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'Hello, Central!' Helping a Friend

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: MB
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 7:03 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Mr Bellringer,

I would like your wisdom with something, please.  I was helping a friend. She financialy irresponcable. As a result of this I had a very negitive experence this evening. I went to the local grocery store to exchange some silver {dimes, nickles, qurarters) for paper money so I could then deposit it into my friends bank account. The main problem was that this transaction took place at 1 AM.

I realize that this is a bad time to conduct business however it should have no berring on how I was treated this evening.

I went to the store about one am to exchange some siver for paper so I could make an after hours deposit. While at the grocery store I rang the bell for customer, waited for someone to help me.

After 15 minutes the security asked me to get in the checkout line and said the checker would help me.

I obliged the security guard. Waited in the line for about 15 more minutes only for the chasheer to tell me they were not a bank and to ues the coinstar machine. Since I needed all the money for the deposit, using the coinstar was not an option. I went out side to call my friend to let her know what was going on and while trying to use her phone the security guard came out and ran me off. I attempted to get his name but he refused to give it to me.  Needless to say I walked, home very angry. When I returned home ( very upset ) and told my friend what had happened she called the store to talk to the manager only to find out there was no manger on duty at that time. This is a national grocery store chain.

In the stores defence, the store is in one of the poorer sections of town, doesn\'t have a very good selection (they say it is due to lack of storage) (excuse).  Even during the business day the quality of service isn\'t much better.

The primary reason (we),  my friend and I use this store is because it is within walking distance of us and we can not afford a car.  As a coustomer I give a subinational part of my income to this store on a regular basis.  I understand that the security guard was just doing his job, but he wore a badge but no name tag as if to hide behind the authority of the badge

We will probably refrain from using the store at such odd hours but the general attitude of the employees and the policies of the store reflect the times and do nothing except anger me. 

I realize we are in the end times and they can be quite trying, however it seems like this sort of behavor by large corperations, made up by individual people, is getting worse and worse.

Whenever possible I try not to violiate the laws of god and creation, I truly try to be mindful of them. The situtation that I just described, makes it difficult not to want to do harm to others, because that is first response that I want to do.  I do not harm others because that is not right or in my nature but the thought is still there.

I try to let these thoughts pass but I frequently find myself obsessing over that which has passed.

I would appreicate any input on how to correct my attitude and thoughts durring these situations, so I might follow the laws of god and creation better.




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  MB
DATE:  July 16, 2008
Dear MB:
    Thank you for your letter.  We are now in the time of instant karma,  that is, we have immediate consequences for our actions.  We are being given many choices and lessons to grow in enlightenment and to gain wisdom.
    It was unreasonable for you to expect the store to do your bidding.  You had not planned well, and became upset that you could not accomplish your goal without doing the reasonable thing---of using a bank.  Poor timing, poor choices lead to a poor attitude.
    It helps greatly to plan your day, and make decisions ahead of time, so that the unexpected does not happen.  Be prepared for the unexpected, as well.  It helps to put your self mentally into another person's position, and ask yourself how you would respond to a given situation, or how would Esu Immanuel Sananda response?
    Create happiness, give a smile, say thank you and turn someone's bad day around.  Always ask your self what makes you angry and why?  We are to carry the Light of Love and let it shine, not the Dark energies of resentment, fear or anger.  How can you help your irresponsible friend when you act irresponsibly?  Be happy and create a happy world around you.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer