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'Hello, Central!' I Know the 18 Laws of God and I Consciously Choose to Break Them. What is My Future? (Updated 9/13/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: GDW
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 5:59 PM
Subject: If I Break the Laws Consciously Now, Then, When Evacuation Occurs, Will I Have Already Made my Choice?
Dear, Dear, Patrick Bellringer,

     Greetings in as much Light as I am able to authentically describe that I am in!  I wish you and Anne well on this fine day, and it is my sincere hope that everything in your lives "runs smoothly" during these last remaining hours on a physical planet.

     Now, I have read, and understood thoroughly, all eighteen laws and two highest commands.  I have done so to a point of teaching others about them during the days, and being able to remember all of them and write them all down.  See, I know the Truth of God Aton and the Phoenix Journals.  I understand that it is not important to just believe in the Truth, but that the most important thing is to DO (act in accordance with) the Truth.

     I break the Laws consciously.  I do.  I know it's bad, and I still do it.  Every day I break the Laws, and I am NOT proud of it, nor do I encourage it.  I smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, smoke Herb, and often I do lust, having voyeurism for pretty nude pictures of girls.

      I will not stop.  I have made my decision to continue doing those things until the end of this physical existence.  That is where my question comes in, which I have meditated on for quite some time now and can not seem to arrive at a copacetic conclusion.  I will now turn to your exquisite ability to see in black and white, that which I hope will help me understand the extent of the Mercy, Forgiveness, and Grace God Aton shall provide on that fateful day during "lift-off time".

      My question to you is this:  When Evacuation occurs, will it matter then what I've done in the past so long as I choose to do good then?

      Is it at all possible to choose to board the ships when the "time comes" but be NOT choosing to board the ships right now due to my evil decisions?

      It would seem easy to answer at first:  You are choosing to break the Laws.  Tthat is evil, and so you have chosen to go to another 3-D planet for at least 350,000 more years.

      But then I discovered something in me.  There is something inside of me which begs for the change.  I realize, breaking the laws isn't good.  I realize, I would very much enjoy abiding by all of the laws- so long as others around me were too.  I realized, Mr. Bellringer, that during evacuation, I would indeed choose THEN to accept all Laws as given forth in every Action not just in Belief.  I realize, I do wish for my environment to change around me to be more supportive of me abiding by them instead of brainwashing me and hitting addiction triggers all the time to encourage me to break them.

      So, I know and believe the Laws, wish for and understand the Laws, will abide according the Laws, and appreciate the Truth they represent.  Just...  not when I light up that cigarette, or bowl, or pound that beer, or master-bate to pictures of nude girls.  Just... not while the forces of evil still have sway over me by such well-thought out Anti-Christ tools.  But, Patrick, is there hope for me?  Not if I quit those things right now, but if I quit those things at the VERY MOMENT of evacuation, is there still hope for me to join in Heaven on Earth-Shan?

      I thank you very much for any response you choose to give, and I wish all those who are SURELY ascending the VERY BEST OF DAYS AHEAD!!!

      I am definitely hoping, for this planet and her people's sake, that evacuation occurs as soon as possible by Heaven's perfect timing!



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  GDW
DATE:   Sept. 9, 2008
Dear GDW:
    Thank you for writing.  If we act out of ignorance of God's Laws, that is considered error on our part, but once we have knowledge of God's Laws and deliberately choose to break them, we create Karma/Consequences.
    It is like a student in school, who chooses not to study and learn, and then fails his tests.  He must repeat his lessons and re-take his tests until he has learned his lessons.  Having passed his tests, he can now graduate to the next grade, or dimension in this case.
    Carrying a baggage of karma will not prevent you from boarding the evacuation ships, unless your frequencies are so low you can not successfully pass through the evacuation beam of Light.  In that case you would die a physical death and your soul would go to the Astral Plane and prepare for your next 3D lifestream.  If you physically survived boarding the ships, because of your baggage of karma, you probably would still return to a 3D lifestream to continue with your lessons in soul growth.  It is all a matter of freewill choices.
    The Cosmic Law of Returns/Karma is absolute and shall never be broken.  You reap what you sow!  There are no exceptions!  Yes, there is always hope for you, but you cannot keep your birthday cake and eat it, too;.  If you wish to graduate into fifth dimension, you must learn your lessons and pass every test, just like everyone else, for no evil is allowed in 5D.
    You have all the help of your Guardian Angels and the Hosts of Heaven to learn your lessons, but you must ask for their help and follow their guidance.  You can live in 3D for as long as you like, but you would not want to stay here one minute longer, if you could remember what it was like in the Higher Dimensions, from which you came.
    I choose to be on the first ship out of here, and I choose to graduate into 5D.  May you choose the same.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----

From: JB


Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:33 AM

Subject: I have a few questions to ask----------

Hello Patrick,

I have been reading some of the messages about your journal and the KJ vesion of the bible. What is wrong with the Holy Bible? Most people on this earth read it. I for one do. We have to be very careful with God's living words in the bible. Do not start jumping on me when I say that. Those people that are arguing with you, are saying that the bible is right and it is His living words. In the book of Revelation in Ch. 22 in the 18 and 19 verse it says--------For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

I believe in the bible and do read it. Most people do whatever they want even when they don't believe or read the bible. I do not know who Sananda is. Never heard of him and that name is not in the bible. Or who Aton, Haton and a few others you have mention. I am not the judge and am not judging you. You have the right to choose who and what you want to believe in. The truth is really in the bible-----------I don't want you to get upset because you are believeing in what you want to.

In Peace with God, JB

PS-----You don't have to reply to this if you want to, no hard feelings on my part.

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JB
DATE:  Sept. 10, 2008
Dear JB:
    Thank you for writing.  Just because most people on this earth read the Bible does not make for Truth.  How do the words in the Bible become "God's living words" anymore so then other spiritual writings?  Did God write these words with a "Golden Finger", and they have remained unaltered for 2000 to 6000 years?  The words of Revelation 22:18-19 could be added to any writing.  In fact there are words very similar in the Phoenix Journals, but you discount the Journals as trash.  Why?
    If it's not in the Bible, it's not true?  Never heard of Sananda?  Aton?  Why not?  Have you totally closed your mind to Truth?  You say "the Truth is really in the bible?.  What if you are wrong?  What if Satan used the Bible to fool you, as Creator God Aton of Light says he did?  Then what will you do?
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: F
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 6:51 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services



 I feel for you because you don\'t know my savior. But I will tell you if you will call out to him he will answer if you really want to know him.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  F
DATE:  Sept. 10, 2008
Dear F:
    You have it wrong!  Esu Immanuel said that he did not come to save anyone.  He said that you save yourself by living the Laws of God and Creation.
    He said, "you shall reap what you sow!  If you sow the whirlwind, you shall reap the whirlwind!"  The basic Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect is absolute and can never be broken by you or anyone else.
    Esu Immanuel's bloody death did not forgive your wrong doing.  By Cosmic Law you are held accountable for what you have done!  In fact Esu never died!  You were lied to by your Bible by Satan to fool you and suck you into his evil camp, so you would not graduate to Heaven!
    How many lifestreams will it take for you to learn that you are held accountable for your wrong doing---that you reap what you sow?  There is no short-cut by any so-called Savior!  Know it!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: JP
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 11:57 PM
Subject: Hello Central
Patrick and Anne - I have been reading responses from different people who are disagreeing with you about a lot of things you write.  I don't understand why you have to lower yourself to communicate with below average people. 
In love and light,
----- Original Message ----
-From: Bellringer
To: JP
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: Hello Central
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JP
DATE:  Sept. 10, 2008
Dear JP:
    It is all about teaching Truth to those who seek it, my friend.  A teacher does not choose the students, who come into the classroom, but is obligated to teach each one at their level of understanding.  As "Paul" said in the Bible, "I must become all things to all men" to teach that which is needed for all to learn.
    To truly teach, one must set aside ego.  To relate to an alcoholic one may need to sit on the street curb and put your arm around him.  Do you consider that to be "lowering yourself"?  I hope not!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: TG
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:30 AM
Subject: 'Hello, Central!' I Know the 18 Laws of God and I Consciously Choose to Break Them. What is My Future? (Updated 9/10/08)

Dear Patrick and Anne,

I was just reading your response to the gentleman that wrote in about whether he can still make it to Earth Shan in the 5D when the ships come, while still holding fast to some of his 3D vices, and was somewhat stunned regarding the final decision process that allows one to be beamed up to the ships.

Did I understand you right?   Our space brothers, who have incredibly advanced technology, and who are present here, in the 3D universe that we acknowledge as “life”, do not have the means to safely remove any and all who would wish to leave for safety and Earth Shan, without the possibility of us dying a physical death?   I am at a loss to understand this, please forgive me if I can’t grasp the why of that statement.

You stated that if our frequency or vibration rate is not high enough, then we die, and return to a 3D wheel of karma and existence again.   The question begs to be asked, just how many do you and Anne, or Creator God Aton believe that will include?  I ask that in the sincerest way!

If you just look at the numbers, we have over 6 billion people alive today.  How many have internet access?  Several hundred million?  Out of those, how many have ever heard of or read the entire Phoenix Journals?  Out of those, and I’m guessing here, possibly hundreds of thousands, possibly a million, that have read it, how many live their day to day lives in accordance with the laws as presented there, and would actually survive this beam up experience?

If you follow along with those thoughts, I would imagine you might only need one ship!   If the beam up procedure truly has some type of “filter” or “intelligence” to make the determination and cutoff for frequencies, how many people living on this 3D planet at this time are actually operating at 5D spiritual levels?   Would that not be only the living saints, like the Sai Baba’s or Mother Theresa’s of the world?

It confusing and depressing to think that our God would find only a handful of people that are aware of the Phoenix Journals, have read and processed the information into their daily lives, and still possibly come up “short” at the closing curtain.    The Bible has been around for thousands of years, so has the Koran, and other significant publications that form the basis of many world religions.   Based upon what I think you are saying, no Christians, Muslims, or even Buddhists will make the cut, because they might not be aware of the laws that differ from their own closely held beliefs, not making them a bad person, but not raising them to the level of a saint either.

Can you please expand upon these thoughts?  We are not being judged by our actions, beliefs, or experiences, solely upon our frequency or vibration at the magic moment.   If you were having a really bad day, on the magical day, and your frequency was just a tad lower than normal, and you “died” during beam up, would that be right? 

Thank you for consideration and kindness in all that you have presented.   I humbly await some clarification.






FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  TG
DATE:  Sept. 12, 2008
Dear TG:
    Thank you for your letter in response to the "Hello, Central!" of 9-10-08, "I Know the 18 Laws of God and I Consciously Choose to Break Them.  What is My Future?"
    Please understand that everything in the Cosmos is based on Light energy.  Creator Source is Pure Light.  Creator God Aton of Light, Creator of our Nebadon Universe, was created from Light by thought of Creator Source.  Aton by thought created all the Nebadon Universe.  So, everything in this third dimension exists in frequencies of Light energy, as in all dimensions.
    The frequencies or vibrations of 3D, of course, are lower than of 4D, and 4D is lower than is 5D, etc.  Basically, our bodies vibrate within the frequency range of the dimension in which we live.  A 3D person cannot see a 4D person due to the higher frequencies of 4D, unless the 4D person lowers his frequencies temporarily.  This we often call a ghost or a vision or an apparition.
    We can raise or lower our vibrations, as we live in our 3D world, by our thoughts and our actions.  The Cosmos operates according to the Laws set forth by Creator Source.  Each dimension within the Cosmos and each Super-Universe and each universe operate under those same Laws.  All beings must live according to the basic Laws of their dimension to be able to survive in that dimension.
    There are more Laws, eighteen to be exact, for 3D than there are for 4D.  As people learn to keep the Laws of God and Creation, their frequencies rise.  When their frequencies rise to the level of the next higher dimension, they graduate into that dimension.  Breaking the Laws lowers one's frequencies.
    In all the Cosmos the greatest opportunity for advancement in soul growth is living in the third dimension.  Here in 3D evil is the greatest, the challenges are the most intense and the rewards the highest.  Evil is not allowed in 5D and all higher dimensions.  Therefore, in 3D we are constantly tempted by evil to break the Laws of God and Creation.  We have freewill to choose, and the choices we make and our succeeding thoughts and actions determine our level of frequencies.
    To answer your question about evacuation, Hatonn has said that by choosing to board the ships, one gains in soul growth, and when one's frequencies are high enough to safely pass through the evacuation beam of Light, one gains even more soul growth.  The laws of physics are at play in this process of transporting a dense physical 3D body by a beam of light to the evacuation ships.  The Light Beam frequencies must be at a certain level to do so, and the body frequencies must closely match those of the Light Beam to not cause harm to the physical body.  Yes, the Star People have the technology to transport anyone to the ships, but the laws of 3D hold and must not be violated, so those of lower frequencies will experience harm or even physical death, which is their karma.
    How many people will be evacuated from Earth Shan?  The number will likely be far less than is commonly thought.  Again, I refer to the data given to us by Creator God Aton.  At this time nearly three-quarters of the people living on Earth Shan are clones.  Because clones have no soul and no God-connection, no one lives in their body.  They are only physical bodies walking around and at the order from Creator God, will go "poof" and disintegrate and cease to exist.
    This leaves about one and one-half billion people as souled-beings on Earth Shan at the present time.  What percentage of these are enlightened enough to have a frequency level that matches that of the evacuation Beam of Light?  Again, at this time, Aton says that less than one percent of the people on Shan have body frequencies that match those of the evacuation Beam of Light, and that about only five percent would actually choose to be evacuated.
    We are here, as souled-beings in 3D, to assist with Earth Shan's transition into 5D and to learn our lessons in soul growth.  Really, it is all about learning to live our lives in 3D according to the Laws of God and Creation designed for third dimension living.  If we all lived according to those Laws, we would have balance and harmony, Heaven on Earth in 3D.  Obviously, that has not happened.  We have trashed the Laws and wrecked the planet, and soon we must leave.
    Not everyone has heard of the Phoenix Journals, but Creator God Aton has provided Truth in some fashion to everyone many times during their present lifestream.  There is no excuse for not knowing Truth and not living accordingly.  There is no excuse for not awakening to our Mission.
    Our actions, beliefs and experiences all help to determine our level of frequencies.  Creator God Aton judges no one.  We choose our thoughts and actions, and thus, determine our vibrational level.  This is accumulative and is not determined by, as you say, a "bad day".  The intent of the heart and the actions in goodness create the positive outcome.
    I remind you that, as souled-beings, we are all Returned Masters and have come to assist and to teach and to help.  Most have blown it, because they have not yet awakened spiritually to their mission.  Those, who are faithful to the Laws of God and Creation (Phoenix Journal #27) shall make it safely through the evacuation Beam of Light, and shall have the opportunity to graduate into fifth dimension.  May we pass every test!
    I feel that you, like many others, are concerned about making the ships O.K. and graduating into 5D.  My friend, you would not be writing this letter to me and asking these questions, if you had low frequencies.
    Go within and ask for answers, and you shall have them, and remember miracles can happen depending upon the intent of the heart.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: TG
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 1:25 PM
Subject: RE: 'Hello, Central!' I Know the 18 Laws of God and I Consciously Choose to Break Them. What is My Future? (Updated 9/10/08)

Dear Patrick,

Thank you!!  I am very grateful for your response, and even more that you took the time out of your busy schedule to respond personally to me.  

Quite honestly, it is because there is and has been so much disinformation that has been given forth to us from many sources, as being the truth, that even I have a hard time discerning the Truth, when it comes to what happens in the higher realms, and the rules at play there.   One of the things that you mentioned, that answered an unvoiced question was about the ability for “evil” to exist in the higher realms.   It is common to hear things like, As Above, So Below.   It goes along with the premise or story of Lucifer and 1/3 of the host of Angels leaving the Heavens, or in our understanding, a higher dimension or realm, and being cast down.    Upon reading of this, I always wondered how this could have happened, if “evil” could not exist in those dimensions.   Lucifer had evil intent, and I assume that would make him evil, and yet this was before he was cast out, or down, to our dimension.   Of course, perhaps it was this decline in his vibrations or frequency that forced him from that realm, in essence, he cast himself, as did his followers, because of their “corruption”.   That feels closer to the Truth, humbly, to me.

Other things I have read in the past also alluded to there being similar challenges in all of the higher dimensions, between the polarities of Light, that they were not anchored solely in our 3D realm alone. 

Your words however, and again, I am so very grateful, have allowed me to ask the Father within me for only His Truth to be honored and revealed in all things, to me.  

I was somewhat reading between the lines in some of my assumptions about the number of us that would actually make it to Earth Shan, and I am now more aligned with the Truth of your words, for it is as I thought, not many will go forward.  

You are also correct, and I say this in all humility, that I was not asking for any other reason other than that I do intend to be on that ship, and I do intend to be beamed up, regardless of my personal outcome.   I work very hard in my daily life to always observe the laws, my love for Creator God surpasses all things, as it should, and I honor all life, in all forms.  It has been tough for me to deal with the lower vibrations and remain true to my Soul, and honoring those who do not choose to follow these laws.   The law regarding judgment has set me straight about that, again, after your wonderful teachings that you shared in some recent answers to others.

It was my Soul’s Love for all of us that asked some of those questions.   It is sobering to think so many will not make it, and yet, it is as it should be, as my inner voice is now telling me.   I have no fear of dying or being returned to the 3D stream,  I have complete trust and faith in Creator God, and if I have failed to serve Him to my highest potential, or my own soul, then I cannot be disappointed or bitter for having to return.   I don’t think that will be the case, again, listening very closely now as I type these words, but I am at peace with our God’s will.

I would also just like to say that your response to the young woman that recently lost her child was one of the most warmest, loving missives I have ever read.   You are truly a beacon of Light Patrick, and I am honored to call you Teacher as well.

May Creator God bless you one thousand fold for all the good that both you and Anne do!

My Warmest Regards,

In Love and Light,



----- Original Message -----
From: SJ
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 2:10 PM
Subject: 'Hello, Central!' I Know the 18 Laws of God and I Consciously Choose to Break Them. What is My Future? (Updated 9/12/08)

Hello to GDW,

I love that you asked that question to Patrick and Anne how many people are in this boat and how many have no clue this info even exists?

That being said I would like to add another dimension to their answer that might give you some immediate peace as well as simple immediate tools to boost your vibrations.

You only participate freely in those activities because a part of you has been programmed to associate them with feeling good. And they do sort of. This is simple hypnotic suggestion beaten into your mind and supported by your environment. This is also called self medicating, extremely common, as people grow tired of the prison planet system.

So how do you fix it to naturally not reach for those things? Well the answer is energy work and protecting your auric field. It is my contention that all humans are actually pefect shining diamonds and these events things, substances simply cloud our shine.

You think why stop? You offer me no true relief altenative! So you have no motivation to change because simply put you have found your chosen ways to get relief.

1. One of the primary and most simply ways to protect and lift your energies is to white light yourself 2x a day, upon rising and before resting. Simply imagine a pure most protective white light of Christ, Buddha, Angels, Jesus, Aton, Creator, Source, whatever represents something of a higher power to you and know it truly shields your energy field which is approx 26 ft around your meat suit :)

2. Ask your personally assigned pre contracted team of Angels and guides to help you. This is the most unbeleivably underused tool we have at our disposal. I have read we have a team of 144, 000 guides and angels at our disposal from Birth! But since we are in a free will zone they cannot work without your request. Otherwise they stand beside you staring at you, creating synchronicities to tip you off they are there and waiting to be ASKED FOR HELP!!!!

So ask -guide me, show me, put me where I should be, to who I need to meet, to where I need to go. ALL THE TIME UNTIL YOU SERIOUSLY REMEMBER AND FEEL YOUR TEAM RIGHT THERE!

The main thing your message conveys is a very sad brutal effect of this dimension that you have been blinded from. This goes back to post "Help I am under psyshic attack!"

We share this dimension with discarnate or earthbound spirits. This means they have not ascended either. So by the simple manipulations of the dark forces, all they had to do was to trick you into using the things and emotions that bring your vibration down and let you, yourself, and the past souls join you to keep you down. Now you have taken over and actually happily proudly proclaim your sentence and how you will stick to it. YOU TAKE OVER THEIR JOB AND KEEP YOURSELF A PRISONER FOR THEM!

A psychic attack is also when these lost souls jump into your auric field and body. Most people have no idea this can even happen. THIS HAS AND CONTINUES TO HAPPEN TO EVERY PERSON WHO IS VIBRATING LOW ALL THE TIME.

The reason it is hardest to beleive is you can't see it. You feel it but and you know something is amiss but you can't put your finger on it.

Here are some clues of how you, by lowering your protection and abusing substances, invite a intermitted lifelong psychic attack that does not, after awhile, allow you to make good choices, though your highest self screams for your attention.

When you use the substances you are not the same person, you find that once you begin, you want to continue even if really bad things happen or you lose quality of life. The spirits which are just lost, they do not know they are dead or why no one can see them, they just realize they can live again in you.

A fascinating book I am studying is called "The Unquiet Dead" by Edith Fiore a psycologist treats spirit posession. Or google spirit+attachments+depossession find out for yourself. We are not talking the movie "Exorcism" which is demonic possession this is quite different but equally alarming.

So you pound that beer or smoke that weed, or reduce yourself to your simplest urges, or fall into your lowest emotions and your shield goes down. Now the entities have an open door and jump right into you. This doesn't happen sometimes IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME -TO EVERYONE -THEIR ENTIRE LIFE.

So what happens it is not just you on board anymore, maybe you get really funny or mean, or even violent, maybe you "black out" you don't recall anything. Then when your physical body simply cannot stay awake you pass out. But then perhaps you hear stories of what you did or said or places you went and you get kinda scared.

"Hey I would never do that?" Oh no what is happening am I going crazy? Maybe I am an addict etc, etc.

This is one or many spirits running your body or mind now so now you are in a trap. Because they can't get out to go to the light and you don't exactly know what is wrong and why now you have to have the booze and the weed and the obsession with say sex etc. or obsession with rage or so depressed you are now suicidal. And now you are stuck.

Why? Because they have a run on you and your body and mind, which feels at first awesome to them because they can do all the things they have longing to do, mostly not knowing why or even that they were dead and they don't ever have to pay the price -YOU DO.

Things and situations get wierder and worse and you try to at least in your own mind rationalize why you have went from a perfectly normal baby to this wierdo who must have these things. Or has lost all your shine and hope and drive.

Consider this for a moment. Addict spirits tend to surround people who use and then wait to get in and embed. From the book -a woman case history, mid forties, a serious ongoing struggle with booze, just can't stay straight, has 18 alchololic spirits released from her ranging from 12yrs old to 60 yr old trapped spirits. Where did she pick them up? All over the place everytime she was drinking. Doesn't that make your skin crawl?

A young sailor sit at the bar pounding shot after shot after shot. A clairvoyant in the bar watches as 100's of spirits crowd around the young man and when he goes face down on the bar they start jumping in through his crown chakra as fast as they can.

Just alarming.

And you thought you were having a good time? Oh things got a little crazy but hey what the hell?

We must be aware of this world and how it really works because I am pretty sure that was not your goal or is your goal daily to become some creepy magnets to these energies. So what happens the next time you want a smoke or joint or that six pack? I just told you and there is no way around it. You choose to lower the shield -you are wide open.

There are so many scenarios this fits even if we consider it hypothetical. The bar fight in which someone or yourself suddenly turns into the a super powered skilled fighter. Those fight with that one lover who when she is drinking or high becomes "a different person" doesn't even have the same look in her eyes. The parent that becomes so rageful the spanking to discipline their child becomes a beating that breaks bones. The insane stories on the news of horrendous murders, suicides, school massacres. What is the probability that, that is not even them acting and directing their own minds and bodies anymore???

I am an energy worker, clauraudient, and claircognizant and I just had a 3 week Quantum Healing to advance to my next level in Reiki. I am telling you this because I went through this. I had previous to studying Reiki preformed energy work as well as did psychic reading with no protection. I have never been good at drugs but tried a few as well used alcohol.

So after being put in healing circles and having my aura and light core cleansed and by nature of the quantum healing releasing all negative memories from my present age to childhood find out? So many spirits had attacked and taken multiple runs on my body and mind for almost 20 yrs! I lost relationships, I had so many people die in the last 15 yrs, which nearly killed me trying to heal them unprotected drawing out those spirits into myself.

This is extreme and this is not you, but I lived it and payed for it for the last 20 yrs knowing little more than you. I decided not to marry or have kids, I did not tell anyone as I had decided I was probably mentally ill, as well as building a pretty nasty habit of smoking and binge drinking when I could not take the internal pressure of all this. None of this has helped people want to be close to me let alone consider marrying me.

After the quantum is finished, they tell you everything they took off of you. So frightening GDW I will not even go into it.

Good news - I'm not crazy, it was all real, all the things I felt and saw and heard- just sickening. That self talk that was not even me wanted me to stay there so they could keep going until I literally just dropped dead it was close so many times let me assure you.

But it closes this point- so now I wonder 2 things "'who was I really partying with all those years?" EWWWWW just creeps me out! And who and what are clones?

Because knowingly or not, letting spirits jump in and run you ragged until you are so dim and such a former shadow of yourself is like being a clone to me.

So what is the result and point of sharing all this? Well I will never drink again or use chemicals of any kind, prescription included because that was the doctors medical answer for my myriad of emotional and physical symptoms, prozaz, Ativan, valium.


Just consider that thought for one moment how many people you know or in your country take these meds and wander around as open targets unleashing wierdo spirits on you?

The answer to the original question how do you walk away from these things naturally?

• By cleaning your auric field -get energy work if you need it.

• Ask your guides for help.

• And white light until you feel like a freakin disco ball!

Let go of all the pain and regret and open a space in your heart for love and light to build and clear you out. Just the simple idea of letting go lightens you physically, you begin, as a result, to ascend!

It is free everywhere, almost all light workers I know and work with do healing circles reiki shares etc. FREE Google it your area.

Because as a natural side effect of getting your energy clean and polishing your diamond shine without a thought or therapy or rehab, or meds, your infinite intelligence in your body having the opportunity to shine and vibrate as high as possible,

absolutely will not have you hurt or injure it any longer. I promise.

You may feel therapy and all the above is your answer fine but you are first and foremost a light being whether it feels like that or not right now. I don't drink not because it was never fun or hate it - I SIMPLY DON'T WANT IT -NO THOUGHT, NO STRUGGLE, NO AA INDOCTRINATION OF WHAT A LOSER I BECAME. Just don't want it. Body doesn't want meat now too make sit feel slow stomach turns and I Love the BBQ. Just my body telling me what it needs.

I am shiny and new by the grace of God once again. (also not religious)

And so I wondered why and what had happened to not drinking ever for many years, never even wanting to try drugs, the yoga and the power shakes and beautiful walks in fresh air? Well certainly no spirit in me was interested, they wanted booze- drugs- sex- spend my money, burn out my energy, ruin my reputation, dim my light just for the chance to live and they never had to pay the bill!

I let them and my lack of knowledge destroy so much and hurt so deeply for my loneliness. And they are just as lost, they want the light just as much as we do! They want their brand new healthy bodies and to go home and be light. Not stuck in the dark and not stuck in you because know one knew better.

And guess what diamond me likes? yoga walks, laughing like a hyena, doing reiki, sharing and lifting myself and others. That is pure! That awesome and I feel like I am 10 again without all the pain and sadness and regret and self debasement for things, I, the diamond, would never do.

I am sharing so you reframe what you originally thought. And consider truly if you just want the 3rd world dimension pleasures truly and wholly, or if in fact you are getting cloned in sense.

Make sure it is truly you making the call, because that is your right, that is the rules here, you can and should enjoy all there is to offer, but don't get hoodwinked and become the spirit that is earthbound, trapped inside you's little broken down puppet and lament the next 350, 000 yrs because you didn't do your research and make your own first choice GDW.

And you have exactly what Patrick said a karma that comes with this style of self abuse. And to the spirits trapped in your aura. You are trapping them too! You both need to move on. To let go and just shine.

Does that make sense? Consider if even one ounce of this might be true? Then looks like some people need to some light no?

You can renegotiate your life contract GDW anytime anywhere any moment.

Ask yourself the next time you go to lower your shield and invite an absolute attack,

because make no mistake it is happening every time everywhere and to everyone who allows it:


The biggest thing is you are really here to do is REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. If this helps you remember your diamond self than awesome!

Shine on!

Let the love in this world fill you up in a great wave of rainbow sparkles polishing you to a multifaceted shine!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SJ
DATE:  Sept. 13, 2008
Dear S/j:
    Thank you for your great response to GDW.  This may help many to understand how they can better help themselves deal with the Darkside.  May you be blessed in your work.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer