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'Hello, Central!' You Were A Coward To Bow To Story! (Updated 7/1/08)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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 From: GL
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 9:35 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Linlar Services


Dear Patrick-

I think your removing Whistleblower's letter about his questions regarding Christorfer Story\'s effort is cowardly and ridiculous.  After all it is Whistleblower's letter not his.  What right does he have to ask you to take someone else's letter off.  I smell a rat.  My motto is "When you are catching flack, you are on track".

I hope that you will stand your ground for what you truly stand for in the future and won\'t be bullied into such action again.  It is nor fair to Whistleblower and send a message of subservience to Story

All the best,



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  GL
DATE:  June 28, 2008
Dear GL:
    Thank you for your response. 
    It is not about right, my friend.  It is knowing when to hold and when to fold.  I do not take my orders from you or anyone else, and I do not need your approval of what is posted or not posted on Fourwinds.
    I take my orders from Creator God Aton of Light, and when I am directed to do something, I certainly try to comply.  There was no merit in contesting the request by Christopher Story to remove Whistleblower's letter from Fourwinds.
    Once you drop a drop of water into the ocean, how do you retrieve it?  The Internet is that way.  Whistleblower's letter to Story was already all over the Internet and we were not removing this information from pubic view by removing it from Fourwinds.  RumorMillNews had already done their job of spreading it far and wide.  By removing it from Fourwinds as requested we simply defused the issue.
    That, my friend, is not being "cowardly or ridiculous".  That is acting in wisdom.
    In case you missed it, Christopher Story is not the adversary.  He, Whistleblower and I are all on the same side and working for the same goal, that of presenting Truth, as best we can, to the public.  If your brother journalist is in error, you offer constructive criticism, as did whistleblower, and you reduce the tension, as I did, and you offer compassion and understanding, not bullets from an AK-47!
    You may wish to re-think your motto, "When you are catching flack, you are on track."  You may be right, but the flack could still take you out.  "He was dead right as he sped along, but he is just as dad, as if he were wrong".  Really, my friend, if you think Bellringer is one, who easily submits to bullies, you have another "think" coming.
    You may not understand this, but what we are discussing is situational ethics or responding according to the situation.  Basically, people fall into three different types of ethics, the ethic of the good, the ethic of the right, and the ethic of the fitting or situational ethics.  Let me explain.
    Let us say that you believe in never lying to anyone.  No matter the situation, you never ever lie.  This is called the ethic of the right.  The means justifies the end.  The fact that you keep the Laws of God, as you understand them, that you were right is your goal.  Therefore, it is important to you that you never lie.
    Let us assume that you are now living in Nazi Germany in 1942.  You have a neighbor, who is an activist and is working against Hitler to save his beloved country.  One day this neighbor comes to you and asks to hide in your basement, because the "storm troopers" are looking for him.  You comply, and he hides in your basement.
    Then the storm troopers come looking for him.  They come to your door and ask you if you know where he is.  Do you ponder this, knowing that, if found, your neighbor will be dragged out to the street and shot to death for all to see?  You answer, "Nope, sure don't!"  Wrong answer!  That would be telling a lie, and you never lie.
    Guess what?  You are always right by not lying, and that is more important to you then the life of your neighbor.  So, you say, "Sure do, he is hiding in my basement!"
    Let us now consider the ethic of the good.  What is important to you is your success in life, the outcome or result of all your hard work, that is, the end justifies the means.  Whatever it takes to achieve your goal of success, you will do it.  You will lie, cheat, steal and claw your way to the top, for that is justified, if you achieve your goal of success.
    Now, in the situation we just described the storm troopers come looking for your neighbor.  Will you tell them where he is?  You think about what is best for you, your goal of success.  You think about your promise to your neighbor to keep his location secret. Lying is not a problem to you, so you say, "Nope, I haven't seen him for days!"  Your house is searched, your neighbor is found and you lie again that you have no idea how this man came to be hiding in your basement.  You lie according to what is best, what is good for you.  Nothing and no one matters to you in your struggle to reach the top.  If your neighbor is killed or not killed matters not to you, as long as you are not tainted by the situation.
    In the case of situational ethics, the situation determines your response, your ethics.  In our story of Nazi Germany you would absolutely not tell the storm troopers where your neighbor was hiding, because his life and that of this family would be far more valuable and important to you than telling a lie.  If by lying, you could save your neighbor's life, your noble action would be honored in the Halls of Heaven.
    Your actions at the moment would be based upon your wise judgment of the situation.  Your choice in life is to follow the Laws of God and Creation, and to value life above all else, as does Creator God.  Therefore, when situations arise in life, there may be hard choices to make.  In situational ethics one must consider the past, the present, and the future.  Knowing what storm troopers have done in the past to protestors, and knowing what they will probably do, if they find your neighbor, you make a decision in the "now".  You act to save his life.
    The hard core Christian lives by a set of rules, the ethic of the right, for that is how one is to gain Heaven.  They may not be happy and they may harm others in the process, but as long as they keep their rules, they are right, the means justifies the end, and they will achieve their Heavenly Goal.
    The bankers, the lawyers, the politicians too often today operate under the ethic of the good, what is good for me, the end justifies the means of getting there.  To be balanced in life one must combine all three of these forms of ethics into one's lifestyle, where the means, the end and the situation are all important.  To do this requires wisdom and a constant re-assessing of one's choices and how they affect others.
    Therefore, based on the situation I chose to remove Mr. Whistleblower's response from Fourwinds, and he is not upset by my actions, and neither of us are subservient to Story in any way.  We are all working on the side of Truth, as you should be.  Compassion and wisdom are far superior to ego every time.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: H
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2008 2:42 PM
Subject: ...Paying my respects...
Hi, Patrick -

I've been reluctant to contact you because I found a text on your site in  which you assert that Rumor Mill News is a "CIA website" or words similar to that effect.

To the best of my knowledge, and I've been a part of RMN for quite a few years now, that simply is incorrect.  But it's nearly impossible to "prove a negative," and I'm sure neither of us is interested in arguing about it. :)  So I've remained silent instead.

Today, though, I'm writing both to thank you for your continued posting and making available of items, including the Casper and Christopher Story updates but many other items as well, that are potentially quite important to all of us - and also to pay my respects for your shared thinking in the "Hello, Central!" reply to "GL".

It's not every day one finds a heart-felt consideration of ethics on Internet. :)  I agree with the conclusion you reached, as depicted by that written consideration.  Truth is a spirit, one that is like water - it flows, and can perfectly fill any vessel.  But remove the spirit of Love from it, remove that warmth, and it becomes like ice - chunky, unable to flow, and unable to completely fill the vessel. :)  Truth and Love, together, are what's needed.



----- Original Message -----
From: KJ
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 1:13 AM
Subject: Coments on article calling you a coward.
Dear Patrick:

Let me begin by saying that I don't feel I have to rush to Patrick's defense because he is always thoughtful, unencumbered with ineffectual thinking and always makes his point, so that is not my motivation in responding to the above mentioned article.

Actually it reminded me of just how much our civilization has lost in the past two decades in our thinking and reasoning abilities.  I became aware of just how shallow our comentators like Bill O'Riley and Shawn Connery had become at the time of the John Kerry pollitical race for president when I suddenly found myself reach a point of utter frustration and turned off my car radio because some radio host became so debased and ugly that I simply could not stand to listen any more!   At that time I asked myself, "where is the civility and extended thinking we used to enjoy ?... What has happened to our world?"  All I have seen and heard since that time is adolescent drama pointing to endless conflict and blame coming from all corners.  I've been asking myself where all of our reflective thinkers have gone and why?  In other words, I asked a REAL question about CAUSE rather than EFFECT and why aren't we ever exposed any more to someone who would remind us that we have something better to do with our lives than to join the crowd in a downward spiral into mediocrity. Where are the leaders that remind us of our greatness instead of our lowest potential because people need a constant reminder to keep from joining the herd mentality.

I believe that we have been purposedly deprived of those thinkers and leaders for a long time and we now  find ourselves in a state of apathy, confusion and a feeling of something we can't quite put our finger on, like dimiinished capacity!  When I try to tell people about the state of affairs of our world and ask the tough questions, I get,  "well what can I do about it?"   Of course, if a person has never asked themselves a question like that, it is unthinkable to them that there could  possibly be SOMETHING they could do!  Instead we now have a society of " Do Not Distrub Me"  people who have become so self-absorbed that they are keeping themselves in a powerless position by not taking over the helm of their ship and pointing it into the storm!  In other words, no more self-reliance!

So, for the purposes of this discussion,  what is the one most responsible cause of this problem?   Our EGOS instead of our SOULS!  Now, I hastedly acknowledge that most of us don't have a clue as to how to change that.and get to higher ground within ourselves.  For some excellent help, try Guy Finley's book,  Letting Go, delinerating how to rid yourself of the "white static" of ego that would keep us dis-empowered toward ourselves. He is, in my opinion, one of the great thinkers of our time!

But to get to the reason for this article, which was the ill-conceived statement of calling a renouned spiritual soldier in a field of the largest conflict our world has ever known for some twenty years, a coward,  I was shocked!  But what it does is to provide one with an opportunity, to perhaps, help struggling mankind to come to some clarity within themselves and  realize that their reactions are caused by one's deadly enemy, their Ego!  That is the base cause of their reactions until one can take the responsibility of their own thoughts and kill that sucker  (the ego) within before it kills them!  Until then,  they are relegated  to the confusion and emptiness of any real connection of their higher potential!  "People, you have a body and a spirit that makes up your Soul that is just waiting for you to wake up, acknowledge it and kick in!  As Emerill La Gasse says,"bump it up a notch!"  and see what happens! You will realize the promise of an entirely different You, one that you can be proud of !

As a collective, we need  to get off these kid's game of blaming others for our inadequacies, come into the true light of our own beings and become part of the solution instead part of the problem. The time is right and is here for us to stop playing "follow the leader" and begin following ourselves!

So,  what do we say?  Can we do it and get back to liking and loving our fellow man amd ourselves so that we can all enjoy a "kinder and more gentle world" !  Give this thought a chance folks and let's see what happens!

Good Luck!



----- Original Message -----
From: MH
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 12:54 PM