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'Hello, Central!' Response to Casper's Update! (Updated 9/5/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From:  SC
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 10:37 AM
Subject: The Queen?

Dear Patrick,

Good morning.

I continue to keep up, via Fourwinds, with Casper and Story.  Thank you.

It sounds like some of our White Knights actually trusted the Queen.  After all this time, how is that possible?

Also, if Trump, Gates and others were caught attempting to steal our funds, why were they not immediately arrested - publically?

And the Queen now is saying that the St. Germain Trusts belong to her!

Has St. Germain responded to any of this attempted thievery?

I keep trying to get a clear picture of things but it is not easy!

Anything you could clarify would be deeply appreciated.

I do hope you and Anne are very well.


                                            In Light and Love and Joy



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SC
DATE:  Sept. 4, 2008
Dear SC:
    Thank you for writing.
    One would think that our people are complete idiots to allow all the repeat tricks of the Darkside, but there is more to the picture then we see.
    The sorting out of who is on which side has gone on to the very last person and some, such as the Queen, were given many chances to get it right.  The Queen has no power over Germain or his World Trust, and her actions have created great karma for herself.
    People forget that nearly all of these Darkside people are controlled clones, being used for our lessons.  Really, it is up to our good people to "get it right", and to ask the Forces of Light for help to complete this mission, now.
    I have no answer to "why" questions.  We are closer to victory then we have ever been.  Keep the faith, my friend, for the rewards go to those who persevere.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: KC
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 9:27 PM
Subject: prosperity

To Patrick & Ann,                                          Sept 4 2008




I was glad to see SC’s letter to you this morning.

The letter and your explanation echo much of what has occurred to me over the last six months or so.


I have a suggestion. In yesterday’s article on fourwinds  “Death to the New World Order” The herd of buffalos returning en mass to take out the lions reminded me that there are far more of us buffalos waiting to receive what is ours of right (thanks to St Germain etc)_than there are crooked lions getting in the way.


However we don’t need to assemble en mass to “take out” the lions. It has been stated that the minds of a group can be altered by the square root of one percent of their number in another group focussing together on an intent. I don’t think we all have to do it at the same time, because, as they say, time is an illusion.


For some time now, I have been quietly repeating affirmations while walking over my property. The affirmation about prosperity goes like this:-

“ I am in receipt of the fabulous wealth that’s “always” belonged to me. I give profound thanks to St Germain for his wisdom and generosity. I use my great wealth for personal soverienty    and for humanitarian work.” Repeat at least 3 times and “mean it”


I realise the “white Knights” are probably allowing the repeated delays for reasons beyond my limited comprehension and wouldn’t want to interfere with that. Perhaps they are waiting for enough of us to acquire righteous reasons for wanting the funds.

Anyway, a hundred or more would-be recipients doing what I suggest can do no harm and might make Casper’s life easier. As they say, “God helps those who help themselves”.


Have a Great Day,

K, a friend of the Planet.