'ve been pondering recently.

 This letter was originally intended to be a plea for your assistance, as  how many of my letters to you have been, but it began to manifest into  something greater because I was thinking as I wrote. This is how I began  to describe my current situation:

 "...I feel I have come so far, climbing this wall, finding my Self, and  that there is something I am missing in order to make it to the top. To  extend the analogy, I will say that I\'ve had many "pushes" and  "shoves" as I climb this wall, making this journey, because such a task  requires assistance. But there comes a point when you start thinking that  this is pretty tough, and the farther you go the tougher it gets, until  you reach the spot nearest to the top, when the forces that were working  against you the whole time are at their strongest, (like gravity at the  top of a wall)"

 And that is when I realized, this is exactly what Humanity's situation  is, and I am at this point on my journey because I am One with ALL THAT  IS, as is Humanity. What I experience within is what every One experiences  as a Whole.

 We've been climbing this wall for a long time now, receiving our due kicks and nudges, and now we\'re at the breach-point, the summing-up of  all our efforts, what our allies have prepared us for all this time, the  near top, and the only way we will see ourselves up there is to PUT ALL  OUR ENERGY IN TO THAT CAUSE, USE ALL THE STRENGTH WE HAVE, but without any  such "help" like we're used to. To truly get to know our Self is to  truly help our Self. We shall keep in the back of our mind the things done  for us out of Love during this last effort, so that we may receive even  more strength,  but if one ponders the act of loving assistance, they will  find that the true intention was for thee to seek-out the end goal  \"alone\", in order to fully grasp the overall lesson.

 To those who are in similar circumstance:


 Don't stop climbing.

 Don't stop believing, in your Self or others.

 "We are all in this together", in the truest sense.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO: RW

DATE:  Nov. 16, 2008


Dear RW:

    Thank you for your wise words of encouragement to all Truthseekers and Lightworkers.

    "Do Not Give Up!"

    "Don't stop climbing."

    "Don't stop believing in yourself or others".

    "We are all in this together in the truest sense."

    We have reached to top of the mountain with vertical cliffs obstructing our pathway, but we do have Divine assistance, if we but ask.  The rope, the harness, the cleats, the pinions and hammer are all there.  We need only to pick up the equipment we need and keep climbing!  With Divine help and protection our success is guaranteed.

    So, keep climbing!

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----
From: D
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
Dear Bellringer,
Thank you very much for responding to my call for help, I truly appreciate it. Your words mean a lot to me, but I seem to have a problem I don't know how to get around; I feel anger and frustration, but I cannot seem to muster hate. I seem to have a natural propensity to trust (usually), and to believe people (even when I sometimes feel I shouldn't),which leads me around in a circle. Do you have any suggestions for getting my head on straight? My head and my heart are oft times in disagreement, it has been this way as long as I can remember. I realize you are not a psychiatrist, I don't think i need one, I just need to understand what is possibly going on with these conflicts, and/or why I am having them.I have no problem with love,I love most people very much and all people on some level (Which is oft times when the head and heart conflict arises). I realize you are a very busy person and have many more important things to attend to, but if you could find the time to respond again to me, I'd sure appreciate it.
                            Love and Blessings to you and Anne,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  D
DATE:  Nov. 20, 2008
Dear D:
    You may need to work on discernment, and reading people's intent better.  Listen to your "gut feeling", your "heart", what your body is telling you about other people.  Feel their aura, their energies of either negative which repel, or positive which attract you.
    Also, what is the source of your frustration?  Are you sensing other's negative vibrations?  If so, move away from them.  Your aura clashes with theirs.  Your trusting of others comes probably from your caring nature.  Learn to be discerning.  Not everyone means what they say.  Not everyone is of good intent.  We learn from being fooled, but to be tricked the second time means we are the fool and have not learned.  Life is about learning our lessons in soul growth.  May we pass our tests with flying colors.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer