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'Hello, Central!' NESARA Update, Nov. 10, 2008: You are Mistaken! (Updated Nov. 12, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: RM
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 1:36 PM
Subject: NESARA Update Nov. 10th......

 Hi Patrick and Anne,

  Thank you for this piece. However.. a quick correction perhaps?

 'Obama has made a *pact* with the devil..' Is this what you mean to say?

  It is slightly more plausible than a 'pack' anyway!

 This is very interesting however.. that after 30 years of watching the  Illuminati, of learning and seeing their games unfold, that I have at  last been completely duped by the Obama 'nice guy' ploy.. I really  thought he was a GOOD man, driven by a soul urge to CHANGE this World..  a born leader destined to finally knock the Illuminati from their  pedestals of power and  to restore a common and unified consciousness to  all beings on Earth, based entirely upon a Love and Equality of all  Souls.. whatever their skin colour or creed or nation.

 How could I have been SO wrong?

 Maybe I am not!

 How are *you* so sure.. is this not the time of Great Light on Earth.. such Light that even the Joe Bidens of this world are free to change their course to that of the Lighted Path? Why is this so implausible to you?

 I gravely hope you are finally and for once deeply mistaken! And I suspect that you in fact are!

 I suppose our Faith is here to be tested. Time WILL now tell. Let us see what the next year brings.

 With Love and Light and Truth



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  RM
DATE:  Nov. 10, 2008
Dear RM:
    Yes, pact (meaning bargain) is the word I intended, thank you, and no, I am not wrong about Obama.  He is skilled at creating an illusion to fool the people of his true intent.
    Look at his family history, his friends and associates and his present selections to assist in the "new" government. Look at his political track record of non-performance, and even his religious connections.  All do not bode well for a man of "good intent".
    The name of the game is discernment.  Do you think the One World Order would give up so easily?  Obama is their "Trojan Horse!"
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: RM
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: NESARA Update Nov. 10th......
 Dear Patrick,

 Thanks for your reply.

 Is it not the Illuminati themselves who have already struck the bargain  (presumably for their souls?) with the devil?

 I am not for one moment suggesting that the present Administration have  yet 'given up'.. although they are indeed in somewhat 'deepening shit'  even as we speak!

 I suspect that they may have another emergency homeland disaster of  'catastrophic proportions' brewing up their horrible sleeves! May it  fail utterly to materialise!

 Please consider that conversely Obama may very well have used (and is continuing to use) 'his skills' to actually fool the Illuminati themselves! Feeding them just enough of what they want/need to hear, employing just enough of their fold, to succeed in keeping himself alive! A very complex and clever game. Once he himself in turn, gainPresidential 'executive powers' things will EITHER get quickly very much worse OR Patrick, very much better, I agree! But do we not generate our own realities? Is it not wiser to remain optimistic, at least to your public, in these sensitive, important and unique times? Our collective future now depends upon it.

 I pray for the best outcomes!

 Love and Light and Truth,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  RM
DATE:  Nov. 10, 2008
Dewar RM:
    If you think that I am a pessimist, you do not know me.  I am an optimist, but not about Obama.  Be wise and judge to know your enemy (Law number 12 of The Laws of God and Creation, Phoenix Journal #27).
    Obama could be a saint, but he is totally under the control of the Illuminati, and can do nothing but what he is told to do.  To do otherwise would be his death!  These people are ruthless.  You are naive to think otherwise.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: TS
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 5:35 PM
Subject: The future, as I see it.
N E S A R A UPDATE: November 10, 2008 by Patrick H. Bellringer
I have a feeling Obama is being put in power to do to the USA what the dark ones did with Stalin during the Russian revolution.  Gut the middle class and only the elite and the poor are left.  Move the jobs to other countries and the middleclass disappears.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  TS
DATE:  Nov. 10, 2008
Dear TS:
    You are correct in your thinking, but there is much more planned for the people of the U.S. than what you say, should the One World Order be allowed free reign under Barak Obama.  This plan of destruction and world control by any means has been in place for a very long time, and Obama is another important link in the "chain" to bind us.  May that "chain" be soon broken forever.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 4:00 PM
Subject: WAKE UP AMERICA - they are trying to con us again....
WAKE UP AMERICA - they are trying to con us again...

Come on people. You have been fleeced and robbed by the elites through every form of counterfeiting and manipulation imaginable, to the point America, nay the world as a whole, is on the verge of total economic meltdown. The engineered meltdown has put us in the final stages of the New World Order’s clandestine takeover, where instead of Hitler’s or Stalin’s militaristic approaches, we have the more sublime international bankers’ approach of conquering through corruption and forced poverty. Rest assured, once the financial strength has been sapped away, as it has now or soon shall be, THEN the bankers will call on their puppets in government to use the military to finalize their agenda - only after they have you weakened. 

We are losing our wealth and much of our power to resist tyranny by way of thieves being permitted, and ENCOURAGED to steal from us by our own government elites, with naked short selling on Wall Street, bogus land grabs by multi-national corporations, unbacked gold certificates, trillions lost in failed banks and insurance companies, obscene government waste, the destruction of our currency with the Feds wild printing press mentality, freebies to illegal aliens and foreign elites, and so much more.  They substitute their bogus IOU's in for the real assets and leave us with nothing.  Next on the table is the federal government’s confiscation of all your private retirement accounts and a burdensome United Nations property tax on your home. Add to the fact that our education system is teaching NOTHING about what the real issues are in the world, and the world’s biggest whores in our complicit mass media are disguising it all to facilitate the agenda of the enemies of freedom, and you have a recipe for a dictatorial world government like never seen before.

However, as the twilight of the age of freedom draws ever near, I stand amused at the shills for the New World Order in the form of the media, Internet bloggers and even posters on Fourwinds10 trying to keep you deceived until the very end. They speak of a "New Age" of freedom being restored upon us and NESARA and the like. There are discussions of trillions of dollars scheduled for "deliveries tomorrow" and money is "soon coming," and it will be distributed "next week," and justice will be brought to the elites and their political whores who caused this mess. For endless reasons ranging from "my dog ate my homework" to "they forgot a signature," the promises of financial justice never seem to be fulfilled.  People, if you believe all of these stories, will you do me a little favor? Will you go get your head examined? Hell, if you are going to buy that nonsense, I have a delightful piece of swampland at the South Pole to sell you at a great price.

Although nothing would thrill me more to see some justice dealt out, logically, if the bad guys have had freedom to steal with the government's blind eye of enforcement and regulators acting like a 2nd rate Inspector Clouseau, what on earth would force them to pay Americans anything?  Am I wrong - maybe.  I hope I am, but sadly, I strongly doubt it.  

People, the elites have been playing us for a long time. The takedown of the United States has been engineered and we are in the final stages of full scale implementation of the dictatorial New World Order. Although it thrills me and lifts my spirits that America has come so far, that it could see past race and elect a man of color to the highest office in the land, it terrifies me that he is a complete U.N. supporting socialist and international bankers' front man, and his policies implemented in the US will make the old Soviet Union look like a land of true freedom. Bush took us down financially on one side of the coin and Obama will take it from here with hard-line socialism - each of them working as "heads and tails" representing the same coin - each of them working for the same puppet masters to achieve the same exact goals of a dictatorial one world government.

Again, the one world government is not going to be a godly one, nor one promoting freedoms, like freedom of speech and religion or private gun ownership. It will be a return to feudalism, with a very elect few wealthier than God and the rest of us (if we are permitted to live), begging for scraps. Be sure to contemplate the ramifications of a nation’s elites stripping away the financial and political freedoms of their people and taking their guns as it has already occurred in history. It has never once been pretty for the people, only for the elites. The only problem is that in the past, the people of nations like Germany, Italy, Japan, France and other victims of tyranny, had a strong and freedom-minded  USA as a backbone of their liberty. Who will take up the gauntlet now that the USA itself is the one being subjugated to tyranny?

If things develop as they appear to be developing, if ever there were a more applicable time to heed the Word of God, "flee to the hills so that your pursuers will not find you." it just might soon be the call of the day.

Blessings to you all and my greatest hope is that as the men with the blue helmets come, you are able to extract the maximum price from them for their betrayal of humanity and their evil tyranny, for as a wise man once said, "it is better to die on your feet than to live groveling on your knees."
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  F
DATE:  Nov. 10, 2008
Dear F:
    I applaud you for your ability to capture the Dark intent in the swirling events of our times and record them for all to understand.  Truly, this is the "Age of Darkness".  You paint a most accurate picture of the Darkness, but what hope do you offer to desperate and struggling people?  You claim the Word of God is to "flee to the hills" with our guns and survival kits and hide.
    Is our only hope to hide, for t0 "take up the gauntlet" and stand against our foes would mean certain death?  You offer gloom and doom, but no hope!  Why?  You trash Fourwinds in your ignorance.  You ridicule NESARA and scoff at the prospect of the stolen money being returned to the people to provide abundance in place of poverty.  Why?
    Could it be that the "Word" you are quoting is from the wrong God, from God Jehovah Satan?  Could it be that you, like so many others, have followed the wrong God right into Satan's trap of disbelief?  God Jehovah Satan is not a Creator God, only a deceiver, a trickster, who fools the people through lies and deceit to produce the negativity of Shadow, of Darkness.  Darkness blinds both eye and heart from seeing the Light.
    My brother, Fourwinds stands, as a Lighthouse to the world.  It proclaims the Truth, the Light of Creator God Aton, God of lLght to the world.  It stands against the Darkness and proclaims the mystery, the hope, the miracle of Light conquering the Darkness, that few understand.  It offers the message of the Phoenix Journals of freedom of body and soul, that you have missed.
    That message is not one of gloom and doom.  It is a message of hope and of freedom and of victory over Darkness.  This great nation and her people shall not be allowed to succumb to the Darkness.  In spite of what you say, we shall not "return to feudalism".
    There are those, who have understood the power of their Spirit within, and are using their power to defeat the Darkones and destroy their New World Order plans.  These Lightworkers are not "fleeing to the hills", or groveling on their knees or even dying on their feet.  With the wisdom and power of The Light, they are creating miracles.
    I emphatically state that Creator God Aton of Light always wins, every time.  As a part of Aton's Plan, NESARA shall be accomplished, and the "windows of Heaven" shall open and pour out an overflowing blessing of money, right on your doubting head.
    Oh, ye of little faith, had you read and understood the message of the Phoenix Journals, you would not be a blind leader of the blind today.  Use the Light to find your pathway, my friend, so that you. too, can stand with us upon the roof top and proclaim victory to all the world!  You, too, can be a "Bellringer" and a Lighthouse to the world.
    Victory is here, not gloom and doom!  Know it!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: WAKE UP AMERICA - they are trying to con us again....
Hi Patrick,

I appreciate your optimism, but I ask you to consider a few issues.

The elitists control both sides of the equation in America, the right and the left.  Evidence?  Obama just started appointing cabinet members from the same cast of characters as the former presidents. Zbigniew Brzezinski, a confident and right-hand man of David Rockefeller (one of the most evil men and greatest enemy of America on the face of the earth), has 2 sons - one the close advisor to McCain and the other, the close advisor to Obama (more like overseers).  Obama has been funded with mob money and is loyal to the elite bankers, voting for the bailout, taking massive contributions form Wall Street and never standing up against them in favor of the common man even once during his time as a senator.  He is loyal to the federal government as a supreme governmental body in the USA and the UN as a power over the USA.  He has advocated 1% of our annual GNP as a unaccounted gift to the UN, he has supported every abortion rights bill on earth, some advocating death of the unwanted child AFTER the child is born.  He wants not to get rid of the unconstitutional income tax, but instead, increase it.  He wants to target private retirement accounts, having the criminal federal government confiscate all that money to place under their pitiful control.  Obama does not advocate private gun ownership and has said that gun control will be on his agenda.  He has openly said America is not a Christian nation anymore and should not be acting as one.  I could go on and on, but do I really need to?  Please understand that I do not hate the man in any manner, and I genuinely pray for him and his family, their safety, and for him to listen to and act upon God's wisdom.  It is just that his policies and moreso his real bosses are obvious, and they do not lend to a re-strengthing of the constitution in this nation, but its' further destruction.

Patrick, I call it as I see it.  I do not see hope as equating with reality.  Although it is really neat to see a man of color as the President of the USA, it is not the color of the man that counts - it never has.  It is the character of the man.  He now has totally socialist control of the congress and because of that fact, the character of America is about to change radically.

People can read the Phoenix Journals and the writings of the rest of the people who promote these incredible future events all they like, but the facts are the facts.  As to NESARA, I have spoken to Ron Paul's top advisors, and they have told me it is not true.  As to the end of the Federal Reserve Banking System, it is a hoax.  The Fed went under the Treasury Department earlier this year, but the entire US Banking system went under the control of a world-wide central bank in Basel II.  Additionally, the bailout money, if from a true government-owned central bank, would not have to have been borrowed - merely printed.  I have called 6 top-level congressional advisors in Washington and 5 of the 6 personally told me that the Federal Government would definitely collapse (one said within a few months - others within 2 years) and the 6th person was too frightened to discuss the subject matter on the phone.  Those who would respond also told me that it is likely that social services would fail, including all federal government assistance and that food riots and martial law is likely.  Lastly, the use of UN Troops is also likely as assistance to keep the place under control.  Do you know what has happened in nations plagued by the use of UN Troops?  Listen to Al Cuppett, former high ranking US Military officer, talk about the use of UN Troops as peace keepers.  Better listen in the near future because I am confident this interview will not be available for long.  I could go on, but there is really no need.

As for the hope to readers, I have said it before and I will happily say it again - the only hope is ONLY in Jesus Christ.  I will likely stand my ground and take out as many blue-helmeted traitors to humanity that I can, but even God's Word indicates that careful planning is in order for times such as these.  Please remember, I did not tell people to run for the hills, but I did say that the time might be near - a big difference.  People need to watch very closely and be prepared to make a move, if it is warranted and if they have a planned place to go.  Bad advice?  Pessimistic?  When a tsunami is coming to towards the beach that I have seen coming, is it better for me to warn people to get to high ground or should I refrain from giving warnings due to hope in a future that the facts of the moment betray as highly unlikely or even impossible? 

Patrick, I know that there are many mis-information sites and sources out there on the net, some intentionally and some not so.  I do not try to be a misinformation source, but to give a realistic warning when facing what can only be deemed as an approaching economic disaster, in my opinion is prudent.  I would hope that you post my message, your email to me (excluding names) and my response, to give a full picture to the readers.  I do not mean to bag any information sources on Fourwinds10, I am just calling it as I see it.  I pray with all my heart that my insights are incorrect and I will be the first one to dance with joy, but only after I have apologized to anyone my opinions have offended.

I wish you well.

