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'Hello, Central!' We Have Been Waiting For This! (Updated 8/15/08)

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From: SB
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 9:55 AM
Subject: (no subject)

Hello Bellringer,
I would be interested in you thoughts on this video.  We have been waiting for this. (Three day space craft appearance Oct. 14, 2008)


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 13, 2008


Dear SB:

If you are into Sheldan Nidle's First Contact nonsense and Candace Frieze's stasis and Jupiter blowing up Event, then I suppose you would be waiting for this Oct. 14, 2008 3-day space craft appearance, also.

This is not how things are to be, according to what Creator God has told us in the Phoenix Journals, and we stand by the Truth of the Phoenix Journals. It is all a matter of discerning Truth and what you choose to believe. May you truly find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----
From: SB
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Dear Patrick,
Thank you for your response.  I ask for you thoughts and you gave them to me.  I do look at other material than fourwinds. Not all of them agree with the journals or with each other.  As you have said, we must discern the truth.  This I do try to do.   I have read some of the phoenix journals but not all of them.  If you would please point me to a specific journal about this specific time I would appreciate it.  Anything about   If there is a first contact or not.  I know that you are busy, so if you cannot I understand.  I truly do want to find the truth.  I know that I can and will find my truth. 
Thank you once again.
Blessings and Light to you
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SB
DATE:  August 14, 2008
Dear SB:
    Creator God Aton of Light says that First Contact has already happened!
    First Contact with the Pleiadian Star Fleet occurred in 1954, when Esu Immanuel Sananda returned to Earth Shan aboard the Command Ship, Phoenix, along with thousands of ships.  The next major contact will be the evacuation of the planet, when our planet tips on her axis.
    You may wish to read chapter five of Journal #5 "From Here To Armageddon", about this occurrence  ( . Also, chapter nine and following of Journal # 4 "Spiral to Economic Disaster" ( ) may be helpful.  Many people scoff and discount the Phoenix Journals as trash.  That is their choice, but these Journals speak Truth from Creator God, and are the foundation upon which Fourwinds stands from its inception.  We are the appointed Guardians and Keepers of these writings, and our task is to present them freely to our world today.  So be it!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: PW
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 2:52 AM
Subject: Sheldan and Truth.
Hi Patrick,

So Sheldan's First Contact messages are all bullshit, Patrick. Are his NESARA/Prosperity package messages, contained also within his weekly updates, also bullshit, and if so, why do you give airspace to Casper's Prosperity (non) deliveries reports and the (lack of) progress thereof via your website? This is simple discrimination, the reasons for which only you can answer.

Then, also, why are there millions of cloaked Starships out there by your own admittance, some of them hundreds of miles long, ready to help evacuate only those few enlightened, non-cloned, non-robotoid, souled humans who have read the now 20 year old Phoenix Journals? Can't be more than a few thousand humans who fit into that category, Patrick, so millions of Starships are merely here for the view? Surely not.

Much more likely, don't you agree, Patrick, that our Galactic Friends are here in numbers to assist the tens of millions who so choose to reach 5D Ascension whilst alive on this planet, instead of via the normal 3D death process. Humanity, whilst still predominantly fast asleep spiritually, has awakened in sufficient numbers such that the old "Evacuation" scenario, appropriate for the 1980's levels of spiritual ignorance, no longer applies. Our GFs, before or after First Contact depending on how events pan out, will help to hasten the gradual demise of the Illuminati over the next couple of years, release long suppressed technologies and medical cures, reveal the long hidden truth about humanity's existence and heritage amongst the Stars, and prepare us for 5D Ascension by the pre-advised date of December 21 2012 - plenty of time.

As this communication from me clashes with the opinions expressed in your unchanged Phoenix Journals (unchanged, despite a massive change in humanity's enlightenment from near 0% pre August 1987 to 22% today) you will not publish it on Fourwinds10. Are you not being hypocritical when you castigate Orthodox religions that still maintain every word of the Bible is God's literal truth? I have gone within and sought my own truths, as everyone must, and concluded that First Contact, next week, next month, next year, whenever, is MUCH more likely to take place rather than Evacuation. Why else would our Star Friends be here now in such huge numbers, and why else would there be so many channeled communications giving us all the same message, in broad terms? They can't ALL be CIA mind controlled puppets trying to hoodwink us.

Love and Light


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Paul Wilson
DATE:  August 15, 2008
Dear Paul Wilson:
    Thank you for your non-informative and most unenlightening letter.  You have an interesting end-time scenario, interesting but foolish or "bullshit", as you would say.
    What does time have to do with Truth?  You say the Phoenix Journals are twenty years old, so now they are out of date, but "every word of the Bible is God's literal Truth". Let's see, how old would you say is the Bible?  The New Testament?  The Old Testament (that is the first part of the Bible)?  Fifty years?  Three hundred years?  Could it be that God has not spoken a word of Truth since the Bible was written?
    You say Fourwinds is practicing "simple discrimination" by posting Casper's but not Nidle's updates, "the reasons for which only you can answer"". The name of the game is "follow the Truth!"  Because Anne and I own and operate Fourwinds, we are free to post whatever we so choose.  Thank God for that!
    So, the "old Evacuation scenario" is no longer appropriate for 2008.  I guess you have not been paying attention to the signs and signals Mother Earth has been sending to you.  I hope you like salt water, and especially third dimension!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer