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'Hello, Central!' The Article 'Indoctrination in the Public Schools' Deeply Disturbed Me For Its Disinformation! (Updated 8/5/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: SM
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 12:38 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Dear Fourwinds10,

I am a regular reader of Fourwinds10

and usually agree with what I read here.  Today I read the article, Indoctrination in the Public Schools, and I am deeply disturbed that this dis-information has made an appearance here.

I am a public high school teacher and I work daily to bring a different perspective to my students.  One of the values I hold is that of Peace Education.  A key component of Peace Education is a clear understanding of our feelings and needs.  Our feelings and needs are what we all have in common and what we must understand in order to practice empathy and compassion. See the work of Marshall Rosenberg and Non Violent Communication. He and many others such as Wilma Gold, Marilyn Shelton, and Sharon Davisson, are working with the language of feelings and needs to create non violence in our children\'s lives. This language is essential in conflict resolution, creative problem solving, and co-creative practices.

The author of the article in question denies the value of this language and generalizes such teachings to belong to old hippie types.

I would recommend to your site and others that we begin to look at some of the powerful actions that real people are taking in the world to deliver a consciousness of hope and a practice of peace rather than allowing this kind of generalization and disinformation.

We could greatly benefit and learn from what actions people are practicing to create peace NOW.

I agree that education has been used to indoctrinate but all institutions are composed of light and dark.  Let us not throw out the baby with the bath water and know that there are thousands of us in education that are working diligently to transmute the system of indoctrination to humanize and individualize learning.

Thank you for work and for hearing my point of view.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  SM
DATE:  August 4, 2008
Dear SM:
    Thank you for your letter and comments.  Indications are that you have been quite isolated in your public school teaching experience.  It is well known that the U.S. Public School System is a government-controlled indoctrination system for teaching what is desired to create the proper product and desired outcome.
    In all aspects of education from kindergarten through college graduate levels dis-information is the rule rather than the exception.  Much of the science field is lie, history is re-written or omitted, morals and values and ethics are erased from the humanities and social sciences, and the fine arts are degraded into the gutter.  My wife and I have 47 years of experience in the U.S. Public School System, and in several states, and we know whereof we speak.
    Secondly, anyone having done any research on the state of the American Public Schools would confirm what I have said.  Discipline and violence are major problems in many schools, as is over-crowding, low morale and un-trained teachers and administrators.  Basic to this is the lack of funds for books, supplies, equipment and salaries, and all the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Education garbage dumped upon the schools.
    Yes, children need to be taught peaceful means to conflict resolution and to be in touch with their feelings and learn compassion for others.  They, also, need to learn the basics, the Truth about their past, their present and the possibilities for the future, in order to not only survive in our world, but to also know the lies and have the means to confront them to create a better world.
    There are good teachers, and we honor them for trying to make a difference. 
    May you find the Truth and the Lie of public education.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: MH
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 4:06 PM
Subject: Regarding the indoctrination of public schools.
I truly appreciate your web site and information you share.
I do not know if you can post this article, actually a small book, but it is chock full of interesting information regarding things like the indoctrination of the public schools.
Please post if it resonates with you to do so.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  MH
DATE:  August 4, 2008
Dear MH:
    Thank you, Mary, for reminding us of "Blue Print of a Prison Planet".  We are posting this to our homepage tonight!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 3:17 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Thank you very much for your response to\'Indoctrination in the Public Schools' from SM.  I used to be a bus driver and I did transport students and teachers and I have seen the mess that you refer to first hand.  I also have seven grand children and I see the junk that is distributed and being called education.  The education that is being distributed these days is nothing like the education that we received back in the 40\'s and 50\'s, in fact I believe that my generation may very well have been one of the last if not the last generation to receive a real education.  Once again I thank you for setting SM on the road to the right answers, not just the NWO propaganda .  I totally agree with you because I have been stating for a long time now that public schools do not educate, they just program, regiment and indoctrinate good little sheeple to go along with the ungodly New World Order that they are attempting to cram down everyone's throat.

----- Original Message -----

From: T

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 1:41 AM

Subject: Indoctrination into public schools...

Way back when I was still in school, I knew that something was wrong. I could see the teachers were sticking to the books, and the books were fishy in what they were teaching. They didn't like me pointing out that the Indians had lived here for centuries, how could the White man have 'discovered' a land that was already populated so long? They sure didn't like me pointing out these things!!!

I had a habit of telling it like I saw it, and that disrupted class, so I was a troublemaker!!! Why was Columbus celebrated so much, when he brought diseases that killed 98% of the inhabitants of this land we still live on. White men were no better than the people that invaded Australia and took it from the people living there for centuries!!! Manifest destiny is bullshit!!!

And why did man make so many religions? Couldn't they make up their mind? What did they really want? Was that what they really needed? Why did a person have to apply to be a member of most of them? Didn't God love everyone? Why should they not associate with the people who obviously needed help, food and clothing, housing that was decent? He said love everyone, not just the ones that we approve of.

All this stuff being taught in our public schools went against the Bible, I couldn't get it. Then I was able to see how the Bible went against God!!! Major eye opener to me!!!

I stuck to the words in red.

I took my kids out of public school when I couldn't stand the lies anymore, and tried to teach them at home. I did some good, but they were too far gone into the lies already!! So they started their lives and have learned for themselves since then.

People, whether you know it or not, you are teaching your kids and everyone around you, all the time. You don't need a degree to teach, you do it all the time!! Every day. Be sure that what you are teaching is the truth. That is all you can hope to do.

And you may know the truth of all things!!!