"Hello, Central!" World Economy, Mother Shan's Cleansing, Black Pope & Lucifer
Patrick H. Bellringer
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 11:09 PM
Subject: Hello Central: World Economy, Mother Shan's Cleansing, Black Pope & Lucifer
Hello Mr. Bellringer, thank you for everything you're doing to bring forth the truth to all seekers. I would like to ask for your help to clarify some information that is becoming very confusing to some of us that are trying to keep up with the Ascension progress:
1. I recently read some information from the Universal Akashic Records saying that there will be no collapse of the world economy. If this is the case, then how will the dark be removed of its power and how will the new banking system operate if the corrupt economy system is still in place?
2. I know you get a lot of questions about this, but I read your answer regarding Matthew's message saying that there will be no evacuation and that the new technologies will be used to clean Mother Shan. My question is: is the intent of the Galactic Federation to bring new technologies with First Contact to help clean the planet of its pollutants? If so, what is the purpose of this if Mother Earth will still be allowed to do its own cleansing?
3. I read some interesting information saying that the Jesuits are actually the group behind every secret society and secret government in the world, lead by the Black Pope named Peter Hans Kolvenbach, is this true? If this is the case, why isn't he mentioned anywhere by the Galactic Federation and why is the focus on the Bush-Clinton Cabal if they are just mere peons of the Black Pope? Also, supposedly the is taking orders directly from Lucifer and my question regarding this is: Who and what exactly is Lucifer?
Again, thank you for all your hard work.