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'Hello, Central!' Have A Great Life, Patrick. You've Been Had! (updated 7/21/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JL
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 3:35 PM
Subject: Your Nesara Update......
Well Patirck,
   Your opening statement on your Nesara update just about says it all. " Why do not the White Knights act and just do it? Have they no courage? We have waited so long for change to happen, why doesnʼt God and the Forces of Light intervene in our behalf?

I have no answer to these questions. No one does. We still live in a 3D world where freewill choices and good and evil still play in the game of life.

     Our 3-D world as you put it is our reality and after all these years you finally admitt you just don't know when anything will happen. That's a real vote of confidence for the masses that used to hang on to every last word that Casper and others have been hitting us with for years. After all this time, "we just don't know", which begs the question. What in the world did you ever know other than believing in little green men and their big space ships that never seem to arrive other than in your own imagination.

   I warned you to pack up your tent and move on from this nonsens of ever getting paid a long time ago, but hope springs eternal in the mind of Patrick Bellringer and others who couldn't see the forest for the trees.

    The countries as per Mr. Story have all been paid several weeks ago which leaves the little guy once again as through history getting the shaft. Isn't it nice know Patrick, that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Maybe someday, Casper will get a clue. The only thing that can be said, is that this is a very sad ending for those who still cared to believe because the bulk of those who have been waiting for their turn, gave up a long time ago or died waiting.

   Have a great life Patrick. You've been had!




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  JL
DATE:  July 20, 2008
Dear JL:
    You have such a wild imagination that you apparently misinterpret most every thing you read.  The 160 countries spoken of by Christopher Story have not been paid, as you claim.  The have only received their allocations by electronic means, but cannot access funds until the little people in the U.S. and Canada have accessed their money.  Had you been reading with understanding, you would have known that.
    Secondly, the questions you state in your letter are not my questions.  They are your questions and from all the rest of the whiners like you, who write constantly to me, complaining about Casper, the delays, the White Knights, and God's inaction and on and on.  Had you read my update with understanding, again you would have known this.
    Oh, ye of little faith.  You have been doubting and waiting for months, just for the right time to pounce and condemn and cry, "I told you so!"  Such foolishness can only be attributed to a fool.  I never said I knew the timing of NESARA or of the funding of these programs.  Have you lost all reason?  No intelligent person would ever make such claims.
    My friend, it is most unwise to ridicule our Space Brothers and Sisters and their starships, for it is they, whom you will be begging to take you to safety very soon.  The only sad ending is that now we know your true colors.
    I have never given up on NESARA or the funding of the Farm Claims and Prosperity Programs, and I again expressed that hope at the end of my update, but your attention span may have been taxed to read that far.  Now that you have vented your sarcasm and ridicule and disbelief in Creator's plan of goodness, you can get back to learning your lessons in wisdom, patience, compassion, forgiveness, faith, and knowledge of the higher dimensions, the basics that you seemed to have missed along the way.
    My intent was to try to help people remove themselves from the funding roller coaster ride, and to become more responsible in their daily lives, but I shall not attempt to explain that further you, for I have nothing to say to "walking dead and cement people".
    Truth stands on its own merit, my friend.  May you truly find it.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: HH
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 12:30 AM
Subject: Relpy...Your NESARA Update to Bellringer....
Dear JL.

Could you go to wash your mouth before you disrespect our Space Brothers, Sisters and their Starships.

There are some people that take the radish by the leaves not understanding the main subject in the reading.

Please think twice before you talk. Foolish people like you do not know what to write.

Mr.Bellringer, Casper, Story... are working on the way you'll never understand it.

I'll pray to God to give you a little bit more faith and wisdom.

The Violet Flame cover you.


----- Original Message -----
From: PC
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 10:30 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


My first impression of the latest Hello Central from "that person" was - A disinformation person is trying (still) to disillusion believers.  They never stop and will NEVER stop until the announcement.  The rest of us ignore such tripe and feel sorry for someone so narrow minded and stupid.  He will be stuck in the 3rd dimension for a long, long time (where he belongs).  The announcement must be close because of the escallation of these attacks but it will happen at the right time.  Thanks for being there for us!  God Bless YOU.

----- Original Message -----
From: S&R
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 10:38 AM
Subject: Words of wisdom ;) (keep up the GREAT work patrick) !!
Hi Patrick,

I read the "'Hello, Central!' Have A Great Life, Patrick. You've Been Had!" update, that guy who was accusing you of being a "liar" CLEARLYhas not done any research of his own and was replying on People like You and Casper to do it FOR him. For example, my Boyfriend and I called the United States Treasury office (we reside in Canada) And

asked when the currency was going to be changed. Again, there are MANY ways you can verify the TRUTH of Nesara. Patrick, I want you to knowthat WE (my bf and I) KNEW what you were trying to say in your lastupdate, WE KNEW what you were trying to do was express to your many critics that neither you NOR Casper have all of the answers... It seems, that some people still have not learned, that NO ONE can tellYOU need to find the answers for yourself from WITHIN through diligence...and to the man who ridiculed our beloved space brothers and sisters...We've seen them, we've heard them, we've felt them, we see their ships on a nightly basis...WE see these things

BECAUSE WE ASKED and WE RECEIVED....however, we didn't receive from anyone or anything outside ourselves...AS you said Patrick...look what happened the FIRST time NESARA was SERIOUSLY attempted to be announced...9/11 these people WANT you and casper to say "oh yeah we are announcing it tomorrow) and have ALL THE FEDS who read fourwinds and galacticfriends  (yeah they are constantly reading info on fourwinds) STOP it because THEY know when its happening too? Itwill happen at the EXACT right moment for all of us...including for mother earth...

And to Patrick, Casper, and ALL the other people on the inside, the outside, and all around us who are focusing on bringing about PEACE and HARMONY to all those around you I have this to say: Do not let the naysayers and heavy vibrations bring you is THEIR responsibility to now COME UP to our level of vibration and thinking...we can't keep going down to their level in an attempt to "save"'s now time for them to "save" themselves FROM can't help the people who won't take help....and

that's their CHOICE and thats ok...Cause and Effect--Action & Reaction; the basic law of the universe will ensure all is in balance in their lives BEFORE they ascend....and if that means another lifetime in duality is in order, then it will be JUST what those spirits need and CHOSE to evolve and join US in the higher dimensions.

Light and Love to you all...

S & R


----- Original Message -----
From: G
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 7:15 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services

Dear Mr. Patrick

This is in regard to the letter written by JL "you have been had". From the tone and tenor of its contents, it does not appear to be from a Truth-seeker having written in a moment of exasperation on account of the inordinate delays that cause frustrations; rather it seems obvious that it is another attack on you from the Darkside.

Your reply always has a characteristic "punch" but in this instant case I could sense some weariness and exhaustion on your part.

Very often I had the urge to write a few words but had restrained myself from taxing you with reading one more letter.

I am from Chennai in South India and would like to express my solidarity with you and take this opportunity to let you know that everyday I draw my inspiration, expand my awareness and benefit from your "pearls of wisdom".

I pray to God Almighty to give you an extra boost of energy and fortitude to lead us in these trying times.

Keep up the good work and in moments of weariness just remember that there are many like me in various corners of the world who look up to your words for guidance and inspiration.

Love and God Bless