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'Hello, Central!' I Have My Answers. What About the Rest of the People of Our World?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: MS
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 11:28 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


I came into your webpage by............coincidence or Subsconciosly ?


Ethics and Widom..........Earth Changes.........Cooling of Planet Earth..........yes in Chile, Peru, Argentina, even Australia last year 2007 had record cold temperatures...........Electro- Magnetic Fields now affect human ability to reason effectively and think clearly..........etc.

I live in Northern New Jersey and it is almost impossible to find friends to go through this very trying times so close to the End of The Mayan Calendar that could very well come to pass and for us to be on trial for our Deeds to our fellow men..........

I have my answers what about the rest of the people of our world ?



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  MS
DATE:  July 9, 2008
Dear MS:
    Welcome to Fourwinds!   Thank you for writing.
    Our task is to save ourselves and not to save the world.  Every souled-being came here with a soul contract with Creator God.  Each has lessons to learn and a mission to perform to help in the transition of our planet into 5D.
    Everyone has been given the Truth at some point in their life, and Creator God says that there is no excuse for not knowing Truth.  Most have rejected their "teachable moment" and have moved on in their treadmill journey to no where.
    This is not to say that we are to have no compassion and offer no helping hand to those in need or searching for Truth.  We are to help where we can, for Creator God always offers second and third and endless chances for people to return to the pathway of goodness.
    We are not to feel guilty for those we cannot help, or who do not respond to Truth.  Everyone is on their own journey to perfection in soul growth, and each is at a different place or stage in their lessons.  Some will graduate into 5D this lifestream, while others will not.  Many will return to another 3D lifestream on another 3D planet and pick up their lessons, where they left off here on Earth Shan.
    These are detours that people choose to take in their journey to soul perfection.  Hatonn/Aton has said that at a soul level everyone has already made their choice concerning their next lifestream.  Yet, knowing that choices and decisions can be changed even at the last moment, we continue to offer Truth and a helping hand to those, who will accept it.
    Know that the life of a Truthbringer and Lightworker is usually a lonely one, wherever you are placed in this world.  This was Creator's design, so that we would focus on our mission and not be distracted by others, who were focused on lesser goals.  Truly, we are never alone, for our unseen friends and Guardian Angels are constantly with us.  They are only a thought away.
    Do not be in fear of these "end times".  The Darkside loves to cause chaos and the feeling of hopelessness and the illusion of terror by their smoke and mirrors to throw people off their pathway.  Creator God, too, has a plan for the faithful, and at the appointed time Esu Immanuel Sananda shall evacuate "His Flock" by starship and take them home.
    Be compassionate, my sister!  Be hopeful, be helpful and be ready!  The joy that lies ahead is greater then anything you can imagine. 
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer