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'Hello, Central!' Make NESARA A Reality! What We Can Do! (Updated Oct. 26, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: MC
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 4:55 PM
Subject: Hello Central! NESARA a reality! What can we do???
Hello Central

NESARA a reality! What can we do???

I wish to extend my hearts deep gratitude to all beings of Love and Light that are assisting humanity during this time of transition. I wish to send a special note of Love and deep gratitude for all of the readers and contributors of Fourwinds10.

Anne and Patrick we all Love You!

We all are feeling the effects of the changing energies around us. While we hold our intentions for the greater good of humanity we cannot help being buffeted by the actions and negative intentions of others.

We must try to maintain our positive Loving intentions at all times! There are times when we must take our positive intentions and put them into action! I believe that time has come!

I wish to start a thread of discussion as to how we can manifest our positive intentions into action. Many of us are feeling the need to step up and do more to make NESARA a reality! What can we do???


wish to ask for direct assistance from Creator Hatonn, Sananda and St. Germain on this issue!

This is my idea. We know that the elements opposing Love and Light do not like attention or exposure. I think we should turn on the Light for these beings. Let's turn on the Lights for those cockroaches feeding on the life blood of us and our beautiful Shan. We can do this by posting every phone number, email address and physical address of the known opposition to NESARA. Let us begin a peaceful campaign of exposure for anyone that is blocking NESARA and the Prosperity Programs. We can call and write to these people and let them know in a respectful way that we will not allow them to continue the deceptions. NESARA NOW! We can openly boycott the goods and services of the companies that enrich their empires. We can organize peaceful NESARA public events to make other people aware of its existence and benefits.

We have been told that Creation is NOT going to do this for us. We are responsible for ourselves and the world in which we live. I believe we must act to assist the forces of Love, Peace and Hope. I call upon the Violet and Golden flames of Light to assist us in our mission.





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  MC
DATE:  Oct. 24, 2008
Dear MC:
    Any positive energy is helpful, because it serves to cancel the negative energy of the Darkness.  Light holds power over Darkness.  When Light floods a dark room, the Darkness flees.  We have flashlights to see in the dark, but not flashdarks to "see" in the Light!
    Light trumps Darkness, always!  Positive energy negates negative energy, always!  Positive energy destroys the Darkside's plan, removes their "energy" and leaves them paralyzed in  inaction.  Let's do it!  Let's send the energy of Love and Peace and Hope to all people!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer



----- Original Message -----
From: M
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 6:35 PM
Subject: RESPONSE TO: Make NESARA A Reality!
Dearest Patrick and Anne,
I applaud "MC"s  posting and would like to contribute my energies to his.  I am a Very Visual person and I am doing the following process the rest of today (or as long as necessary)
I have taken the statements:   
I actively send the energy of
to ALL people who are
blocking the announcement of
I love you and I forgive you !
( borrowed from the Ho'oponopono healing practice, VERY POWERFUL )
I've printed this out on a piece of paper.   On top of the paper I've put four candles (one of each color, pink, violet, gold or white and blue)  and as they burn together, they are creating a circular force of combined energy.  The wind of Mother Earth is assisting the process of taking this energy to be placed before each person blocking our Announcement !   All have free will - so each person is given a choice to walk through the energy and be changed into the energy of LOVE or walk through the energy and  taken to a level that matches their current energy level ! 
If they refuse to make a choice- the circular wind will then pass through them, assisted by Mother Earth !
I am the voice of ONE and the will/strength  of 10,000.  I ask each level of my higher self to assist me in the continual PRAYER above.  The process will continue until we visually see the announcement of NESARA on the public Broadcasting System on Television !
The people of Earth no longer allow the dark to remain here on our Beloved Planet ! ! ! ! ! 
She has given enough to ALL and shall now be relieved of her suffering !
As Always,   My Love to both of you ! 
Peace IS in the air,
----- Original Message -----
From: MF
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 9:55 PM
Subject: 'Hello, Central!' Make NESARA A Reality! What We Can Do!
The powers of an individual and their potential is greater than any 'ONE' of us could ever imagine! It transcends to such a level as to become subconscious! That's where the ''magic'' begins! (Candles and written requests for love and peace). Magic!!!!

Empower yourselves! Do not hold on to this place, let your lives become one with the greater good for all! Life is a dream, dream the dream but dream on the release, release for the one's who are struggling for power! Release for the self! Release from the chains! Release from the ball! Release from the dream that we dream! The nightmare 'sub'mented by our controllers!

Every night before i go to sleep, (Visually) i see myself flying high above our planet through the clouds and in to our atmosphere. When i stop, i look down upon the world (As if on the cross, arms out wide floating on air!). I imagine every human being lifted by the light! (Filled with love) My body explodes with love & light! Shining upon the earth, lighting my body as bright as the sun! In the sky, everyone see's the light and lifts from this place! Oh what a place! Its filled with love, with light, with pure expression of the self! 5D? I look upon the earth at our controllers, i look at them and send my love, my forgiveness, my compassion! My 'body' physically cries with the love that i feel! We are all in the 'thick' of it! I love you all! My light shines upon everyone, everyone! Throughout our cosmos beings feel my love for life! It beckons them, just like it does for everyone! Our time is now! Our time is here! We must become 'ONE' in a universal consciousness for all!

To me, its already happened! My day is living the now but ultimately, i am free!

Anyone who reads fourwinds will surely feel a great sense of connection, as if we are one! Even the critics, the dark, the people who look for the answer! We are one! One for all and all for one! Announce NESARA in your minds, its time to wake up!

Surely, you feel it! The power of one? The time is now!

I'll shine my light this night, as i do every night! In hope! In hope for our dreams, our lives, our children, our civilisation!

The truth shall set you free! As it did for me! Blessed be, in love and light to everyone on earth! The dark, the light and to all that exists in our minds and our hearts! NESARA NOW, otherwise ........? who knows? Do we just continue on the ride! Do we just allow them to do what they want? If that's the case then i'll go to my local town dressed as a 'sheep' wearing a NESARA NOW!! sticker!

Do not be afraid! What do we have to fear apart from ourselves? In the after life, we judge ourselves and do not be judged! The power is within you! It is you! You are all that exists! Everything! Without you......!!!! ??? Have you done your bit? Did you live up to the contract foretold by yourself! Why are you here? NESARA NOW!!!!!!!!!!! 

I'll see you all in the sky, beside me, as we all send our love and light across the world for all to see! Its you and me, that light that they see!


P.s Patrick & Ann,

I have followed you both for some time now and appreciate the work you do! There is much disinformation floating around that is blasphemy to your names! I do not donate or fund your operation but your word and wisdom is true! true to humanity, true to the word! The sun is shining, shining on a new day for our people! Let the party begin as we hold to our dream! 'Hello Central is a new wind direction, one to a 'central' point that covers all four! 'ONE' to all and all for one!

In love and light to you both and to all!



----- Original Message -----
From: LW
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 12:03 AM
Subject: Make NESARA a Reality! What We Can Do.
 Dear Patrick,

 I would like to suggest something that has worked for me. It is a version of the old mantra, "Every day in every way I am getting better and better".

 I have used it to improve my sales, qualify for a mortgage over $100,000(with a credit score less than 650)and buy a house close to my son and his wife to help take care of his children. In my version I include the word harmless as I feel it is very important to accomplish your goals with harm to no one including yourself. One truth in the Bible that survived editing is the admonishment to "pray without ceasing". I repeat my mantra for at least 15 minutes or more in a session. This can be done while you are driving or going about your daily activities, whenever you remember to do it.

 This is my suggestion; That all of us repeat this mantra whenever we think of it:

 Every day and in every way harmless to all, I live in a world where NESARA is a reality and all live in abundance, love and light.


 The larger the number of participants, the quicker it will manifest in our dimension. Thank you for the opportunity to share this and God bless you and Anne.

 In love and light,