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'Hello, Central!' Please Say Something Because I Feel I'm On Tilt! (Updated Nov. 17, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: N
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 2:33 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Many apologies for whatever eccentric emails I\'ve sent you in the past, but how do you personally unfold your Creativity everyday? I\'m young, almost 23 years old, and I can\'t think of anything in the physical other than games which brings out my feelings of productive potent creativity, however, I do fully acknowledge the Creation at work through my mental projections and intent.

 With that said, I often want to cry lately thinking at the now moments that have passed where I have done nothing in the physical with my body to earn help pay off my karmic dependency debt to family, just as much as I can choose to feel the time that has been wasted in the mental realm devoted to these games and other inconsequential trivialities. I could sit in dark room and lightcast for 16 hours a day if I truly willed it!...But my spirit also cries to be interacting with friends and other people; and when I am alone, sometimes my thoughts drift to the past when I had more of a semblance of unity and creative mental exchange with people, yet it is difficult and perhaps somewhat risky to the solidity of normal relations to attempt to, even casually, bend people\'s mentality in a slightly different direction by offering what many might consider \"radical\" views on the true forces that command reality.

 I\'m so sorry for whatever I have done to allow this limited collective experience to drag on for us. Perhaps I could ALONE have ended this YEARS ago!! I don\'t have preference to how you respond just please say something cause I feel like I\'m on tilt. And if any negative energy views that as some sort of opening YOU WILL be soaked in violet flame and transmuted on a way ticket to source, just at what appearance of speed only lighted immaterial perspective can view. Peace be with you and your family Patrick, and may God help us.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  N
DATE:  Nov. 16, 2008
Dear N:
    Thank you for having the fortitude to write to me and express your concerns.  When we think we have reached our limit, there are at least two things we can choose to do.  We can check out of the physical realm, or we can go within and ask the Realms of Light for help.
    To leave our earthly journey is unwise, for in doing so we are short-circuiting the learning of our lessons in soul growth, the very purpose of our coming here initially.  To do so just delays the time we will spend in 3D, for in our next lifestream we will come back and begin in this 3D schoolroom right where we left off here and now.
    To go within gives us access to all the help that Heaven allows, and that is a lot.  As the wise teacher in the classroom assigns appropriate lessons to her students, Creator God never gives us harder lessons than we are able to learn.
    Just remember that though this journey may be very lonely, we are never alone.  We only think we are, because we are not aware of our two Guardian Angels, assigned to us at birth, and who walk with us in our journey until our physical death, that are ever at our side.  They are only a thought away.
    Every souled being on Earth Shan at this time is a Returned Master, who has volunteered to come and assist Earth Shan and her people through this transition period.  Our responsibility is to learn our lessons in soul growth and to help our fellow travelers, where we can, along their pathway to enlightenment. 
    I have found that one of the fastest ways to remove loneliness and bring joy and fulfillment into one's life is to help someone in need.  The giving of yourself creates positive energy, which by Cosmic Law is returned to you in like kind, but in multiple amount.  Practicing "random acts of kindness and senseless deeds of love" have great rewards.
    You may be surprised at how creative you may become in finding ways of helping others.  Have no regrets of the past, for that you cannot change, but seize the moment of opportunity to forgive, to make restitution, to make amends.  Forgive yourself, forgive others and ask Creator God to forgive you.  Then dump the baggage of the past and move on.
    As an enlightened being, our soul cries out for ways to share Truth with others.  Yet, such must be done in wisdom, or the Truth will be trampled into the mud, into the negativity of Darkness.  As Lightworkers, our positive aura will draw certain ones, seekers, to us and repel others of lower frequencies.  One may have few friends, but one true friend is really all one needs to give you companionship, comfort, happiness and hope.  Surprisingly, such friends can be your Guardian Angels.
    My friend, I suggest that reading may give you insight, such as The Talmud of Jmmanuel or Phoenix Journal #2 , for he walked the same pathway and experienced the same experiences.
    May you see your pathway most clearly.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
The Talmud of Jmmanuel :  ( )
Phoenix Journal #2 ( )


----- Original Message -----
From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 4:21 PM
Subject: 'Hello, Central!' Please Say Something Because I Feel I'm On Tilt!


I very much agree with your reply to N.
I would like to add a comment though.
My wife and I have leaned the hard way that what you think is help is not always positive help. I think it comes down to a difference between giving what people need and what they want. We seem to have learned that giving to provide for wants is, in actuality, enabling people to be lazy. This does not help them in the long run. Teaching them how to go after what they want seems to provide a much better form of assistance.
I would appreciate your comments on this. I'm sure they would help others as well.
Kind regards,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  T
DATE:  Nov. 16, 2008
Dear T:
    Your comments are well taken.  Great discernment is needed in determining what to give and to whom.  Helping people to help themselves is important to their learning to be responsible for themselves.
    As we all know, there are times when a person really needs assistance due to medical problems or financial problems or tragedy of some kind.  Many young families or the elderly today, for example, may have extreme needs.  Even a smile, or assistance to cross the street, or a few dollars at the grocery store checkout can be a miracle in someone's life.
    It is not necessarily about giving things.  There are many lonely people or those under much stress or someone, who sees no hope in their future, that need our attention.  A compassionate ear or a word of advice or encouragement can make all the difference in someone's day.  It is about sharing the Light!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: C
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 8:29 PM
Subject: reply to 'N'
Dear Bell ringer,

Could I put my 2 cents worth in to the question asked by N?  I went through a long side bar in life too and when I found myself back at the beginning but with my eyes opened, I realized that I had been given the gift of seeing first hand several seperate ways of seeing/looking at the world and my place in it.  I consider that a great gift that was given to me and I would like to share some possitive thoughts with N.

Dear N... another view

Don't bewail lost time.  You can't retrieve it, so just forget it.

Today and all the tomorrows are what is important.

If you have taked a detour, consider it recharge time.  Consider it as time spent in learning what you don't want to do with most of your time and the rest of your life... not as something wasted.

There are lessons lurking in the strangest places and the classes never end.  You have now before you a good view of two ways to spend your life.  Now you make a choice and ask for help every day for the right choices and right steps.  The help will be given and in a few weeks or months you will look back in one of your passive times and think... 'that was a down time I needed to get my heart/heat straight... Thank You!'.

Don't worry, what was is gone, now to step ahead again!

And do sit back and enjoy those 'games' once in a while.

Ever try to point out a chemtrail and watch as the other person just can't see what is there?  How much harder to get someone to 'see' something that can't be seen with eyes!

I know not all people are on the same wave length, there is absolutely no one I know, I can talk about this stuff to.  They look at me like I am crazy or walk off shaking their heads... and I try to be real subtle about how I aproach the subjects. Sigh.  Hang in there and try some correspondence with others on your level to keep your head from going 'tilt'!

God bless!



----- Original Message -----
From: FB
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 5:49 AM
Subject: For N, 'Hello, Central!' Please Say Something Because I Feel I'm On Tilt!
Dear N,

We are all in this together! Forgive yourself and find the next best thing you can do! Whenever you think you've done bad, reforgive yourself and try again!

I am also 23 if you want to know and I've lost most of my friends in the last 3-4 years because of my 'insane conspiracy theories'... So I mostly stopped talking about these things around 2006 because I saw I was just being thought of as someone preaching about the devil and god on the street that no one listens to and even more would I say, every one avoids them!

Nowadays I don't relate to many people of my age, because they all go out, drink, consume etc. And I have absolutely no interest in all those things, but as Patrick answered you rightly, one, two friends is all you need! I just have one physically and I'm happy, I couldn't handle more! And feel the friendship of your guardian angels, they are always there waiting to help you in whatever is your choice!

I'm sure you've helped more than you can imagine, being quiet and peaceful in a corner wishing all the best for everyone around you is huge in terms of sharing light, how many people consumed by the physical way of living actually think/ponder of how society could be better everyday, I wonder? To wake them up might not have been the best choice, because as you wrote: "yet it is difficult and perhaps somewhat risky to the solidity of normal relations to attempt to, even casually, bend people\'s mentality in a slightly different direction by offering what many might consider \"radical\" views on the true forces that command reality."

All the 'masters' I can think of were very quiet and peaceful, they never exposed so much and yet they had a profound effect on this world! you and I know that you will just be considered as one more 'lunatic preaching about conspiracies theories" if you try to explain things in a 'human' way.

But when someone goes to these masters and asks them anything, they always take time to answer the questions, like Patrick for instance ;)

Just try to do what you think is best, and if someone come and asks you about things, then share what you know in the correct amount :)

Forgive yourself for your wrongs and try to do better each time.

In Love and Light