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'Hello, Central!' Who's On 'First?' 'Second?' (Updated 9/9/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: VC

To:  Patrick B

Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 2:27 AM

Subject: Fw: WOW!!! Video of Sarah Palin at Assemblies of God Church

If I have offended any one for sending this attachment I ask your forgive. I feel this video will say more about Gov. Palin's faith than I ever could. Please watch


--- On Sun, 9/7/08


Subject: Fw: WOW!!! Video of Sarah Palin at Assemblies of God Church


Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 11:11 PM


Video of Sarah Palin at Assemblies of God Church

This is GREAT, this lady is the REAL DEAL!!!! May God continue to bless and keep her. Please keep her in your prayers, as it seems prayer has brought her to us!!!!!!

I was calling Sarah Palin a "natural born leader", but now I know that she is an anointed servant of God. click link on left.


----- Original Message -----
From: EC
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 11:40 PM
Subject: PALIN






FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  VC and EC
DATE:  Sept. 8, 2008
Dear VC and EC:
    Thank you for your letters.
    If Sarah Palin "is an annointed servant of God", is involved with the Assembly of God cult, which bases its beliefs upon the Bible, which Creator God Aton of Light calls Satan's War book, then Sarah Palin is a servant of God Jehovah Satan, as are McCain, Obama and Biden.  Why would it be otherwise?
    The entire U.S. Government has been swept into the Darkside Camp and has been totally corrupted with money, power and greed.  It is under the control of the Illuminati and their One World Order, and is corrupting our entire planetary civilization.  The U.S. national election candidates have none of the qualities that would merit their consideration for any position in a new government of peace, integrity and compassion for its people.
    I have been asked many times for my political position and that of Fourwinds.  That should be quite clear to those, who seriously read Fourwinds.  We support no religious or political position, but only present Truth, as best that we can discern it.  The implementation of NESARA shall sweep the administrative, legislative and judicial slates clean in preparation for a new beginning in the U.S. of A., should Mother Earth allow us the time to do so.
    I see the present political scene as "much ado about nothing".  It is quite obvious that without an immediate change to Goodness our decadent civilization has no hope for survival.  It is truly time for Mother Earth to move into her re-occurring cleaning cycle, dump this third dimension garbage and move on to her graduation.  The sorting is done and all is now ready.  I say, "let 'er rip!  Be in peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: ALP
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 4:16 PM
Subject: Your Criticism
Dear Patrick,

I don't know who on earth you are but you have pushed my button and I cannot remain silent. Your criticismof Governor Palin is at best out of order. Couldn't you have given her any credit?  I personally don't think she knows what she has gotten into and I sure don't think she knows much about McCain. BUT, she is at this stage innocent and I feel sorry for her. She is about to become corrupt or at least in bed with those who are. However, her faith is not for you to criticize. After all, you have evidently not studied the definition of cult. You stupid statements about Haton and that NEW AGE crap is more cultic than anything I have ever heard. If you want to follow your faith, OK, do it. It's you God given freedom. But whydo you tear down people who are true followers of God. And why don't you leave all that garbage out of your news intelligence articles. I sure hope you see the light and become a more tolerable citizen. I wouldn't want to know you in person you are so bigoted. Get a life!  Change you attitude and you will be more respected by those who read your items. If, in fact, you are a real person. I have had moments when I thought you might be a stagged madeup writer. Who knows. Anyway, stop the disrespectful criticism of others faith.

One of you readers,

Rev. ALP

FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  ALP
DATE:  Sept. 8, 2008
Dear ALP:
    Your ignorance is showing.  It is most unwise to call the Truth given to us by Creator God Aton of Light, "New Age crap".  What is "crap" is what you are pedaling in your Christian cult churches to fool the people about the Truth of God Jehovah Satan, and demand money to do so.
    You might want to check out what Esu Immanuel said would become of the "blind leaders of the blind".  It's not good, I assure you.  By the way, I do not know who you mean by "Haton".  The proper spelling is either Hatonn or Aton, but of course, had you read any of the Phoenix Journals, you would know that.
    You say, "change you attitude and you will be more respected by those who read your items".  Are you saying that I should compromise the message of Truth to gain respect from our readers?  Surely, you do not mean that, but then you are a "man of God" Jehovah Satan!  Why is it that a person, such as yourself, chooses to attack the messenger and not deal with the message?
    My friend, no governor of any state in this totally corrupt nation achieved that position through "innocence".  Maybe things are different in Lesotho, Africa, but I would be willing to bet that your Christian cult churches are run by God Jehovah Satan, just like they are here in the U.S.  You claim that Sarah Palin is a "true follower of God" because she is associated with the Assemblies of God Church.  My immediate response is, "which God?"
    If presenting Truth is being disrespectful of "your god" or of Palin's faith, so be it.  It's time to wake up to the lies of God Jehovah Satan in which you are immersed, my friend.  This is the final time of sorting.
    May you choose the Light.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: WM
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 5:24 PM
Subject: Let'er rip! .
----- Original Message -----
From: JF
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 2:45 PM
Subject: Palin - Impalled or Enthalled - Sarah Palin at Assemblies of God Church
Dear Patrick (,
The story thickens -- you come off as St. Peter/St. Patrick, "keeper of the keys" at the Pearly Gates -- allowing in only those who abide by your wise perceptions.  Divisive, yes -- pulling together the community of the enlightened, no.  The prescribed outcome is for each person/group to pick up their toys and head off to their chosen corner of the sand box -- what great fun -- very enlightening.
Are we in the "end time battle" between Light and Darkness?  If so the Dark side must be rolling with laughter due to the divisiveness going on regarding the Palin issue.  Whether we like it or not, Ron Paul or others, are not in a position to ride in to the rescue.  The enlightened in the rest of the world are looking on with lack of bemusement -- they see here in the U.S. of A. the possibility of the "other guy" from Indonesia/Kenya coming to power in this country -- and as much as those outside of this great country like us, or not, they see us as the last best hope of the world -- if the light goes out here it goes out across the planet -- and they are very very concerned. 
Reification of words:  Atonn, Aton vs. Jehovah, Buddha, etc., etc., this is all a bundle of crap if all it is used for is divisiveness and separating people -- and you know it -- why keep up the divisiveness?  Where is the community and bringing people together -- together in an enlightened manner -- this is what it is all about is it not?  Even to those of the Dark side, no doubt there are many, who would come over to the side of Light and assist, if only they knew in doing so they would not be joining the millenia of savagery and destruction going on endlessly in its' name.  Time to wake up.
The Chronicles, of which you and so few others are aware, no matter how enlightening, if use for "head trips" and ongoing divisiveness, then become only of greatest value to wipe someones behind.  Are the Federation space ships going to land and rescue everyone, or is there going to be the "grand pop-up" escape?  Or, is this all diversionary escapism while the Dark side broadsides the sleeping encampment. 
Where are the great Star Fleet landings?  Or, have the landings been going on subtlely for the past forty plus years.  Does anyone realize what is going on with the arrival of the Indigo, Crystaline, Rainbow and Starseed Children?  Could it be these are the downloading arrivals of those coming in to change the old order, to assist in the needed changes to bring in the new "Golden Age?"  The Dark side is aware of this -- why are not you and the rest of us?  Is this why the Dark side is so effectively dumbing these brilliant energetic kids with our "progressive/politically correct, etc." government school systems -- and numbing them with the approx. 72 unnecessary toxic vaccines, along with the Ratilin, Prozac, etc., mind numbing drugs to purposely separate them from there divine connected awareness.  How stupid are we to allow this to continue year after year while Pharma racks up their billions and billions -- while we fight over the reification of Atonn vs. Jehovah.
Drugs and vaccines on the battlefield?  So much more effective to wound the opposition soldiers and not kill them outright.  Cripple a soldier and it takes 3 or more to tend for him/her and much of the real focus is taken from the true battle.  Look at Autism, yes, caused by the MMR vaccines -- an entire family and many support elements are taken from focus of the larger picture -- some families showing up with 2 and 3 Autistic children today -- 1 in 93 new male births are Autistic -- not one Autistic child before 1948 when Merch began its vaccine programs -- late 1950's appeared 1 in 1,000 plus.  All the "auto-immune" diseases are laboratory manifestations (our Creator did not design our body to attack itself -- absolute nonsense), i.e., HIV (development began in 1954), fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Lyme, MS, Lupus, etc., -- SARS, West Nile, Avain/Bird Flu (recombinant Spanish Flu), etc. -- the distructive list goes on with what is coming in from Aerial Spraying/ChemTrail and now we are being put upon Avian Flu frequencies broadcast in selected U.S. cities to cripple many more.  This is where the battleground is and so few are even aware -- and we battle among ourselves over Atonn vs. Jehovah -- how brilliant.
Two thousand years ago a significant assemblage of enlightened personages centered around Jerusalem in order to bring in a new // renewed message to mankind -- having to do much with the Essene community around Mt. Carmel, etc.  This message was usurped, absconded, betrayed and savaged for the past 2 thousand years, however it remained alive and is still here with us today.  This message is reawakening and will help bring us the new "Golden Millennium."  Many are awakening -- and please stop the stupid infighting -- allow the focus to be upon our renewed awakening and allow us to come home freely -- in community, without fear, to what is rightfully ours. 
Sarah Palin is one of us, she is of us.  She is one of those returning from that era long ago to now help manifest our destiny and the destiny of that message that was provided back then.
We, that is, so many of you and I, have chosen to return and be part of this grand turn around and awakening on this planet.  This is our chosen destiny -- or do we choose to be among those "numbed and dumbed" or those waiting to be "popped out of here" in the "grand pop-up" as another grand escape?
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JF
DATE:  Sept. 9, 2008
Dear JF:
    The story thickens, only because you make it so.  According to you, Sarah Palin now comes riding on her white horse to save not only the U.S., but the whole world from Darkness.  That, my friend, is not how the journey ends.  Plan A is already history.
    The true point of focus are the lies propagated by the Christian cult church, be it Protestant or Roman Catholic, of which the Assembly of God Church is only a label.  There shall be no "rapture" of those "saved" by ransom via the bloody death of a fake Jesus Christ.  This is totally the nonsense of a Blood Cult called "Christianity" and 2000 years of lies created by God Jehovah Satan and his troops. 
    That is precisely why Creator God Aton of Light spoke Truth one more time prior to the end of this Age.  To your own demise you trash the Star People and call the Phoenix Journals, toilet paper.  I pity you!  You follow the Darkside party line of avoiding the Message of Truth by trashing the Messenger.
    Truth stands on its own merit and needs no defense.  You think these are my ideas and opinions.  Not so!  I am simply repeating to all the very words of Creator God Aton and Esu Immanuel, as recorded in the Phoenix Journals.  You would be wise to read the three postings on Fourwinds that we made today from Space Gate, Phoenix Journal #3.  1)  'THINK!' --MESSAGE FROM ESU 'JESUS' SANANDA   2) 'GOOD GUYS IN SPACE' -- MESSAGE FROM HATONN/ATON  3) 'THE CHRISTOS LEADS!' -- MESSAGE FROM ESU 'JESUS' SANANDA . 
    You claim that I am creating "divisiveness".  You are wrong again.  Truth creates division.  Esu Immanuel said, "I come not to bring peace, but a sword, and a man's enemies will be those of his own household".  Why?  Please read Matthew Chapter 10 of the Holy Bible.  Yes, there is Truth in the Bible, but few there are that find it.
    You feel that I am insensitive and arbitrary and not helping to "pull together the community of the enlightened".  That is only your perspective from the outside looking in.  The True Lightworkers are engaged in a battle with the Darkside for the very souls of many Truthseekers.  If you think I am pointed in what I say, try reading what Aton and Sananda have to say to us in these "End Times".
    Are you my enemy?  No, unless you choose to be.  Know that God Jehovah Satan is, indeed, the enemy of Creator God Aton of Light, and of Esu Immanuel Sananda, the Ascended Masters and all the Hosts of Heaven.  Those, who are Christian cult preachers and teachers of Satan's lies, are also enemies of Creator God Aton of Light and the Realms of Light.  "Woe unto those blind leaders of the blind!"
    This whole controversy is not about politics or religion, but about Truth.  May you not joke further about the future of this civilization, this nation and your very soul.  Indeed, this is the end time battle between Light and Darkness!  The stakes, my friend, are very high.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer