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'Hello, Central!' No Deliveries! (Updated Oct. 22, 2008)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: DK
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 3:38 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


The Master: St. Germain has declared their will be NO Deliveries. Stasis will happen and the Earth will be Re-organized with the Good and an International currency, following Stasis. Regards deliveries; Tomorrow will never come! When will Casper accept the TRUTH?

 When and How will the Truth get out to the masses?

 Take care, DK

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DK
DATE:  Oct. 21, 2008
Dear DK:
    I must agree with you that you are totally correct in your statement that there will probably be no deliveries of the Prosperity Program and Farm Claim bank packets to you and to Candace Frieze, Mike Quinsey, Milson Macleod and those others, who continually publish CIA MK-Ultra mind-controlled rubbish to fool the people and create negative energy through confusion and fear.
    Why?  Because you probably never took the risk of investing your money in the 1990's in any of the Prosperity Programs with the good intent of helping other people.  You never took a stand for justice and Truth and filed a class action Farm Claim for fraud against the U.S. Government, Federal Reserve and IRS in the early 1990's either.  Of course, you are not a recipient of these programs, so why would you ever receive a "delivery"?
    Is it really about "sour grapes"?  You are not a program participant, are not receiving any funding, when others are, so you are shouting loudly that it will not happen, hoping others will believe you and create the negative energy to stop deliveries from happening, so you won't be disappointed when no one gets any money.  If I don't get a bank packet, no one gets one either is nothing more than a naughty school boy pout, when the teacher rewards good behavior with a treat.
    The Readers of Fourwinds have made it very clear to me that they are very tired of the fake Germain messages, the fake SaLuSa and Christ Michael (whoever that is) and other "name brand" messages of foolish blatheriings pawned off on the people, as Holy Writ, by Candace, Mike, Milson and other so called gurus.  By whose authority do you say; "No Deliveries"?
    To even say such reveals your total ignorance of the events of our day, and your lack of wisdom to discern Truth given to you in the Casper Updates.
    Creator God Aton of Light has a Plan 2000 for our time, which does not include your silly stasis (not even the proper use of the word) and Jupiter events.  NESARA and funding of these Prosperity Programs and Farm Claims are a very real part of Aton's Plan, regardless of your denials and regardless of your intentional twisting of the Truth.
    Whatever happened to the rant by Blossom Fairchild and her October 14, 2008 Spaceship viewing that never happened?  Whatever happened to the Jupiter Event and the Stasis of Candace Frieze of a year ago that never occurred?  Our Readers are not brain-dead!  They, and Anne and I are very tired of this Darkside trash that you and your ilk keep throwing out on the Internet.
    Know that very soon Casper shall be vindicated, and you shall be, as Hatonn says, "eating a lot of crow".  You cannot stop Creator God Aton's Plan, no matter how hard you try.  I pity you for your very foolish statement.  I send you lots of Love and Light, for you are going to really need it!
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: JM
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 11:37 AM
Subject: Thank You For Your Msg to D.K.

  Maybe D.K. needs a bottle of this. (Crow Sauce)

Thank you so much.  I know nothing about that group but was forwarded the email from a friend – it made me so angry, thus I was thrilled to receive the msg from you.  Thanks again and keep up the good work.




----- Original Message -----
From: CS
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:33 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 I am very thankful that we have a voice in you and Anne to [challenge people] like DK. A great big Amen to your answer to him. I fear many are going to be left behind when Mother Earth (Sham)cleanse Herself from our abuse. She will always be Mother Nature to me, because my grandfather taught me so, he was one Native American.

 Once again I thank you, Anne and Casper for your voice in this dark world.

 With great loving light, goodnight.


----- Original Message -----
From: LC
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:09 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Patrick, thank you again for your response to \"DK\" regarding the prosperity funds.  I, too, am a member of several of these programs from 15 years ago.  I know exactly what you are talking about. I agree that EGO has prevented those others from accepting the fact that we will be paid, but they will not.  This will probably be a problem after we finally do \"receive\".

Casper has worked tirelessly to present the best and most accurate information he can.  So has Poof. I have talked with Poof, and he is not from the \"darkside\".

And, finally, you are so correct in stating that the Lightworkers are very tired of the conflicting reports on the Funding. Those of us who are recipients know the history and background already, and frankly, this disinformation campaign is an insult to our intelligence.  Do you agree???

Thank you again for standing up to those who would block our abundance.  There are many excellent humanitarian programs to fund, and the world will change as a result.  Even the naysayers will eventually benefit greatly. 

  Much love and blessings to you and Anne,