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'Hello, Central!' How Can I Make Something Positive Out Of This Horrible Nightmare? (Updated 9/12/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: CH
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 9:42 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


 I am too a young mother who has lost her beautiful daughter of five months to what i believe to be vaccine related. She had her shots 5 days before the last day of her precious life. of course it was diagnosed as sids, but i know better. Can you tell me how i can make something positive out of this horrible nightmare, i want to be able to educate parents about the truth about vaccines and they are killing our babies. please help me if you can, another grieving mother with empty arms.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  CH
DATE:  Sept. 10, 2008
Dear CH:
    Thank you for having the courage to share your tragedy with me.  In my heart I weep for you.  Anne and I have lost our parents but none of our four children, so we have not experienced your loss, especially one so young.
    There is probably nothing that I can say that would ease your pain, but I shall try.  All of us, as souled-beings, who chose to return to this 3D planet and to this lifestream at this time.  We came as Returned Masters from our homes in the stars to do this mission.  We have a contract with Creator God Aton of Light to experience certain things to learn our lessons in soul growth.
    Prior to returning, you and your daughter agreed to go through this "loss" experience.  The reasons are known only to you, your daughter and Creator God, but it was for your lessons in soul growth.  What you do with this experience can make you stronger or weaker spiritually.  It is your choice.  From your learning you also have a choice to use your knowledge to help others to avoid the loss you have experienced.
    Much positive energy and goodness can come from any negative situation, when we channel the energy properly.  You now have the challenge and the opportunity to build new relationships to replace the ones you have lost.  This does not make your loss an less, but it does help one to re-focus and move on to new experiences and know the joy of living for and giving to others.
    The energy you send out comes back to you, always, and in greater amount.  If you want joy, send love!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: NL
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:06 PM
Subject: Making something positive out of sids
 Dearest Patrick (and Anne),

Patrick, I write to you with great concern, regarding the post from the woman who lost her child to "sids," 5 days after her child's vaccinations.  The post titled:  "HOW CAN I MAKE SOMETHING POSITIVE OUT OF THIS HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE?"

You said, in part, "Prior to returning, you and your daughter agreed to go through this "loss" experience." 

Patrick, I respectfully, and humbly disagree with that statement.  It is a "false" and possibly(?) "uninformed" statement.  Not a lie, or an untruth. 

I beg you to ask your spirit guide, or "Hatonnn," or whomever it is that you are in contact with, because this is a "false/innacurate" teaching. 

Others have expressed this sentiment/view to others and it is, I believe, false, according to my brother, who also died of "SIDS" when he was an infant.  He says/said: "no loving GOD would ever ask his child to accept, or suffer such a thing in "HIS" name, or in "agreement" of HIS VALUES! and it is a "false" teaching, because "accidents" happen and choices are made by "humans/man" without aforethought to their consequences.  And, that HIS GOD and no GOD he knows of in the heavenly realm would "ever" ask someone, or allow, someone to "suffer" this agony on purpose, or by agreement of any kind!

My brother, Thomas, died of crib death when he was approx. 6 months old, and when I was about 5-1/2.  Although his body died, his soul and spirit did not.  As he became my "spirit guide" when he died, he told me, when he spoke to me after his "death":  It was an "accident!!" (not meant to be!) and because he was supposed to be a part of our family, but was no more, that he had the choice of staying with me and my family in "spirit" or going on to the "other side." 

My "dead" brother told me (at the age of 5) that he was going to stay with me and watch over me.  He told me: "he loved me, and was going to watch over me and make sure nothing happened to me."  He has kept his word, Patrick, and has never lied, or misled me on this matter, or any other.  There are many things he told me, as a child, that were true and "prophetic."   But, his concern, and mine, is that we do not "mislead" others intentionally, or by accident, and I would ask that you correct this error in statement.  

My brother "Tommy" told me that, although we do volunteer to meet certain people, and have certain experiences (breakups in relationships/leaving home at a certain age, etc.), there is no GOD judgement, nor "agreement" as to when we depart from each other!  He tells me "it is impossible, given the "extenuating factors" in our world, to make such an agreement, nor why would anyone, when life is such a smorgasbord of people  and experiences! 

"Tommy" tells me that "WE" are responsible for the decisions we make and the "people" we let into our lives, and set free from our lives and that "we" would "NEVER" make this type of agreement, as that would take from us our "individual" free will to grow and learn at our own pace and of our own God Given free will.  The very reasons we "choose to be born in the first place!" 

He says: "that to put it on God, or karma or "agreement", when something happens whether by our choices, or not, is to negate our "FREE WILL" choices and spiritual lessons and that serves NO ONE in their spiritual growth."  (i.e, as painful as it is to say, Patrick, which I would not to this mother:  is that choosing to put bacteria and viruses into our children, is going to have its consequences, good or ill, depending on the child's health, Patrick, you see?)  She is NOT TO BLAME, nor does her child blame her, but there was also  "NO AGREEMENT" in this situation, or many others!

He tells me, right, or wrong, Patrick, that NO ONE, is born choosing "their time of death."  As GOD wants each and every ONE of his children leading FULL and PRODUCTIVE lives as much as is possible in this world of duality and choices!

Thank you for letting me tell you me story, Patrick.  I look forward to your wise and intelligent response.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  NL
DATE:  Sept. 11, 2--8
Dear NL:
    Thank you for your response.  If you wish to challenge Creator God Aton of Light and what He has told us as Truth concerning our soul agreements with Him prior to entering our 3D lifestreams, that is your choice, but you are quite wrong in your thinking.  Nothing happens by accident.  All is controlled by cause and effect, the basic Cosmic Law.  There are no mistakes, and always we choose what happens to us.
    We have soul agreements, which we make with Creator God, to experience certain things for our lessons in soul growth.  These we freely make and in no way does this negate our freewill choices, for we can also choose to break our agreements here in 3D, knowing full well that we will have to repeat our lessons later.  If we break our agreement, that  too is made at a soul level with Creator God and a new one is made to take us in a different direction and into different experiences.
    You have said that your brother died of SIDS at six months of age and chose to stay with you and your family in spirit to watch over you and not go on to the "other side".  This means that he chose to remain on the Astral Plane or fourth dimension and not move on to his next lifestream.  By staying on the Astral Plane and depending upon his level of soul growth, he may not have access to higher spiritual knowledge, and thus may not be able to advise you accurately concerning this matter.
    I do not wish to hurt your feelings in this discussion, but only to present to you what Creator God Aton of Light has made clear to us in the Phoenix Journals.  I am only  the messenger, and what I say is not my opinion or made up ideas.  There is much distorted 3D thinking, and we must always be careful to go within and discern Truth through our God Spirit, who knows all Truth.  May Truth be made clear to all  of us, always.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellirnger
----- Original Message -----
From: NL
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:06 PM
Subject: RE: THANK YOU...

Dearest Patrick:

 You would never hurt my feelings, as you speak, always, with wisdom and truth.  No, absolutely it was truly not my intent to challenge Creator God nor would i dare on any conscious level.  I do know that we make agreements with Creator God and we plan our "soul" charts to experience certain things for our lessons in soul growth, Patrick, and knew of these things as a child.  I would not dispute this or Creator God on that issue at all.   

 Because, try as i might, though, i cannot help myself to be disenheartened that any of us would make "agreements" to let each other "suffer" a suffocation death, or death by stabbing, etcBecause, even if reincarnation plays into this, somehow, Patrick, isn't our purpose here to show "love, forgiveness, empathy, compassion, the way towards light, etc.?  What, truly, are we learning from such an agreement as "i will be born to you and you agree to be my mother, but you will let me suffocate to death?"  And this will be good, because we have all agreed to it? 

 I know i must be missing something here, because this is the only part i truly cannot wrap my mind around and will clearly have to beg Creator God to help me understand the wisdom behind this type of agreement.  This is still most confusing to me, except for your wonderful advice and I will determine to use it to get past this discomfort with such agreements.  You have given me much to contemplate and meditate on. 

 For, as it was put to me, Patrick, there are loving/enlightened souls (i.e., Jesus/Sanada) who DO agree to be part of the soul group/or family, say of a mass murderer or killer, knowing that there is a "chance" this loving/enlightened soul will NOT be able to bring the "murderer" into the light, but the "loving/enlightened" soul agrees anyway to be a part of the "murderer's" life and hopefully change the "murderers" past inclinations; but that there is no "specific" agreement to be "stabbed" to death, or shot to death, etc.  This is how it was explained to me and I would not now know how to discern otherwise that this would be "false" information, because it is certainly not evil, anyway. 

 When you said the following:  "There is much distorted 3D thinking, and we must always be careful to go within and discern Truth through our God Spirit, who knows all Truth.  May Truth be made clear to all  of us, always."

 I will say, again, you have given me much to contemplate and meditate on. 


 Sincerely and most humbly grateful for your response, wisdom and thoughtfulness, always. 

 Much LOVE and LIGHT to you and Anne.


----- Original Message -----
From: R
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 11:43 AM
Subject: re.....reply to CH
I, can relate, as I, too, lost my child to that horrible, horrible vaccine....  To CH, go to the website:
The pain of losing a child is almost unbearable and....words cannot explain the hurt parents feel.
Still crying.


----- Original Message -----
From: JC
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:52 AM
Subject: Lost Child
I am so sorry to hear of the ones that have lost so many children,     I am one of those that lost a daughter a few years ago .         She was only 14 years old and got killed on April 23 2000 on Easter Sunday morning.       She spent the night with her older sister and I was suppose to take clothes for Church that morning and some friends came over and woke her and wanted to watch some music show and then ask her to take a ride , she never came back.        My alarm went of at 7:00 AM and then the phone rang from the hospital saying my daughter had been in a car accident and of course I thought it was my older daughter but when I found out it was my daughter Danielle I didn't understand why she was where she was but she was a child and they do things that they down deep know they shouldn't and that was what she did .        My heart goes out to all that have lost a child because you never heal you just learn how to live with it and know someday you will see them again in Heaven and that is my only hope.     My prayers are with all of you.

----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:52 AM
Subject: 'Hello, Central!' How Can I Make Something Positive Out Of This Horrible Nightmare? (Updated 9/12/08)


You say: "How Can I Make Something Positive Out Of This Horrible Nightmare?"


That is a very good question to begin with. No external event has the power to overwhelm you unless you choose to be overwhelmed. Most parents think of their children as "my(!) child". And sadly this does not change even when the "child" is 30 or 40 years old. No child is ever owned by its parent(s). A socalled child is an independent being and it might very well be a much more evolved being than the parent(s). In fact, there need not be anything "personal" involved at all in child/parent relationship. How beautiful would that not be? Being a parent is a role you play to learn from and ditto for the socalled child. It is not your real identity. All the greif and the sorrow comes from the perception that it is "your child" and thus you blame yourself on some level for what happened. If you let go of that notion of "my child" the socalled nightmare can turn into a blessing.


I lost "my" parents many years ago and you know what; They are still "alive" today. I even see them regularly, but we live in totally different worlds. They function and live like robots. Totally mechanical and out of sync with what is going on. Scared to death of their own feelings because everything has always been so personal to them. They have no trust in Existence and think they are to blame for everything that happened/happens. I stand before them as a totally transformed being with an identity that has very little if anything to do with them, and all they see is "their son" from 10 years ago or something. It was a long process to let go and totally forgive them, but that is the key. Forgive yourself and others. Let go of the blame game and realize that things are not all that personal. Be thankful for all experiences, and don't wish things to be different than they are. This will only create tension, block your view and hinder your opportunity to grow and mature. People come and go every day. It is nothing personal just because it happens to you.

