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'Hello, Centra!' Where Is Truth?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JH
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 3:25 PM
Subject: Who comes first? Or is there only one who comes?

Good morning Anne and Patrick, This question is a serious one for some of us, that know something of the Bible.We, I beleive, are confused! The Bible says that the false christ comes first, and that he will arrive in Jesuralem, looking like Christ, claiming to be Christ, showing great signs and wonders, there will be a chicken in every pot, there will be peace, great magic,great miracles, etc. He will deceive the world and the world will follow and worship him. The fallen angels will arrive again seeking human women.All will be deceived, Except for the Elect, who will have the Lord speak thru them to rebuke him.Two witnesses will die. Only AFTER these events Occur, will the True Christ come. We are being told that the True Christ is comming, without the prior events happening. I cant find anything on this subject. Therefore it seems logical that , IF the Bible is to be believed which I cant find anything on the contrary, what we are being told now about what is about to happen, it is deception. Unless this is satans Bible twisting going on. Also, I thought to see Christ is to see the Lord. To see God we cat be in the flesh body, because he's in a different dimension. So please help! which, which, is which. Thanks J. H.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  J. H.
DATE:  June 17, 2008
Dear J.H.:
    This is the very reason Creator God Aton of Light and The Ascended Masters brought the Truth to us one last time through the Phoenix Journals, prior to the "end of the Age".  Creator God calls our Bible, "Satan's War Book".  Much of the Bible has been purposely distorted to lead people astray.
    I suggest you start reading Phoenix Journal #2 to find Truth. ( ) I have been saying this for years, but few listen.  May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer