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'Hello, Central!' Why Must Everyone Be At the Mercy of a Few Lower Plane Entities? (Updated 7/28/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JK

To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 5:52 PM
Subject: NESARA UPDATE 20 July 2008

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

Thank you for your interesting, if worrying, NESARA UPDATE with its   rather gloomy prognosis for our collective futures.

One thing puzzles me about this Dark/Light struggle that those who   have eyes to see and ears to hear have been aware of for a long time. I am sure that this question has been put to you many times and you   are probably tired of answering it. If so, please forgive me for   posing the question(s) again.

In essence, the question goes something like this:

Given everyone on this planet has freewill and given everyone on this   planet chose to come here to learn and to grow spiritually, why must   everyone be at the mercy of a few entities from a lower plane who,   using great cunning and evil, have controlled the human populations   for many thousands of years? They obviously are not growing in Truth   and in Light. Even if that were allowed, would the Creator Spirit   allow (since everything is within his/her gift to allow and deny)   those who espouse great evil to practise their dark arts even to the   very destruction of the Earth?

Why allow this when so much depends on the continuing 'health and   safety' of our precious planet? Is the sacrifice of most of the   Earth's population 'allowable' by the Creatot Spirit in order for   Earth to obtain 5D status?

What, really, does the Darkside lose if they are allowed to continue   here until the (very) 'bitter end'. Surely, all that happens to them   is they return to their assigned plane to continue to wreak mayhem   there? Where is their 'punishment' for the destruction and misery they   have caused here?

These are the questions that I have. I know you have answered some of   them before but they still niggle.

I, for my part, believe I have always confronted and challenged evil.   I have not always won but I have a clear conscience that I never   knowingly did evil to anyone. I am still fighting evil, injustice,   unfairness. Yes, I do this on a very small scale but I know that my   efforts contribute to a greater good and I will continue as long as I   am able.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  JK
DATE:  July 23, 2008
Dear JK:
    Thank you for your letter and your wise questions. 
    We are not at the mercy of these low level entities or of anyone.  We only have allowed that.  We have power over all Darkness through our God Spirit within, but few understand or exercise that power.
    Each of us made a soul contract with Creator God prior to coming into this lifestream to experience certain things to learn our lessons in soul growth.  We each, also, have a mission to fulfill in helping with the transition of Mother Earth into her fifth dimension.
    Every souled-being is under Cosmic Law, and Cosmic Law is absolute, for the entire Cosmos, all Creation, operates by it.  The Law of Karma, also known as the Law of Returns, says you will reap what you sow.  The energies you create will be returned to you in like kind but in much greater amount.  You will be held accountable for what you do and you must deal with the consequences of what you do, your karma.
    These few of the Darkside, who wreak mayhem on everyone, under Cosmic Law will also reap what they have sown.  In the Phoenix Journals Hatonn says that all souled-beings here now on Earth Shan are Returned Masters, and those, who fail to graduate into fifth dimension, have already agreed prior to coming into this lifestream to a handicap of spending a minimum of another 350,000 years in third dimension before they will again have the opportunity to graduate into 5D.
    Another thing to consider is that most of these Darkside controllers causing mayhem are actually clones.  They do what they do because someone controls them.  They may be here for our lessons until we wake up and deal with the clone controller.  Because clones have no soul, thus no God-connection, they have no etheric future.  They go "poof" and are un-created.  Rest assured that everyone receives their just dues.
    Sananda says our planet is beyond restoring by we humans, so forget that, though we do what we can to help our environment and the people, as part of our mission.  Through this we gain soul growth.  It is not Creator God Aton's fault, if the majority of our population dies a 3D physical death in the coming earth changes.  All have been given Truth and all have chosen at a soul level their next lifestream.  Also, know that more than two-thirds of our present population, according to Hatonn, are clones.  Most people do not believe that is so, but that does not change the fact.
    You claim I paint a gloomy prognosis of NESARA.  That is not true!  To tell people to get off the emotional roller coaster does not alter the NESARA Mission.  I remain hopeful for a conclusion to this mission this month.  May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: JK
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: NESARA UPDATE 20 July 2008
Dear Patrick ( if I may),

Thank you for your long reply to the questions I posed. I wasn't   really expecting a reply and I am rather honoured you have taken so   much care with your answers.

Until quite recently, I clung to the idea that all humans on this   earth were 'souled beings' which, perhaps, explains why I struggled   with the idea of evil which has no intention of seeking redemption. I   know now that I could never reconcile the notion that we all have   souls with what has happened on the earth in the last 100 years or so.

I have believed in reincarnation for most of my life and I have a   pretty good idea, at least, of who I was in my last life here. So,   Karma and karmic repercussions are very real to me. I don't want to 

tie myself to anything or anyone I find uncomfortable (or worse) by   straying from what feels right and what feels moral. That has test has   stood me in good stead both in the past and still does in the present.

Funnily enough, I am locked in a very personal struggle with the   'Dark'  at the moment which mirrors the struggle for the   implementation of NESARA. I do think, however, that as a 

representative of the 'Light' that I will prevail as will those who   fight so valiantly on behalf of NESARA. I only said you seemed to be   painting a gloomy picture because it appeared to be so out of   character (forgive my presumption) for you to hint at failure. I am   sure you truly believe Light and Right will triumph. They always do   although sometimes it takes a longer time.

You will have noticed from my spelling that I am English. I have very   good American friends to whom I am very close. I have known them for a   very long time. They are more like my family than those which whom I   share a genetic link. Thus I take an interest in the 'trials and   tribulations' of your wonderful and magical country which I have   visited many times. I long for the people of the USA (or uSA) to break   free of their bonds, both physical and spiritual.

I will continue to read with interest and pray that   those who wish to come to the Light will manage the journey   successfully and that all the forces of the Dark will be overcome and,  finally, vanquished.

Would you like to post this to show Americans that other people around  the world are 'rooting for them'?

Best wishes,



----- Original Message -----
From: M
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 5:45 PM
Subject: 350,000 yrs handicap ?
Dearest Patrick and Anne,
I know you've quoted Haton before   " that all souled-beings here now on Earth Shan are Returned Masters, and those, who fail to graduate into fifth dimension, have already agreed prior to coming into this lifestream to a handicap of spending a minimum of another 350,000 years in third dimension before they will again have the opportunity to graduate into 5D."  I don't know about anyone else BUT I really couldn't do one more lifestream in 3D.  How can be we sure we've graduated to 5th dimension?  Like I'm still smoking, as an example,  will that prohibit me to go to 5th dimension?  It scares to to death to think I might have to return to a 3rd dimension!
One reason I haven't quite smoking is because of all the depression-  the Dr's said now would NOT be a good time to quite.  It would add to much additional stress to the body.
Please give me you opinion- I've tried to live by the laws of Creation and the 18 commandents, as soon as I was aware of all of them.  I've also ask God for forgivness and forgiven myself and the person/persons I've harmed in any emotional way?  Do you think I will make it ? ? ?
Will Peace, Joy, Love and Light,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  M
DATE:  July 23, 2008
Dear M:
    Thank you for your question.  Graduation into 5D is determined by your level of frequencies, and that by the sum total of your actions of good intent and your soul lessons learned.  It is not possible for me to determine your level of frequencies or to judge your actions or lessons learned.  That is solely between you and Creator God Aton of Light.
    No one is perfect, not even Aton, until we have graduated through the infinite dimensions and have returned to Creator Source.  You can know in your heart your level of progress by asking your God Spirit within.  You can have the knowing that you will graduate to 5D when evacuation off the 3D planet occurs.  Just ask and listen to your "heart strings" vibrations.  What is your "gut feeling"?
    I believe that all sincere Lightworkers and Truthseekers now in 3D will graduate into 5D with flying colors.  Be in Peace!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: WC
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:27 PM
Subject: Clones
Dear Patrick.
How can we find out who the clone controller is???? We the people do not know who to fight.  Can we fight aclone?  It is pretty plain to see that the clone has won in the past, so who is the controller and how do we fight the controller and the clones?  Please tell us how so we can get this show on the road to recovery.
Thanks and GOD bless you and Anne.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  WC
DATE:  July 23, 2008
Dear WC:
    Thank you for your question.  Please understand that the battle we wage is not against flesh and blood so much, as it is against the principalities and powers of Darkness.  In other words our battle is more spiritual than it is physical.
    There are those in positions of authority, who are working for the Light, who know the enemy.  Our work is to support them with the power of positive energy, of hope and courage and compassion and the 100th dimension of unconditional Love, the Violet Flame of Violinio Germain.  We have the power to neutralize the Dark Forces, not with pitch forks and axe handles, but with the power of Light.
    I was recently asked why I signed my letters "In Love and Light"?  I send out the power of Creator Source, the power of Creation, the ultimate force of Love and of Light to all.  When we learn to use our power within of Love and Light and send it to the Darkside, then we shall neutralize their negative power and stop them motionless in their tracks.
    It is not with sticks and stones that we shall win this spiritual battle, but with the power of Light and Love shall we overcome the Darkness.  The world is too much with us, that is we focus too much on the physical world, but do not realize that we could win this battle over funding and NESARA very quickly by sending the positive energies of Light and Love into the Darkness.
    Support our troops, our White Knights with the Power of Creator Source, my friend, and do it now!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: SB
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:45 PM
Subject: Agree with JK
Dear Mr. Bellringer,
First,  'Thank You' for your service to the light and to us troops out here in the field. 
I must admit that I feel much the same way that JK feels.  Why must we all suffer for the few evil ones?  I have followed fourwinds for long enough that I should know the answer.  Last night I had a bit of a meltdown.  Depression.  I have suffered with it for my entire life and I am 54.  I just do not seem to be able to understand all the pain and suffering on the planet.  Why??  The clones and their handles. We are on a prison planet and so on.  Yes I know this.  It does not seem to make it any better or easier.   I find it increasingly hard to stay here.  I want to go home. And I do not mean a house on earth.  I stay only because of the possibility that I can help our Creator, our space brothers and sisters and my fellow light bears.  I actually have a descent life.  More than most.  Many would not consider my life blessed, but I do.  I have always felt blessed and lucky. 
But, I still want to go home.  I ask my higher self if I had done enough. I got a 'Yes'.  That I would be going on to 5D.  So I stay and anchor light.  I do what I can to serve and spread the word. 
One thing that I did was a lot of Violet Flame Decrees.and the forgiveness of everyone and myself.
                 I am a being of Violet fire, I am the purity God desires.
I would visualize the violet flame burning away all the negativity.  I would see the flame flowing around me in a circle and the negativity or dross being burned up and flung out to be transmuted by the flame. 
This may help some of the others.  There are also other spiritual flames that can help to increase frequency of an individual.  
 I am very grateful for your web sight and service to others and to the many who serve for a better world and the ascension of the earth and the inhabits. 
                 Victory in The Light now and Always!!!!
Thank you
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SB
DATE:  July 24, 2008
Dear SB:
    Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work.  Yes, we all want to go home.  The Lightworkers are tired and have worked over-time for 21 years, as of August 17, 2008.  We knew this lifestream would be our toughest assignment ever, but that was why we were chosen and agreed to return to help.  We were the toughest ones.  We had survived at least one of the other two Grand Experiments.
    Have we done enough?  Yes, but we have agreed to go the distance, to stay at our posts for, as long as it takes, until we are evacuated to safety at the end of our planetary cycle.  As you have so well stated, "so, I stay and anchor the Light.  I do what I can to serve and spread the word."  That, indeed, is our task.
    You are most wise to use the Violet Flame of the 100th dimension of Violinio Germain of unconditional Love to transmute the Dark energies and entities to the Light.  The Darkness cannot stand against the Light of Love.
    It is an honor to travel together the Red Road of Truth, my friend.  The journey is not long.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: "M.M." 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 9:42 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear Patrick,

Who are the Clone Controllers? How do we get rid of them? Will our star brothers and sisters put \'em six feet under when divine timing calls for it? Or will it be a group of humans that finally conspires to take out these monsters? I know this is a gravely dangerous topic, and the fact that I have rarely seen it discussed openly suggests a. that we're all still scared shitless of these Damnable Miscreants and b. if there are such plans in motion, they are being tightly guarded by the upper echelons of Heaven.

Reliable intel. - or even mere acceptance of the facts about the qualities and quantities of human clones is scant to non-existent. I have about as much an image as one can conjure from a few years of research and study via. web postings, underground books and pamphlets,etc, but as Casper is fond of saying, much of it is Above my pay grade.  My understanding is that a large percentage of the human population are clones, including most politicians. Where I begin to get confused, Patrick, is  when I reflect on what I may know about a character like Cheney, who appears to be a dark lord but also has dozens of clone operatives. Are there actual 3D "human" beings behind  these clones Who's Plans (blueprints, plots, schemes, projects, initiatives, conspiracies)are being "acted out" by clone operatives?  Is it possible that the Clone Controllers Are Beings or Beasts that we - the average (enlightened) souled human population - have never even heard of? Beasts so vile and manipulative that their identities have never Ever been revealed - even in the seemingly anonymous theatre of the world wide web? It may follow that  all our so called "Bad Guys" are nothing more than  puppets and pawns. Cheney, Bushs, Clintons, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Secret society families, the Queen, too many politicians to list, heads of clandestine agencies, bankers, lawyers (most of them)? This might explain how there is always continuity and foreword movement of their dark plans even when some brave soul is able to "take out"  a Minion every once in awhile. For example, it was widely reported and confirmed that Henry Paulson was shot dead last January yet someone (or something) is still able to give a pretty damn good impersonation of the late Secretary. Another scenario that seems less plausible is that there some sort of Dark "Hive mind" that equals the combination of all of people who wallow in its depths. However, this appears to contradict repeated confirmations and assurances that these dark minions are not "all on !

the same page" and that they are tearing themselves apart individually on a soul level.

I have many more questions than answers today Patrick, and as always I'd be honored by your thoughts or input. I suppose my intent is that others may be inspired to springboard off my wild and crazy ideas.

In Love and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:   M.M.
DATE:  July 24, 2008
Dear M.M.:
    Thank you for your letter and comments.  In the hierarchy of the Darkside on our planet Satan was the highest authority.  I say was because he has now been removed from Earth Shan, forever.  As I have stated in my writings based upon the Phoenix Journals, Lucifer/Satan was finally confined to our planet, as a jail planet by Creator God Aton of Light.
    Now, that he is gone his minions carry on his work.  Those 4D evil aliens, the evil Reptilians, large Grays, White Dragons, etc., who were the next level in authority under Satan, have also been removed from our planet in the past two years.  This leaves only the 3D present world controllers as the remaining minions of Satan to carry out his evil plans.
    The top person in this present 3D hierarchy of evil is the Black Pope, who resides in the City of London and, who controls the Jesuits world-wide.  The next in line is the White Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, who resides in the Vatican and controls the Roman Church and the Masonic Order.  There are many levels of authority from the Committee of 300 (Club of Rome), the Illuminati and Trilateral Commission to the Bilderbergs and the Council on Foreign Relations, but the point is that within these groups are the unseen and unknown clone controllers.
    They create the clones, down-load them and manipulate them to do their evil work and totally fool the general public.  It is true that these clone controllers, I call them the Titans, are in disagreement, as to their evil plans, and are now fighting among themselves concerning their evil goals.  Evil does consume itself, and that is what is now happening in our world today.
    Also, their negative energy is neutralized and they are left with no power, when we send them the energies of Love (Violet Flame) and Light (White Light of  Creator and Golden Light of Sananda).  These clone controllers are souled-human beings, who have given up their Light to the Darkness, and their Light has been nearly extinguished.
    Know that the Light is wining on Earth Shan, and focus on the Grand Reunion we shall soon have with our Star People friends.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: JMO
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:05 AM
Subject: Re: 'Hello, Central!' Why Must Everyone Be At the Mercy of a Few Lower Plane Entities? (UPdated 7/23/08)
Hello once again, Patrick and Anne!
This is yet another moment where I am grateful that you two have chosen to be the people you are. The insights and learnings that I've attained through Fourwinds and the writings of both you and Anne have been incredible, an inspiration, and priceless beyond measure. Thanks!
While reading the above post, several thoughts occurred to me about the darkside and the childish games they play. Perhaps it can provide a few people with a different way to look at the idea of free will choice.
When I was learning NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming, or the study of communication, hypnosis, and how the brain works), one of our exercises was to look around the room and notice all the items that had right angle (90 degree) corners. The entire class looked around at all those objects, and when done, we were asked to recall the items that were round. We couldn't. We looked at them, we noticed them, but we couldn't recall them.
It sounds like a trick, and yes it is. The purpose was this: we are flooded with so much information each moment (estimated from 2 billion to 200 billion bits of information each and every moment, day and night, 24/7/365) that we are completely and utterly incapable of processing that much. As such, the vast majority is deleted from our experience and is limited to about 2000 bits of information per moment. That's a lot of reality that isn't being paid attention to. The statement that our teacher made programmed our minds to pay attention to the items with square corners, and thus our minds deleted the items that were round from our experience. We looked at them, we noticed them, we even thought about them. Then we deleted those items because we were looking for items with right angles.
As we go through our daily lives, we are doing that exact process moment by moment. We take the vast majority of reality and delete it from our experience, taking what we think is relevant at that moment in time and pay attention to it. When one of my friends got pregnant, she noticed pregnant women everywhere (and I did too when I was with her). When I bought my first new car, I noticed that car everywhere. Both those pregnant women and those cars were there beforehand, but they weren't relevant and thus were deleted from my experience of reality. Perhaps you or people you know have had similar things happen.
As we go through our lives, we pay attention to the bits of reality that's important to us, and we ignore the rest. In relation to the darkside games, what is important to us? Do we pay attention to their childish games, their desperate attempts to feel good about themselves because they have more of something (or in the case of federal reserve notes, more of nothing) than somebody else? Do we focus on NESARA not being here (thereby creating the experience that it isn't), or do we live our lives as best we can in the spirit of NESARA?
In 2001, I first learned of NESARA through Fourwinds (thanks again!) If NESARA had happened as planned on 9/11/01, I know I would have missed out on a lot of education. I feel that it's easy to feel great when everything is going your way. It's hard to feel good when the darkside is interested in dominating and controlling you.
Some of the beliefs I used to have when I first learned of NESARA those 7 years ago:
If I have millions of dollars from the prosperity programs, my life will be magically better.
If the darkside is completely and utterly destroyed and annihilated, my life will be easier to live.
If NESARA is announced, we can live in an ethical and moral society.
If NESARA is announced, the insane amount of corruption within government, banks, and big business will be immediately ended.
If... If... If...
If isn't. Through many hard times, heartaches, financial meltdowns, emotional meltdowns, and other crap, I have come to realize that my experience of reality is my choice, the darkside be damned. I didn't enjoy living those experiences, though I am exceptionally grateful that I did live through them. Why? Because where I put my focus, my attention, my power, all that will determine my experience of reality.
I can choose to look at the world and look for everything that's wrong. I can look for the ways that the darkside is making my life difficult or nearly impossible. I can look for the moral and ethical corruption of the banks, big business, and government. I can look for the fetid, steaming piles of dung that the darkside calls news (more like fiction).
I can also choose to look at the world and notice all the ways that things have improved over the last 7 years. I can choose to look for the ways that the darkside has lost its power and is losing more and more of it each day. I can choose to look for the way that the banks, corporations, and government are reaping the crap they sow.
Both choices are real. What I have learned in the last 7 years is that the choice is mine. I choose to enjoy (in joy) life. I choose to look for the best that each day has to offer. I choose to feel great each day (some days are more of a challenge than others, but it's still my choice). I have learned that what occurs in my life is my own responsibility to deal with, since the events in my life occur through my own choices.
As I write this, NESARA is not here. Am I upset about that? Nope. NESARA will be fantastic when it arrives, should it happen before evacuation becomes necessary. If NESARA never occurs, I will have no regrets. Why? I choose to have no regrets.
I am happier now than at any point in this lifetime. If NESARA occurred in September 2001, I would have missed out on the opportunity to learn how I can feel good despite the desperate attempts of the darkside to make me feel like crap. Even though life is still rather challenging sometimes, I pay attention to the great moments that occur, and I ignore the rest. It's not important.
You can notice the square corners, or you can notice the round objects. Which do you pay attention to?
May all of you find joy in your life. May finding joy become a habit as ingrained within you as breathing. The choice is mine. The choice is yours. Each moment, we get to choose. :)
ps. I hope the intent of the message got through. I know what I want to communicate, and I can hope and pray the intent of the message is clear :). Have fun!
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JMO
DATE:  July 24, 2008
Dear JMO:
    Thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds, and I honor you for your great message of hope and wisdom to our readers.
    Truly, life is about choices, and we create what happens to us.  I have a saying, "Every day is a good day, but some are better than others".  The journey may have been difficult, but we have learned our lessons with no regrets, for the learning of our lessons allows us the opportunity to graduate into fifth dimension with or without having achieved the funding due us or the implementation of NESARA.
    We are spiritual beings having a physical experience here in 3D, and what happens to us in soul growth is far more important than what we may accomplish in our 3D mission.  Be in peace and joy.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: JL
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 9:39 AM
Subject: Can I send a message to M?

Hi Patrick & Anne

I have only very recently come upon your site and letters and just happy as a bug in a rug!

I was very touched by M’s question of ascension but also by the smoking. I would love to share something with him/her.

I read a long time ago in Conversations with God that if you smoke you are deliberately slowly killing yourself. That was startling since I smoke. Been in my mind ever since- I conclude for me it was true.

Now that I am currently up to speed as much as one could be with ascension I realized that part of the smoking and the death wish related was the depression! Smoking is the symptom of the depression as well as the slow escape hatch. We are tired this has been long and challenging at times.

When I read M’s email the other day it hit again the exact question I am asking myself- how truly committed am I to the 5D world if I am in fact knowingly killing myself no matter how slowly?

The true answer would be that this is one of the final things of this world that is must be shedded for me to bring a final alignment so the very question is the answer.

To quit is to believe- to have faith and to choose life!

To M I know depression I just watched my ma die of lung cancer and still smoked to damn stressed and depressed to try to live while she died. Brutal.

And now after reading what you wrote I know now is the time to align my dreams with my actions and shed this final hold this ego 3D world has let me keep on myself.

If this is a prison planet then choosing to kill oneself is really just taking over for the warden and doing the job for them.

I am going to share a link

You have helped me to move on with life to chose life! And this crazy fantastic future! Thank you M for your honesty and your anxiety and I will hope you will chose this intense energy portal of 8:8:8 to chose life with me!

I do reiki and I am studying for my level 2 in which I can send distant reiki. I will send to you M and we will see if your soul accepts.

If ascension means selflessly saving a life well then you have M.

My thoughts will be with you on 8:8:8

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am guessing my ma is thanking you too.



may you attract all you desire

