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'Hello, Central!' PROJECT BLUE BEAM (Updated 7/22/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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 From: PG
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 9:47 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Hello Patrick,

I just finished reading the chilling account of Project Blue Beam. Is this scenario factual and if so how do we combat it? If this account is factual....there will be a devastating effect on the world populations! I daresay, that the majority of earth\'s population have no idea on the manipulation and control this Dark Evil Cabal is capable of. I find that to my horror....most of my friends and acquaintenances, have no interest in pursuing the truth in what the world is facing today and find it difficult to believe that our extraterrestrial brethern are looking out for us and that our future is committed to be part of the enlightened cosmos. In other words....if Project Blue Beam, somehow is able to be instigated.....we as a world community will have no recourse, but to be programed to a doomed society. As usual, I value your insights and comments. 

In light and love,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  PG
DATE:  July 22, 2008
Dear PG:
    Thank you for your letter.  The plans for Project Blue Beam have been around a long while.  I believe, the first attempt to do it by the U.S. Government in cooperation with Billy Graham was in 1983.  The project failed when Hatonn had the Star People turn the 30 plus satellites a quarter of a turn off position that were in orbit around the planet.  Horrible evil-looking images were created in the clouds, and the controllers immediately shut the system down.
    The Blue Beam Project is still viable and the technology much improved.  I have again written in a recent "Hello, Central!" of how to protect yourself against any and all mind-control technology, or any other Darkside technology being used against us. ("Hello, Central!"  I Need Help Out of a Psychic Attack!" )The intent is to use Project Blue Beam to help create a one world religion, but Hatonn has assured us that this shall not be allowed.  The One World Order shall not prevail against the Light.
    Information on the Blue Beam Project can also be found in The Contact Newspaper archives of June 14 and 21 of 1994.  ( and .
    Be in peace.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----
From: C
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 1:52 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Patrick and Anne,

I just finished reading PROJECT BLUE BEAM...and while knowledge is power...HOLY HECK SCOTTY!!...

So,I have a question for you: In what way does one advise others in how to differientiate between a 'projected' appariton of space ships and \'good guys\' and the REAL McCoy?  ..especially if they can manipulate your brain?

Your Advice and Wisdom are both awaited and appreciated.



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  C
DATE:  July 22, 2008
Dear C:
    Thank you for your question.  The key to the answer is to first request protection of Creator God and the Lighted Realms against all evil technology and Dark energies.  Ask for the White Light of Creator God Aton to surround you at all times.
    Secondly, go within and ask your God Spirit and your Mighty I AM Presence to help you to better discern Truth.  If your brain is protected against such invasive technology and it is rendered harmless to you because of our faith in such a request, your physical brain is shielded from such harm.
    You will know and be able to discern any mirage or apparition from the real thing both by the visual effects and by the energy projected to you.  This is not a problem when you have learned  Truth and have enhanced your discernment ability.
    May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer