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'Hello, Central! Please Define 5th Dimension!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: RG
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 11:58 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10



 Please enlighten me... I have searched, but obviously not well enough, for a definition of what you, and others, call \"5th Dimension\" that this Earth/Shan is allowed now to move into.

 Just in simple terms, what does that mean exactly..?  Does it mean go to being a \"Waterworld\".. ?   or. does it mean go to being dust and matter blown throughout this galaxy..? 

 Thank you for being you... and being here for us...!!



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  RG
DATE:  Nov. 12, 2008
Dear RG:
    Thank you for your question about dimensions.  The entire Cosmos is made by thought by Creator God from Light, therefore everything consists of Light frequencies.  Dimensions are different levels of Light frequencies, determined by their frequency or rate of vibration.
    The slowest or lowest rate of vibrations of Light are those of the first dimension (1D), one dimension being that of a dot.  The second dimension (2D) has higher vibration and two dimensions of length and width, often called "flatland".  We live in the third dimension (3D) world of higher dimensions of Light and the three dimensions of width, length and height.  We have physical matter, space and time.
    The fourth dimension (4D) is a transition dimension between 3D and 5D, and is called The Astral Plane, where time, space and matter do not exist.  Thus, 4D is a spiritual dimension.  The soul or spirit of those, who die a physical death in 3D, goes to The Astral Plane and to the level of spiritual frequency obtained in 3D.  Ghosts are souls in 4D, who lower their frequencies for us in 3D to see them.  The soul "stands" before Creator God Aton of Light and judges himself according to the Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27) to determine level of soul growth and placement for one's next lifestream.
    If one has not learned to live the Laws of God and Creation, the soul returns in physical format to another 3D lifestream to continue in the 3D schoolroom, where one left off in their lessons in the former lifestream.  If one has learned to live the Laws of God and Creation, one's soul graduates to the higher frequencies of fifth dimension (5D).  The fifth dimension is where evil does not exist.  Evil does exist in 4D, for the frequencies within 4D range from 3D to 5D.  The fifth dimension is also known as Heaven or the Realms of Light.
    No evil is allowed in any dimension beyond 4D, and the Realms of Light consist of all dimensions of 5D and higher on into infinity.
    Heaven (5D) is all that Esu Immanuel and others have said it to be, no disease, no pain, no death, no evil.  Our 3D mind cannot grasp the true meaning of 5D.
    I hope this answers your question.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer