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'Hello, Central!' What Good Things Can I Tell My Wife, My Friends Without a Solid Base/Proof?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: WG
To: Bellringer
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: Caspers latest post
I have another burning question and so far you have always come up with satisfactory answers, so I would like to run this one by you. I am seeing in broadcasts in messages sent from benevolent ET's (through human channels) that big changes and announcements are happening 'soon' and we (who are aware of what this is all about) should prepare ourselves and our community. Here's where I get stuck. I, like many others have been reading these broadcasts for several years and I have become aware the the words 'soon' and especially 'tomorrow' don't really have a defined timeline. I'm not about to critcise the likes of Casper, because  many have already done that and there is no point. I'm sure that tomorrow will come but I'm reluctant to start telling everyone I know to strat preparing for something that has no definite timeline. For example I have been reading that the US dark cabal will topple any day now for over 3 years. So, my question is, what do I tell my friends and loved ones that will not make them lose their trust in me. The frustration of not knowing is unbelievable. I can't even encourage my wife (who is in very poor health) by telling her that something good is coming and it will help her. What would you do?
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  WG
DATE:  July 9, 2008
Dear WG:
    Thank you for your letter.
    Without hope, life is not worth living.  We may not have the specifics of how, what or when, but we know that all the signs today point to change to better times coming very soon.  That is truly a "given", because we also know that evil has run its course on our planet, and that in the end the Light wins.
    So, my point is to live your life in expectation of good things to happen in these coming days and weeks.  A person with positive energy always lifts the spirits of those with whom he comes in contact.  Your wife, of all people needs to feel your buoyant energy.
    We can not convince people by our words, but by our attitude and life-style do we give hope to the hopeless.  Be a hopeful person, able to roll with the tide of life, knowing that in the end we win because Creator God wins, always!  We live by faith, my friend.  Be in peace.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer