'Hello, Central!' PROJECT BLUE BEAM (Updated 7/22/08)
Patrick H. Bellringer
Hello Patrick,
I just finished reading the chilling account of Project Blue Beam. Is this scenario factual and if so how do we combat it? If this account is factual....there will be a devastating effect on the world populations! I daresay, that the majority of earth\'s population have no idea on the manipulation and control this Dark Evil Cabal is capable of. I find that to my horror....most of my friends and acquaintenances, have no interest in pursuing the truth in what the world is facing today and find it difficult to believe that our extraterrestrial brethern are looking out for us and that our future is committed to be part of the enlightened cosmos. In other words....if Project Blue Beam, somehow is able to be instigated.....we as a world community will have no recourse, but to be programed to a doomed society. As usual, I value your insights and comments.
In light and love,
Patrick and Anne,
I just finished reading PROJECT BLUE BEAM...and while knowledge is power...HOLY HECK SCOTTY!!...
So,I have a question for you: In what way does one advise others in how to differientiate between a 'projected' appariton of space ships and \'good guys\' and the REAL McCoy? ..especially if they can manipulate your brain?
Your Advice and Wisdom are both awaited and appreciated.